White woman gets hit by a car and dies

>white woman gets hit by a car and dies
>car driven by white man
>24/7 coverage and protest movements across the country

>13 white people (including children) hit by a van and killed
>van was driven by a Muslim
>a few hours of coverage, no protests, media in America literally trying to claim that the single white woman dying is not only more important, but it inspired the Muslim

What did (((they))) mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:



all white people must die


Ugh could bald fuck in the picture be virtue signalling any harder?

I tuned to whatever show starts at 5pm on MSNBC and they opened with Spain but by 5:02 they were back to talking about trump and charleston. If that doesn't show normies how biased they are I don't know what will

"Men" like Sessler caused ALL OF THIS.

It was fine that he was a lefty, there's millions. But he felt the need to smear his greasy San Franciscan leftist beliefs all over the video game industry. Him, and hundreds of other wannabe video game dotcom millionaires, sneaked under the fence and decided their non-games promoting diversity and tolerance were going to be the future of vidya.

Their absolute dedication to cronyism and leftism created "gamergate." And what we're living through now is gamergate 2.0. These leftist SWINE are never welcome, never wanted, but will never leave on their own.

>Punch Nazis
Dodge a car, Sessler, you piece of shit.

All white people are "Nazis" when the white guy is the perp.
Not all mudslimes, religion of peace now just forget about the attack you racists

I've been thinking the same thing. There is clearly a fucking agenda being pushed here, and it's fucking sickening. I'm actually fucking enraged and can't sleep.

This whole fucking thing is all so fucking convenient. Every fucking news outlet in America is going on about charlottesville. I'm not one for conspiracy theories, but this had to be planned.

Like seriously, what the fuck happened that was so bad? How does 1 person getting run over by a psycho justify this reaction? Muslim shitskins massacre people daily, yet their ideology is defended by the media.

FUCK IM SO ANGRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>This whole fucking thing is all so fucking convenient.
They've been waiting with bated breath for decades. In Obama's first term he sent his cabinet out to warn of "right wing terrorism" including veterans returning from iraq and afghanistan.
They have had their fingers crossed for years and years and years.

>How does 1 person getting run over by a psycho justify this reaction?
Remember how multiple assassination attempts on Trump didn't get even reported by these people? The media, including the tech companies ARE PART OF THE ALT-LEFT. Their reaction is pure opportunistic. They've been blathering on and on about Russia desperately waiting for an act of violence to pin on "the right wing" and 8 months into Trump's presidency they got a single death. Ignore the dozens attacked by BLM, the dozens attacked by a Bernout, the hundreds attacked by Antifa, a "far right terrorism" has finally struck and it has taken a life. Now begins their 24/7 drumbeat to make being "right wing" illegal.

Ideally they wanted a shooting. That way they could have pushed for gun bans along with it.

Not yet, Alt-Left

Based Sess

What did the CIA niggers do to this guy..

Haven't checked up on him since 2015.. What did I miss?

Euros welcome them into their countries, why should anyone be upset when they are killed?

To be fair, Spanish peoples lives are worth much much less.

GamerGate saved us from a Jeb Bush/Hillary Clinton election.


That's not sessler

The president failed to condemn you people like an adult. He openly embraced Nazis and drew apral.equivalence between. You people and counter protesters. That's the story that's such a big deal. But you are drawing a false equivalence between Barcelona and Charlottesville.

"People from Ireland, the UK, France, Australia, China, Pakistan, Venezuela, Algeria, Peru, Germany, the Netherlands, Greece, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Ecuador, the US, Argentina, Romania, Cuba, Austria and the Philippines are all reported to be among those hurt."

Killing Germans is OK in my book. I would donate my bitcoins so that they would kill a few dozens more.


It's turned the page on the leftist indoctrination of game players through the captive audience video games rely on. The revolt by "the kids" is possibly the most important political action taken since ww2. It's impossible to oversell the importance of stopping the leftists as they tried to complete their takeover of vidya like they destroyed hollywood and academia.

Phoneposter get out.

That's your American news but here it made national news. Arrived here in France yesterday and it was a full on coverage the whole day on the news stations here. Americans always overdo it with everything that has to do with themselves, hence the reason they believe the Muslim was inspired by Charlottesville but in the news here and in Spain they said they planned this before, wasn't even the Muslims own car.

Yes it looks like I'm in the Netherlands but I'm on my mobile carrier.

America will always give more coverage to American lives being lost than Eoropean lives being lost...this ins't a bad thing though.

What is wrong is our media covering American, German, French and British terror attacks like the population gives a fuck...


A display of (((their))) power.


MFW reddit and msm are STILL focussing on saturday

But muslims aren't intolerant aggressive supremacists or slavers. Oh wait.

america doesn't give afuck about world affairs......whodathunk it

Don't pop his bubble.

Leftists were spamming the hashtag with cat pictures to hide the bodies of the dead children.

>What did (((they))) mean by this?
Literally saw them complaining about people on Twitter reporting on and discussing the Barcelona Muslim terrorist attack, because "let the professionals do their jobs and decide what gets publicised".
Some people are criminally stupid, even more are unequipped and unprepared for mental activity.

adam sessler xplay g4 :(