IT nerds tell us your secrets. Is the site SHOAD permanently?
How to bring the DailyStormer back?
Yes, what a great day.
Anglin will probably get it back up eventually, but for now it can be accessed on tor. No matter what you think about Le evil Nazis, it's fucking insane that Google and Godaddy pulled this stunt
t. Paid Shill
it's up on tor (stormfaggots can leave the board now), as for regular hosting, just do an .se or .org or something similar
you take everything to distributed services like zeronet.
Its not quite like a darknet, because it does not obsess about privacy so much, making it much faster.
Basically every node (computer) hosts a copy of the sites they want, with the original site creator still having the power to update them all, thanks to cryptography.
Its free and open source, so not backdoors or honeypots.
cloudflare was protecting lulzsec for awhile when they pissed everyone off. they had to move them to their own private node in a DC to isolate from all the DDOS.
Haha do you think the daily stormer is where 'stormfaggots' comes from?
How new are you?
what their problem?
I'm richer than their whole organisation.
That's interesting, is there any good content? how do you find anything?
Tor has been unsafe for years. All the leet kids know this.
Because government can't, the establishment is using private corporations to enforce the removal of free speech
This is how your nations die
you have a more or less central directory where everything is listed, sorted by the number of peers that host it (basically the popularity) also there are quite a few search engines.
Pic related, this is my starting page, on the top left are the sites I own, below are the sites I host. Right now you have email, twitter-like (but better) stuff, blogs, movies, chan (very primitive)...
Installing and running it is super easy, even on windows its not more than 2 clicks
>on linux
>not using gnu icecat
>the left has forced us to share a space with the most dangerous elements of society
this is likely to end well for them
Are you sure you can say that bongbro? I mean don't get arrested there. lol jk
But still, I'm out of the loop with DailyStormer - not that I read that, but I follow anything that is govenrment related.
Can someone explain what Daily Stormer's problem is? Why can't they go to another company to host their site? It is because they'll get DDoS'd? Aren't there other companies like CloudFlare?
I hope so, and i hope Sup Forums is next.
Interesting, it looks like a good idea, I may have even heard of it, but it isn't very popular.
Cloudflare shut them down too
Face it, you fucking degenerates have nowhere left to go but an anime board
well its only 2 years old but still looks very polished already. Keep in mind that in 1993 (2 years after www was invented) you did not have too many websites either. It will take some time
Stormfront and the Daily Stormer share the same ideology. Neither will make a single exception for anybody who has even a drop of non-white blood. All but the racially "pure" must be forcibly expelled. They are both racialist ideologues. Which is not the same thing as being against mass immigration, wanting the native people in your country to remain a clean majority, and recognizing Jewish influence and power.
and looking how the things are going with commies having grip on the big part of the net, it may as well kick in just right.
just dont forget to repost the links and try to get more people to join. I already look a bit like a shill since I usually post the same links and posts in every thread about websites being taken down or people getting banned from twitter or gab
They are to people who think like the latter half of what you said, what Antifa are to the Berniebros.
Why don't they put it on zeronet, it will be probably uncensorable there.
I have heard of shovl dot io as a CloudFlare alternative, and some neo-reactionist techies probably have started up registrars and Web hosts catering to the far right.
As far as a proper domain goes, the history of The Pirate Bay suggests a .org would last longer.
isn't it already on Tor?
the faggots running it may not like le ebil nazis but it's not like they can do something about it
Good idea, there are anti-google threads, we can use them to let people know about this network
It's all about letting everyone know that although the network they develop the software for allows Nazis to get their message out, the Tor Project itself doesn't sympathize with them.
I think Sup Forums likes to use "virtue signaling" to describe that.
it is stormfag
id ignore it they are trying to get the sjws off their backs. they are some loud motherfuckers
>not being racialist
What are you, stupid or something?
>when you fall for bait that isn't even meant to hook someone
>IT nerds tell us your secrets. Is the site SHOAD permanently?
Come on, mods wtf?!
Fuck stormfront. Fuck reddit. Fuck any site that isn't Sup Forums. Sup Forums is love. Sup Forums is life.
The torment will last on Nazis as long as they remain idle and passive. There is no way to defend this ideology other than taking up arms.
>Haha do you think the daily stormer is where 'stormfaggots' comes from?
Third for 'yes'.
Stormfriends plz go and stay go. You've had your turn with the Internet Hate Machine and its not funny anymore. Civil war is not a joke.
I remember when advertising for any other site outside of glorious Sup Forums was a bannable offense. BRING BACK SNACKS!
I suppose you think that Enoch Powell was stupid?
"It depends on how you define the word "racialist." If you mean being conscious of the differences between men and nations, and from that, races, then we are all racialists. However, if you mean a man who despises a human being because he belongs to another race, or a man who believes that one race is inherently superior to another, then the answer is emphatically "No.""
What about Sir Oswald Mosley, who affirmed that he would have a black or Jewish man in his cabinet if he was "first-rate"?
go back to eu4
>thinks we haven't been under siege from stormfront, TDS, and r/t_D for years now
How does it feel to be this new? Do you even fortune, bro?
Fuck off, daily stormer was the far right onion, I'm glad it's gone all satirical news orgs need to disappear. It was good for a laugh but they really went to far.
i remember when 7 was the only real alternative to cuckchan gas yourself and bring back the stormer
hahah they are scared of ANGLIN more than Julien Assange
He might have to hide in the Nigerian embassy
Ding ding ding.
This is the government subverting the constitution which has already died.
Ohh and according to 2 Supreme Court justices you have no rights...
which is why we told Antifa and Femnazis to fuck off to 9g4g and Tumblah where they belong.
Sup Forums is a website of peace!
>Russian domain gone
I was waiting for this to happen. Russia is even less tolerant of white nationalism than the west.
Why can't they stay here. Gook moot should make the /storm/ board already.
The domain is fine, it was Cloudflare that nuked them
Anglin wrote an article about it
He's shitposting here:
>i remember when 7 was the only real alternative to cuckchan gas yourself and
Sure if you like getting popped for child pornography stored in image meta data.
If you hate sharing cuckchan so much why don't you just, y'know, leave?
>Why can't they stay here. Gook moot should make the /fem/ board already.
They can't stay here because they are the very definition of a 'shill'. At the base of all their """posts""" is an agenda.
I thought anglos hate for Jews is based in how manipulative they can be with their ((((agendas))))? What's good for the goose is good for the gander, m8
>This is outrageous. And absolute proof that these companies that control critica infastructure must be regulated by the government.
>argue in favor of the ideology you agree with
>w-wow you fucken shill!
Kys dumb reddit spacing nigger. Go back.
Zeronet is uncensorable (unlike Tor)
Make a Sup Forums mirror there
Yeah, because it is so much better now when they are driven by greed.
I think a Sup Forums archive might be more practical at first. A mirror would only take the client-side code, not the server side one.
But there is already a primitive chan engine there, if thats what you mean
Lmao I thought libertarians were a meme
Dailystormer is COINTELPRO
Englin is a jew
Weev is a jew
Spencer is a jew
Go back to your discord leftypol, you're drunk
If Sup Forums or DailyStormer don't move to Zeronet then
We could also make our own Alt-Right Chans/Forums/Blogs/Sites there.
However the Kikes could still try to shut it down tho.
But Since Tor network is openly against Alt-Right (& pro child porn), Zeronet could be a better option.
Funny how they didn't say anything about all the human traffickers, drug dealers, child pornographers and terrorists using their network, it wasn't until someone who'd committed the grave sin of making jokes about a stupid fat Antifa bitch used their network that they felt compelled to speak our
Statist cuck. Go lick the shit off you oppressors boots like a good little doggie. If you do a rolly polly you might even get a treat.
Who the fuck controls TOR?
2. Yes we could
3. They cannot shut it down unless they shut down every single peer that hosts the content (flat out impossible)
4. The people are against it, but the technology is not, they admitted it themselves that they cant do anything against it. Besides as my screenshot shows, you can use Zeronet and Tor together just fine.
pic related
Right wing Silicon Valley centered in KC when?
texas has some good sized facilities, and their own powergrid
Nazi website got 6 million views
The irony
>the first amendment only applies to the GUBMNT
I am seriously just about ready to kill people that repeat this bullshit. Free speech is an idea so important we didn't want it removed by government, ever. That doesn't mean we should tolerate private organizations censoring things.
im sure its mostly bot trafic
wtf, are you maybe responding to the wrong guy?
I never mentioned anything like that, and being from europe I never would. The freedom of speech applies to everyone
>Makes fun of jews
>Writes mean things about Islam and communists
>Doesnt rape kids or kill anyone
>are you responding to the wrong guy
Reflect, user. Get a picture of it in your mind.
I think Stormer is so cringey and gay, but taking it down crossed the line.
literally nothing in my post had anything to do with freedom of speech or the american constitution.
Maybe lay off the booze
It sure would be embarrassing for you if you posted a picture with text it in related to what I said, wouldn't it?
Go away Soros!
This. Nazis are a fringe minority. Only fucking losers that don't raise their daughters to suck nigger dick for Mr Goldstein agree with what Hitler said.
just explain already, im not getting it.
"I clicked on the wrong post" works fine too as an explanation
They can still host their own server and buy a domain name from someone else.
pretty much this.
neo-nazis are retarded faggots worse than autistic marxists.
at least the marxists are fighting for ideology whereas neo-nazis generally are comprised of untermensch fatasses who claim to have "superior" genetics.
But taking it down because the media is making some minor traffic accident a supposed call to arms for white nationalists?
fucking preposterous.
You are the image of hilarity user. It's making my day so picturesque.
I hope you're just referring to larping white supremacists and not actual followers of Hitlerism (the 1 true ideology)
Jew screeching
show flag gay ass larper
eh stuff it t_d
theyre racial ideologues but theyre fucking funny and they make liberals ree, that letter with the stupid polish coal burner was hilarious
>Neither will make a single exception for anybody who has even a drop of non-white blood.
Anglin lives in Nigeria and weev is a Jew.
actual followers of NatSoc never larp or sieg heil or display the nazi flag because they know how damaging those symbols are to the cause.
It's the edgelords who think they're "sticking it to the kikes" who do it and then make everyone look like fucking retards by association. Shit I'd say all the nazi flags were fed plants at the rally except I literally know guys who are dumb enough to do that unironically.
Hitler was right on a lot of things.
wrong on a lot of things too, but also right.
Fair enough. Wasn't there only 1 nazi flag there though? Either an edgy faggot or a plant.
better version
Do you really believe that's what happens in reality? You deny the IQ differences, culture differences, you destroy social cohesion in your country and for what? Why is it necessary to have a blackman do the same work a white man can? One based blackman for every twenty niggers.
if there was one flag only that's so fucking suspicious I'd bet money on it being a plant then
Really? Drop some Bitcoin on me.
They're using his picture for every big news outlet from john oliver to colbert
They put the image of that one retard as the thumbnail and scream "NAZIS" meanwhile it was the only flag on the rally
I sent you 20 bitcoins
Next time if I see a guy with a nazi flag I'll break his face
Notice what Powell says, that you do not have to believe in the inherent inferiority of one race to another (every man having freedom of will and an immortal soul) to be conscious of the difference between men and nations. Hence it would be foolish to take in a large population of a country with people of low intelligence, or pernicious beliefs, but it is equally foolish to persecute people simply because of who they are. I would draw your attention (for example) to Alexandre Dumas, the author of the Count of Monte Cristo and the son of a mulatto, and to the great philosopher Benedict Spinoza and the great musician Felix Mendelssohn, both of them Jews. According to the racial absolutist doctrine, all of these men were "subhuman" and ought to have been expelled from Europe simply because of what they were. There has always been a small non-white presence in Europe and it never did us any harm. The harm comes when you transplant large population groups from one place to another, and so displace the indigenous population from a majority status.
By the irony of events, G. K. Chesterton was correct when he called the Nazi doctrine of race a Jewish idea. "Hitlerism," he wrote, "is entirely of Jewish origin. The only place that the Hitlerites could have gained the idea of a Chosen Race was from the Jews."
>for secure the existence of our people and a future for white children
it'll be back when the profit to be had outweighs the PR virtue points they can get
remember that businesses don't have morals so any moral stand is posturing. a bigot's dollar is as good as any other.
>stormfaggots can leave the board now
Make me faggot