So.. Who here is realising what a bad idea he was?
So.. Who here is realising what a bad idea he was?
I think your mom agrees it was a bad idea.
I'm not sure though. It's difficult to understand her with my cock in her mouth.
bad idea?
This guy is the biggest gift we have, and I say that as an european.
It's ridiculous how shortsighted people can be. Even anarchists should be embrancing him honestly, he is the first in generation to break away from the status quo
This, but refugees are still your problem.
He was a better choice than Hillary, and now both parties are seeing who can commit suicide the fastest. I'm sure that while some people who voted for him regret it, the democrats haven't presented an actual alternative.
Following the mainstream media again?
I guarantee you in 3.5 years he will be elected again. The shit everyone is screaming about today will be forgotten in a month.
He's on the right side of history. Everything he does is incredibly smart and always has been. Why doesn't he simply do the shit that everyone wants him to do to make them happy? Because he's got a plan.
Why do you think liberals were in tears and stressed out leading up to and after the election. Trump is terrifying as fuck. God knows what he has planned for our country
I definitely regret voting for this man. As a proud American I just cannot endorse this man any longer. I admit I fell for the memes.
Watch out for /r/the d defense force to show up OP for attacking the orange faggot in chief.
>, the democrats haven't presented an actual alternative.
The alternative is they aren't insane and won't cause the end of all life on earth like Trump.
I worry for Trump.
During the campaign he said all sorts of things, often even contradictory things. It was clear it was his main tactic. He'd be testing to see what sticks, what gets attention, but at the same time be confusing a lot of people, but that's okay, because it's still enough to get him where he wants to be. And it worked.
I saw him playing this game and thought "well at least once he's in the White House he'll settle down into his presidential role", less games, more straight forward and sensible, you know, more thought out, not as scatter-shot with his statements, actually fucking listening to his advisors. But as it turns out, he kept doing it. It's like the campaign trail was more fun to him, it gave him a better ego boost, which is why he's doing things like continued campaign rallies, and that White House TV thing. He's undoubtedly an ego-maniac and that's not really good for someone who needs to be a productive leader, because everything's about him rather than the work he's doing.
And I think worst of all, is that he was playing this game the whole time and he felt the press and the people would eventually wise up to how the game he's playing works, like he thinks the rules of this game absolve him from accountability with the statements he makes, how he handles himself. I'm not sure whether the press are aware of the game or if they're too ideological to see it and instead just think he's absolutely retarded, but either way there's no hope of them playing along. It was all too clear in the Charlottesville press conference. He thinks that the inauguration was some sort of turning point "that's it, I'm the President now, the most powerful man in the world, so you have to figure out how I do things and run with it" and they simply won't. It's never going to happen. They hate him too much to even give him an inch. And the more it goes on, the more I think "rightly so".
The world will never be the same, OP
we got what we wanted
Why are shill always retarded 24/7? Literally nothing they say or do have any basis on facts.
Take fro example of these 2 retards
Literally nothing is based on facts and instead rely on "muh feel" to make their arguments. We have seen this shit since the election and instead of changing their tones and strategy, they double down on their retardedness. It's like they desperately want to show online autist how retarded they are. MashaAllah, is this what the so called left has reduced to?
Trump stock is soaring need virgin.
Yeah, that's right, everyone who disagrees with you is a shill.
Trump getting elected was a great thing, it shook the political system and the overly comfortable democrats to their core, not to mention all the social justice people.
On the other hand, four years of Trump in the White House is a terrifying, unpredictable thing. I honestly don't see him making it to the end, he's going to put his foot wrong at some point, and potentially make some sort of catastrophic mistake.
fuck off back to plebbit you fucking nigger
>Who here is realising what a bad idea he was?
Those who are not mentally retarded and have heard him speak for more than five seconds. Your pic related.
Fpbp. Trump will rape your mouth.
As a proud Cucknadian*
you know thats a DNC term right?
trump is the best president during my lifetime. not a single person on this earth can handle the lefty nonsense that has besieged our country and trump is an admiral for giving it his best. fuck all you haters. trump will prevail.
They said that all throughout the campaign. How does someone who voted from Trump going to flip?
>He didn't build a wall and completely stop illegal immigration, guess I'll vote for open borders
>The republicans didn't repeal obamacare, guess it's time for single-payer
>He didn't condemn Nazis hard enough, guess it's time to burn all of American history and pledge allegiance to Antifa
We're officially in two different worlds. Everyone's dug into one of them.
He needs to act more professional and listen to his advisers. And stop ruining his own message and actually get things done.