When will Russia reclaim its rightful clay?
When will Russia reclaim its rightful clay?
After the race war
You had your chance with it multiple times
I mean it shouldn't be too hard anyway since everyone besides poland are meme tier
You all can bet your sorry fucking asses that at the VERY FUCKING FIRST MOMENT where fucking Putler decides to stomp into Latvian territory, I'll have my crippled ass literally dragged to the nearest recruitment office, if need be and make sure those soviet cucks don't even get a FUCKING INCH of Latvian soil without having to kill a hundred Latvians for it!
Here come the fucking balts again, you're just NATOs buffer bitches. You'll get bent over day one
Finland and the Baltics are cute countries, and they must be protected from the eternal Ivan
They can take Belarus and most of Ukraine
>able to defend himself
Top fucking kek. You people are pathetic weaklings, you'd be shitting your pants hourly if you didn't have all of NATO stationed in your country.
I'm sorry, you soviet-cock sucking whore, but do you see NATO forces deporting the natives? Do you see the NATO rigging elections? Do you see the NATO actively erasing the local culture and language and sending anyone who disagrees to internment camps???
Winter war was a literal meme. In a way it won us WW2 by revealing how bad our army was
Implying latvia had a local culture anytime in the last millenium.
>Get fucked by poles
>Get fucked by germans
>Get fucked by ruskies
Rinse and repeat
Problem with Russia is that when they take a land they act like asshole conquerors and not incorporate it as a region in their empire, they FEED on it like parasites.
Till they learn not to act like a bunch of predators and work together they'll be forever hated.
You fucking, soviet-dick sucking, cockroach, Latvians are a very reserved people, unless we're backed into a corner
Why do you think both the Waffen SS and the soviet army wanted the Latvian Riflemen in their ranks?
>implying it was any better for the rest of the war
That tank got wrecked.
Russia could do this by increasing the Russian population of these areas because all of these places have a negative population growth rate. No military intervention necessary.
But Russia is a fucking shithole that throws nationalists into jail while importing central asian mudslimes.
>full of AIDS
>Heroine/Krokodil junkies
>20% muslim
>ruled by (((oligarchs)))
>etc etc
More than half of Poland is german clay.
Better check out your window that the police isn't going to arrest you for saying that online Hans Al-Hamburgi
If they can't even beat us retards how can you expect Russia to reclaim anything?
shut up and go kill yourself you fucking commie
god I wish I knew were you lived so I could come over there and throw a grenade through your window
Hopefully soon my Ruskii friend. If I had to choose one peoples to eviscerate from the european continent that would have to be the Poles. Not only are they borderline retarded, they are also the ultimate trojan horse for the jews and western influence into slavorum.
Luckily the new censorship and denunciation law omly applies to organizations based in Germany.
Other than east Prussia you have a much weaker claim to the land than Poland kys.
Dont forget part of pooland is German clay.
Hey cocksucker
if you want we can meet up at the german border and settle this like men
unless youre a fucking little shit talking pussy kikeand too arfaid to take me on?
how about it macho man? are you tuff in real life like you are on here?
give me your number and lets arrange a duel to the death
I'm 100% serious about this
I'll give you the chance of a lifetime to kill a REAL LIVE POLAK
can't tell if this is bantz or if they have a dedicated guy making these psyop shill/slide threads all day
Kievan Rus=Ukraine
Poland should grow some balls and demand their rightful clay back from Russia. Pussies.
More than half of Germanistan is celtic clay
really makes you thin? hmmm
Wrong. Gorbachev wanted to give Preußen and Schlesien back to Germany but Germany declined. There aren't any Germans left there anyways and honestly I prefer Poles living there instead of flooding it with shitskins and niggers like Goymany senpai.
(((Jews))) declined. If the people had been asked the answer would have been a clear yes. But the people never get asked in this puppet state.
you are fucking retarded If you think that Poland was a part of soviet union and roosian politican could give biggest polish region silesia with 99% poles to germany after 45 years german loser
When will Mongolia reclaim its rightful clay?
Putin has been at stealing his neighbors land for years. First Georgia, then Ukraine, and now he's going to take part of Belarus.
His boy Trump has to start a civil war in the US to weaken NATO before he can take the Baltics though
Realistically: never
This makes me wish Germany wasn't allowed to exist after WWII. It should have been partitioned by the Danes, Dutch, Belgians, Czechs, Austrians, Luxembourgers, Poles and French.
Kohl declined and it was the right choice.
all theyre good for is making their bullshit shill threads
absolutely NOTHING here is worth taking to heart
Its a complete waste of time
man fuck this disgusting kike ridden shithole
>When will Russia reclaim its rightful clay?
When im dead.
when will europe reclaim its rightful clay.
Why bother. When Europe is enriched enough, they will beg us to save them.
i have aids thanks to this map
Russia should split up even more desu.