Aus Sup Forums: Bounding Over Friday Night Edition


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>Auspol: Civil war when edition


Like I said in the last thread, never. Also stop using the flag of the communist party of Australia, defaced with a swastika and snow nigger runes.

third for unemployment


fuck off commie stealing my post and my money

Opinion discarded, free neckstabs for socialist cunts

I'll be unemployed in less than two weeks. At least I'm getting a decent payout. I'm worried I'll have to chase my employer to get it all though.

>He wasn't part of Cronulla riots 1.0


get on your knees and beg cunt

You know the eureka rebellion was a socialist rebellion?

welcome to the neverending ride to hell

should I get an Asian Australian gf? have you ever had one?

>Lets kick out gooks and end taxes
You fucking nigger

Beg who? My employer? I'll be demanding that, not begging. I just don't want it to be stretched out. Hoping it'll be a nice clean, one off lump sum payment.

The tax is fucking insane though.

My job position is hanging by the ropes only 6 weeks after I started all because of classification of the role and the fact that I wouldn't be qualified if they change the title, even though I'm currently doing the job

Shit's fucked up

Employment prospects in this country are so depressing.

G'day fellas,
How do I cope with my other half being out drinking and being degenerate with their degenerate friends on a Friday, while I sit home lonely shitposting?

>our government taxes people who have just lost their jobs

>Literally nothing to do with gooks
>Was actually about miners getting cucked by capitalist imperial overlords with taxes, fees and other shenanigans.
>Also resulted in full suffrage for white men

You're not even trying, but perhaps now you know why Communists and Unions fly the Eureka flag.

what's with the runes?

I would get $2 less an hour and would need at least a cert 4 to continue the job, even though now I don't have a cert in anything and can do the job just fine.

i've fcked one, she was tight

The Eureka Rebellion was a failure. Lambing Flat Rebellion was explicitly a racial (anti ching-chong) and was successful (chongers got removed).

>What are the gook miners they kicked back to gookland
>Ending taxes is socialism now

You are fucking retarded

I cant remember, apparently they mean something

48% for bonuses and 32.5% for accrued leave

it sort of was class war, does it make you wet just thinking about it?

Why did Pauline dress in a burka lads?

Who is your favourite Australian - living or dead?

That's fucked, what role?

Daily reminder

she's a muslim ofc

Jesus, that is insane

>He thinks taxes is socialism


Also it had nothing to do with gooks, that was a separate event called the Lambing Flat Rebellion.

epic trol

Tech role in government

meme tier question, pic related

>done by right wing death squads from Eureka

free neckstabs for socialists like you

they didnt kick anyone out, they just stopped more coming in.
>hurt my head when i found that out
WAP was fundamentally flawed

Ned was a communist too.

or banjo

Depends. I've dated two and both their family were the reason I broke up with them because they fucking hated me because I was white. Got called gwey jay, or translated as ghost boy. Literally considered a non-human child (ghost boy). If you can handle their racist friends and family for however long, go nuts.

>Ending taxes is communism now

in your magical communist datura spasm, where does the magical money come from to fund, you know, communism?

>h-he stole from the r-rich and g-gave to the p-poor
>t-thats communism user

No, he stole from the taxman, and gave the money back to who it was stolen from, which is about as fucking far from socialism as you can get

whaa someone was racis
you'd think polaks would have thicker skin by now

Gooks really are weird.

Lost my virginity to an Asian Australian. Never dated one. I guess it depends how much you want white children.

I think Asians generally make better partners than White Australian women but you won't have white kids.

I'd like to meet a nice Eastern European girl if possible.

You don't know what socialism or communism is, just stop embarrassing yourself.

Gooks still refused to join the stockade.

Someday you'll wake up red.

And if you don't maybe one day you'll wake up to see your last glimpse of light as the bag goes over your head.

>now the site of mcdonalds

fuck off you false flagging cunt
>gwey jey
not a word or a meme, stop making shit up

wanna listen to some commie music?

No, you dont

Neither do communists to judge by the last century of attempts.

Every time I see a white guy with some Asian he always looks like a pussy cunt.
Never seen a blokey bloke with an asian.
Makes you think.


Bad news, user - They hate you. Your job is being reclassified to get rid of you. Its a standard dirty trick played by employers to get around unfair dismissal claims.

>see your last glimpse of light as the bag goes over your head.

I chuckled.

鬼仔; Cantonese Yale: gwáijái; literally: "ghost boy"


Surely had nothing to do with unions.

Was a group of small businessmen protesting taxes. Unions using the flag is just normal leftist historical illiteracy.

So, how do you all think a civil war in this country would play out?

>we've got some work to do
fuck yeah, best track on the album

Yeah, it's a valid point. It seems like a fall-back option for low value men. I like Asian women but based on some of the couples I've seen they aren't particularly choosey and it seems like many are just happy to be with a white person.

>gwey jey
no, that's not even how that would sound like
i bet you did a quick google search on some american chinese slangs
larper pls

But I've only been there 6 weeks. I'm still basically in training and this happens.


The next financial crisis could be an interesting turning point, I don't think it would be a civil war though, more of a revolution if you know what I mean.

There's not enough animosity between groups or regions for it to actually happen. It's hard to be too divided when both major political parties are exactly the fucking same. Melbourne lefties are a minority and not enough to actually constitute a side of an army. We really seem like a whole bunch of people just lost in a sea of apathy and not sure of who we need to hate or what we need to do.

A lost nation.

>minimal guns in cities
>cricket bat quickest and easiest to access

hilariously Australian victory

itd get too hot and everyone would say fuck it

Who here been to court?

if you live in Australia, you live in a mild communist state, as much as you may want a more extreme version of your retardation in political power, theres hardly a reason to kill people so you can be poorer that way

You're obviously an autistic kid with a wealthy family, just move to venezuela

kek, well if its that fucked, how do we make it so that our side wins?

I reckon this is what always happens when shit hits the fan here.

>it's too fucken hot, lets head to the pub.

Im a good boy

btw, i've got lots of chinese friends and even did some chinese as a subject
it was hard as fuck

The only way there could possibly be a civil war in this country is if WA gets tired of being shat on and tries to form its own country.

Who here got their handgun license? Is it a pain in the ass to maintain or worth it? Considering getting it and a PX4 but not interested if it's a huge pain in the ass to maintain. Don't really like the idea of having to attend conventions to keep it.

Ridiculous that self defense isn't considered a valid reason to own a gun in this country.

what the fuck is the DOOMAAA they keep saying

>Mildy communist state

Australia is one of the most capitalist nations on earth, again you're going to have to read up on what socialism and communism is friendo.

Googled it after the fact actually. You mad i pumped and dumped your sister?

Handgun license is extremely hard to obtain, Cat A and Cat B is kinda hard. Basically the government doesn't want you to have weapons of any kind.

>I have autism please be understanding

lol wat? idk

shush you
>tfw i wish i had a sister that i could fuck with someone
sad life

What do you want to know?

effectively "jesus christ"

where does a co-op setup land?
i like the idea of worker owned manufacturing
>every worker in the company has an equal share in the company
is that a communist ideal?

>>I have autism please be understanding

Oh I'm terribly sorry, Autism is a curse.

Why is it hard? It seems like it has some tedious requirements but not exactly difficult. Just more that it's irritating enough for most people to not bother.

also, is gov owned basic services (water, gas, elec, telecommunications) a communist notion?
>i'm not shitposting or trying to catch you out btw

Dont apologize for being autistic, you cant help it, just try not to say things that stupid in the future, k

In a simple case before a magistrate court do I have the chance to address the magistrate direct?

Totally fine.

scared I'll have to go to court, I didn't pay a fine on time and it was a final demand notice for a fair evade months ago

Are you pleading guilty or not guilty?

>also, is gov owned basic services (water, gas, elec, telecommunications) a communist notion?

No, nationalization of services and other things is not socialism.

>So I hear you're a dual citizen? How about you apologise to me mate for stealing my country, then pick up your passports and piss off back to Dualland?

Hand guns are easily concealed and stuff, the government doesn't want anyone owning such things.

Socialism is what I say it is

this is pol right, you guys arent actually buying this snake oil right?

Not guilty.

>tfw I forget my meme arrows
