Other urls found in this thread:
>only likes neo-ashkeNazi's
Great. Strong speech
>Neo Confederates
All that time in Burgerstan + copious amounts of steroids destroyed his mind
Which is sad, because he used to be a great dude
Good think that fascism =/= nazism
you are a tumour Sup Forums a cancerous tumour that needs to get zapped the fuck out of existance
good speech
fuck him tho
Growing up at the height of anti-German propaganda has warped this young Austrian into a cuck.
Yes he has muscles, but his brain is defunct.
Holy shit... Arnie looks like crap what did the kikes do to him?
His dad would be disappointed.
You retards are actually going to unite the white working class and the white middle class.
Good times are coming.
Thoughts? The alt left is trying to make it acceptable to punch a Nazi by their own definition. Now it actually is. All they have to claim now is 'they were a Nazi' and they get a free ride from everybody. Countdown to the first 'Nazi' death at their hands.
>All that time on Sup Forums + copious amount of memes destroyed their minds
I know. It's sad. You guys used to be great.
>To crush your enemies.
>See them driven before you.
>And to hear the lamentations of their women.
>100 dead in peaceful shooting
>20 dead in peaceful bombing
>80 dead in peaceful trucking
>2 dead in peaceful beheading
>1 dead in challenged dodging
you're about to get raked the fuck out of existence
(((roids))) user.
Can't wait for JCVD to condemn Antifa.
Hey Arnie, the rent's due. Since I'm of equal value to you, why don't you pay it?
Arnold is bluepilled to the core on the background of these groups. Funny how he thinks he supports free speech yet through ignorance and omission is encouraging the greatest threat to American values in the world: (((communism))).
Why doesnt he denounce BLM, alt-left, and communist for their involvement in death and violence? Commies killed over 50 million people and lost the Cold War
Arnold Schwarzenegger gay porn etc.
>it's a nigger kike serb whore again
back for some shekels, cunt?
I can't believe Arnie turned into such a massive fucking faggot.
the alt-right hates nazis, this just shows how little he knows
the nazis killed more white people than any other group in human history
any nazi symbols just make us look bad to normies, and anyone with a brain can see this
Dude has a bastard beanner child, of course he is now a lefty, well a bigger lefty.
Yeah, this is the thing the left never has understood. They just keep pushing to put more and more groups together. Fact is up till recently Pro Confederates hatted the Nazis, now we are being forced to become bed partners in order to survive. Thus the (((Media))) is spreading Nazi ideology better then any Nazi could ever hope to.
Why dont they ever talk about anti fa and how theyre the literal exact opposite with MUH HORSESHOE and how theyre communists that support a failed ideology that killed tens of millions of people, more than the nazis ever did? Why the fuck dont they talk about this as well? What the actual fuck, theres more to it than fucking nazis and shit you fucking moronic celebs.
>literally means black nigger
>post webm speech of AHNULD without sound
>no one seems to care
If heaven is filled with liberals then I know where I want to go
>the same fucking leftard mantra over and over again
fucking kill yourself and stick your fuck normie concern trolling up your aids ridden ass, leftoid kike cunt
he is our John McCain, sorry burgers for putting this burden upon you
Sup Forums was never good lol, everyone here was doomed from the start
>Why dont they ever talk about anti fa and how theyre the literal exact opposite with MUH HORSESHOE and how theyre communists that support a failed ideology that killed tens of millions of people, more than the nazis ever did?
That's incorrect, communism has killed hundreds of millions of people
wrong, you are misinformed must be a milo child?
Second half was meant to be a reply to
>mfw this glorious meme has been born
He's fooling nobody.
>I knew the Nazis
>born in 1947
>think about how you could use that power for something good
That's exactly what they think they're doing you dumb old cunt.
>your brain on roids
>nazis were terrible losers that killed millions, don't hang around with anyone waving a nazi flag
Hey, Arnie, what about all those communist flags the guys across the street are holding?
[crickets in an austrian accent]
says the tax dodger
in german, yes
even bannon thinks you guys a re bunch of "clowns" playing dress-up
bunch of faggotry
He is another Hollywood / Politics Puppet.
Totally lost my respect for him. Sadly, he used to be my childhood hero. Pathetic, beta old weakling. He should look up to big dick Clint.
He wasn't, he cheated on his wife and always vied for power. He's a piece of shit
>Arnold is bluepilled to the core on the background of these groups.
or maybe, just maybe he learned from his dad's mistake, saw the inherent flaws of National Socialism and swallowed the Money Pill of Capitalism
Here in US there is only one thing that matters and that's Capital, and how to amass wealth.
Money first! America first!
Deport him back to Austria,
He lost his value anyways, and looks like shit.
He's right, but this applies more to the left than to those LARPers.
All this Hollywood sellouts has to transvest at least once in their carrers.
Don't worry, he'll pay the Dodge tax first in the day of the charger.
He's right.
>Why doesnt he denounce over zealous liberal arts students for their involvement in death and violence?
Students protested the killing of over 50 million people before we lost the Vietnam War
Not only are you a cherrypicking faggot, but you're comparing confused college students who will likely grow out of this phase once they graduate and finally get a taste of the real world, to Old White Patriarchs calling for civil race war
>live in the US for 40 years or so
>be governor of California
>speak worse English than some fucking 6th grader
Model immigrant for sure
They are far more numerous and violent thsn the right side.
This nazi stuff is stupid. Its like some sort of retarded contest to see which side can go furthest off the deep end.
The lefties keep taking their sjw bs so far that right wing people feel like they have to out-do them. I bet most of those protesters dont even believe in half the nazi shit , its just an over the top response to the ridiculous wave of leftism .
I'm glad theres push back against groups like antifa but this stuff is just dumb. Theres no way you win a battle of ideas by acting like 1940s Germans. Wtf is that supposed to accomplish? It's so fucking dumb. It's hard to say which is dumber now, antifa or these guys? Either way America looks more retarded every day. I'm glad I'm British.
People keep telling me hate is wrong but I've yet to hear a convincing argument-or really any argument at all. They just say hate is wrong and we need to eliminate hate. I say if hate were supposed to be eliminated it wouldn't exist. It exists for a reason. It is an evolutionary trait.
As long as people continue to try and displace/replace me in my home nation I will hate.
He's right. It goes well beyond that -- there's also the fact that its jews and FBI agents who organize all this shit. Kessler was outed as a CNN editor and OWS shill, and Eli Mosley was outed as the semite Elliot Kline.
Rly mkaes u thin...
any more of these? anyone with twitter accounts should spam shit like this.
Sterotypes exists for a reason and hell isn't real. Fake news.
Reminder. DNC/Hillary and McCain globalist networks fronted with Soros propped up both the "neo-nazi" torch rallies and the communists in Ukraine in order to take it over, then axed the white fronts once they gained the power.
So liberals can hang around with people that carry anarchist or communist flags, and they are allowed to not be associated with that if they choose. But if some people at a conservative rally have a Nazi flag, we're all Nazis?
Makes total sense. Thanks non-American for your valued input!
Ah yes I forgot about the famines, which was 100% government policy and failed because communism. I just want to know why the anti fa commies are never called out for their bullshit, all their rampaging and defacing of statues and violence against right wing people. Have people forgotten about what the Cold War was? We had a massive standoff for 45 years with commies, and theyre still prevalent in some countries. Nazis are gone, neo nazis are a fucking disgrace, and anything in between, not relevant. But yet they dont cover them. and just let them do whatever.
>Live the rest of their lives in shame
Pretty sure their only regret is that they didn't win.
also reminds me of this:
Waaaaaa someone I liked isn't a white nationalist cunt like me, fucking asshole. Gotta move on to the next white nationalist cunt to validate myself
Sup Forums is cancer confirmed
The man is, and always has been a joke. Everyone knows this. People watch his movies ironically. Also, he basically destroyed California.
Nazis. And Muslims all deserve to get beat up it's open season
Arnie grew up in the losing side, being spoon-fed the lies the victors gave them. He grew up surrounded by men trying to save their face after losing a war, afraid of going against the new speech laws the allies and jews pushed to usurp their ideology.
The only true cancer in society are the jews, and the best chemotherapy is the light of die Schwarze Sonne.
I read all of that in his voice and it made me laugh. He's a cheating power hungry fuck, and I don't really give a shit about him. He's made good movies though.
Alt Right is a honeypot organization that strives to attach any form of white advocacy to Hitler and the KKK, get as many pro white types fired as possible and to discredit anyone who would be pro immigration controls, keeping civil war monuments, etc.
Real question, do we have a way of physically proving how many communist flags were being flown in comparison to Nazi flags?
What's the ratio of Nazis to Commies in capeshit films, or tv/films/school literature even touching tangentially on 20th century warfare and genocide? It has to be at LEAST 12:1. Simple question of optics and brainwashing by (((them))).
Nazis were aesthetic af, that's why they also make such easy villains.
It honestly amazes me how they weee able to create so much hysteria around this insignificant event
Truly masterful work
Maybe it's a good thing that the Neo-Nazis turned out to be a dud and bring nothing but harm to the movement.
If this fiasco hadn't happened, then everyone here would still be delusional and keep on thinking that we need to advance the Hitlerist agenda instead of something more sane
will never be as based as his father
also consider he's in commiefornia, the belly of the beast, he's probably thinking more about how to keep his movie career going
he used to be a milton friedman guy
now he's worried about plastic bags
Based Arnie.
He's 100% right
Yeah, let's listen to the "good guy".
Fucking liberals. Retards as usual.
Now i see why Trump hates this virtue signaling fake asshole.
And there. it. is.
There's a shitload out there and more importantly video clips. Too scattered at the moment. You'll need to start several threads over days to mine them.
you jerk off to terminator pics, leftard dumb fucking cunt? why so mad?
>don't follow an ideology that murderd gorillions
>antifa you're fine to support communism
200% cuck
Really makes you think, why nazi symbols are offensive, but commie aren't. Really makes eastern Europe think. Hard.
It's been planned for months. All the big string pullers saw an opportunity given to them and capitalized on it.
Wasnt his dad an honest to god nazi?
Like I give a fuck what the son of a nazi thinks.
his pops was a nazi