What do you think about climate change?
Is it one of the major problems mankind faces today?
What do you think about climate change?
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That the jews that run the world are using it as a excuse to take more power without actually doing anything about it.
so you think we shouldn't try to reduce our CO2 emission?
Too bad fossil fuels are only part of the problem "with agriculture being other half" and that the same people bitching non stop about climate change hate nuclear which would actually solve the problem.
It's definitely a central challenge and we're not going to win that challenge in the current environment. We have fucked everything bringing Asia and Africa out of poverty and the world won't be able to cope for much longer.
I just don't care if it's "real" or not. We don't know enough and to piss away trillions into researching it isn't worth it.
So what is your solution for the climate change challenge?
Its a natural occurrence on Earth
It's a scam, only hand wringing retards believe in it. It's the same in very age. Extreme worry warts, chicken littles, and crazy cat ladies. All trying to scare you into forcing everyone to join their religion of paranoia and fear. Friends don't let friends worry about climate
lol no
> Is the climate changing?
Yes, always has.
> Is there anything humans can do about it.
Not aside from genociding half the population.
That being said I don't think we should stop researching alternative energy.
I bet if we nuke China into nothing but nuclear ash our CO2 emissions would drop like a lead weight
Weren't we going into an ice age from the 60s up until algore too up global warming?
It might just be an earth temperature cycle.
(((climate change))) they love that term.
it's a fucking fraud
most likely climate scientists are hacks and the media is even worse at misinterpreting.
No we shouldn't. CO2 is plant food and vital for life on earth. It also doesn't make earth hotter.
Exactly. Hell add India to that and we'll be good for another thousand years or so.
Forcibly nuke and take over india
Install puppet government
get rid of all coal plants
World is better place
As long as china doesnt fucking exist anymore
>It also doesn't make earth hotter.
it doesn't?
look at the fossil record, you get faster plant growth and that's about it.
you really would rather kill billions of people than to switch off your air conditioner?
Fucking Americans, I swear
Nope. What is earth's temperature?
Nobody's gonna die you fucking retard.
You need to understand the mentality of career academics. You're talking about people who are obviously smart in some form, yet were unable to ever succeed in the real world. However, their 7 degrees and their academic bubble tell them they're still smart. Ergo, it must be the system that's wrong. So they create some way to explain how the system is evil. Today it's global warming. Yesterday it was a Malthusian Catastrophe. They'll always exist, and actual smart people who achieve shit in the real world will always work out to ignore them
What is the temperature of the earth? You have no fucking idea, do you?
>>climate change
It is a concocted scheme to control global industry. In the interests of "protecting the earth" a small anonymous group of bureaucrats would pick winners and loser nations that are allowed to keep their industries. Such power would mean life or death to regions. The bureaucrats would be more powerful than dictators.
Just saying that would be the only way to make a dent, not that it should happen. Btw I don't have AC, TV or internet in my house and use
So are you saying if Kim Jong Un really wanted to be an asshole he should buy an air conditioner for everyone in best Korea?
CO2 can only trap a certain amount of heat. The exact number is very disputed.
According to Lord Monckton, the maximum heat it can trap is 2°C, and we're of course already a long way towards it. Once that maximum has been reached you can magnify the amount of CO2 by 100x and it wouldn't get hotter.
Methane is a far more potent greenhouse gas (23x CO2) but you never hear anyone about locking up all the cows and filtering that methane from the shed.
Humans are responsible for 2,9% of all CO2 emissions. If you want to do something about climate change we need to start controlling the weather.
Remember people talking about it back in the 90s/early 2k but yeah, seems everyone's forgotten.
It's an over politicized dog whistle. If it was really as big of an issue as people claim, we should be daming every river, and building as many reactors as we possibly can.
hmmmm interestding :DDDDD
how comes Venus is so hot then?
The thing that you're implying is so absurdly retarded that it doesn't even warrant actually being said out loud.
>closer to the sun
>higher concentration of greenhouse gases in general
Also, if the climate models are correct, Venus should be hundreds of degrees hotter than it is.
Probably has to do with it being a different planet with a completely different atmosphere.
And that's the catch 22. All energy sources have an adverse effect on the environment in some way.
WE ever going to start shooting nuclear waste into space?
so we agree that the composition of atmosphere has an effect on temperature?
Why not? We shot was onto the moon 50 years ago
yes, we agree on the premise the comment you responded to literally stated
Here's what I don't get.
Burning oil, etc puts, "too much" carbon in the air
Oil comes from ancient forests trapped underground, blah blah old plant stuff
Old plant stuff got the carbon from the air
Literally putting carbon that was in the air previously back into air again
Everything was fine back then, just had dinosaurs
Yes. Clearly. Evidently. Absolutely. Total concurrence.
Venus is also closer to the sun and has a far denser atmosphere.
It is the existential problem for humanity, it is proxy, real problem is uncontrolled growth of population in 3rd world.
>No we shouldn't. CO2 is plant food and vital for life on earth.
There are enough CO2 in atmosphere for plants even without humans adding more of it.
>It also doesn't make earth hotter.
It does indirectly and that is a massive problem. For you couple degrees celcius is nothing, but plants it is a lot and that is even before stuff like changing rainfall patterns come into play.
dunno if its manmade or not but this summer has been hell
heatwave 10 fucking days of 40+ temperatures
Mercury is even closer and yet not as hot as venus
what now, smart guy?
The problem is not necessary the climate change itself, it's that it is happening so fast. Nature has no time to adapt and evolve to face the new climate conditions.
Also, it would kinda suck for us when many of our cities would end up under water
Mercury has no atmosphere to trap any heat, and it's tidally locked so one side of it is permanently frozen thus lowering the planetary average.
What now dumdum
There's been no warming for 20 years. Sea levels are not rising. You believe a fairy tale.
Never disputed that.
Some people just take it way too far.
so is it possible that change to the composition of atmosphere on earth would lead to a change in climate?
It is not an important issue. I use Climate Change as a litmus test of whose opinion to watch.
If someone mentions that its a serious problem that requires immediate attention, I know to ignore everything they say.
I know you're fishing for a slight indication you may be correct so you can then claim absolute authority.
A change in CO2 levels will however have very benign consequences to the temperature in and of itself.
The more CO2 there is, the more plant life will flourish. They capture the CO2, retain the carbon and release oxygen through photosynthesis.
Keep in mind that it's not climate change itself that's being denied, it's man-made climate change and the degree to which it makes a difference.
Increasing evidence is showing that it doesn't.
we have a saying in Germany "who sits in glashouse, shouldn't be throwing stones"
Good thing they live in cardboard and tin.
>The more CO2 there is, the more plant life will flourish.
Venus has 96.5 % CO2. How comes plant life doesn't flourish there?
Yea this guy is searching for man bear pig
Anthropogenic global warming, I mean climate change has to be real. The West must continue to rapidly decarbonize in order to keep the planet's temperature increases below 2 degrees Celsius. The science is clearly settled and climate change deniers need to find a new hobby. The green tech industry will be a massive economic improvement over legacy fossil fuels. Don't be a fool, bin that fossil fuel.
Ask me how I know you're a leaf?
It's like Venus is over 200°C
It's like we have no proof for panspermia
It's like Jupiter has no fucking soil
Facts lad. Terran botany has been proven throughout the centuries to consume CO2, and when CO2 was at its most ambivalent is when plant life was at its tallest, biggest and most dense.
You're special. You're basically investigating whether water can be boiled by looking at planets that have no water.
Actually no. Niggers and AI will be the two biggest problems of the 21st century.
Great! So we agree that CO2 availability is not the only factor when it comes to plant growth, and there might be other bottle necks?
Bottlenecks like boiling water? Yes, plants also need water, else the photosynthesis process completely dries them out and they die.
This has nothing to do with climate change, let's focus on that again.
It's unavoidable. The Sun is electric and we can't control its output.
More info here: youtube.com
Here, make some good meme about global warming
the significance and importance of climate change cannot be overstated
It's been recognized, for example, that ice sheets can exhibit threshold behavior and undergo irreversible collapse above certain temperatures.
Take Greenland for instance: right now there are two major feedbacks in operation.
One is the albedo feedback, due to exposure of darker rock, algal growth and changes in the crystal lattice of ice.
The other one is the "Heigh-Mass Balance" feedback. When the ice sheet loses surface elevation, it enters warmer layers of the atmosphere, because of the negative tropospheric lapse rate.
Once the melting reaches a certain limit, the ice sheet will be knocked into a new equilibrium (which could be very close to complete collapse), and once it starts, there is no plausible physical mechanism that could stop it.
That's why climate change is much more dangerous than any of our other problems:
the climate system is characterized by a delayed response and feedbacks that feed on each other and lock in irreversible processes that would be out of our collective control.
bull shit