I don't usually agree with boogie, but he's definitely right here.
The alt-right needs to be taken care of, and taken care of QUICKLY.
I don't usually agree with boogie, but he's definitely right here.
The alt-right needs to be taken care of, and taken care of QUICKLY.
Other urls found in this thread:
Also, boogie is a literal cuck.
Boogie is actually really intelligent. Sup Forums only gives him shit because of his weight. It's a shame.
He's already lost 80 pounds since his surgery though, so he's doing really good. Maybe Sup Forums will start listening to him soon, who knows.
If he was intelligent he would not need surgery to lose weight.
Cucky2988 shekels will be deposited soon
>doc is factually wrong
>someone points that out
day of the dodge soon for boogie
Trump is fat too. Are you saying Trump is stupid too, you alt right fuck? Kill yourself.
Day of the Dodge? More like Day of the Ding-Dong. That fat fuck is a ticking time bomb of destroyed human processes. Any number of his vital systems could inexorably fail at any time due to his life choices. His general faggotry makes it much easier to lose compassion for his physical state.
hey BIDF, Trump has accomplished things that don't involve crying about how mean his mommy was to him on youtube.
Fucking JUST
>can't even last 4 years of marriage
>1 post by this ID
Fuck off, Boogie. And please don't forget to sage if you must reply
> feeling suicidal
>The alt-right needs to be taken care of, and taken care of QUICKLY.
How do you propose this? Sharia style death squads that hold public executions if you fail a litmus test on liberal values?
I mean if I had a wife that was that obese, I'd probably off myself so I don't know. If you willingly have a wife that fat.... you might as well be a cuck because if you can live with yourself with something like THAT being your wife in the first place, you aren't a man to begin with.
Trump is 70 years old and probably weighs less than half of boogie
how did vice create that video so fast , its very effective propaganda and the retard in it just fed them.
Never gonna see vice do the same doc on Richard or David Duke right? Just some fbi plant OH hes not an fbi plant because hes a regular on Daily Stormer pod cast?
So why is Daily Stormer endorsing a retard? Sad
You already tried that.
Maybe he should eat them
The fat fuck in OPs pic is MORBIDLY OBESE. Trump is just chubby & a lot older. Huge difference. Boogie is actually a piece of biological shit.
>Trump is just chubby
He also wears a bullet proof vest in public. Those aren't thin.
He's simply too intelligent to lose weight on his own.
>really intelligent
He just appears that way bc you're a moron
>fat degenerate cuck sides with leftists
color me surprised. And that's why you don't play video games kids.
I think Boogie would do more damage to the Dodge than himself, senpai
Trump is chubby and very active
Boogie literally has to use a fucking wheelchair and weighs over 400 lbs
And I thought hitting a deer would be bad, Jesus fuck imagine slamming into his fat ass going about 70
Ugly on the inside and the outside.
kek never change you morbidly obese burger cunts
He doesn't even seem chubby to me. Just a big guy who is succumbing to gravity in his later years.
Unironically every time.
Hes a cuck youtu.be
cucking out over vice, ishygddt
>"if you are wanting to feel suicidal"
>really intelligent
>documentary makes him feel sad, so he falls for the narrative.
He is a retard at best
>antifa was violent?
>that doesnt matter because IM SADDDDD!!!
If he catches that nigger screwing his wife maybe he will decide to become alt right.
Yikes! I thought his wife had a pretty cute face but she's fucked! Not by him either!!!
He's a piece of shit who needs to die
Trump is a feather compared to this fat slob
Does anyone have the video of feminists marching that night chanting death to white men?
> "... if you are wanting to feel suicidal today"
I don't think he needs help
I'm pretty sure he has never fucked his wife because he is physically incapable of doing so.
that fat manchild is not intelligent
the jews trained you to think anyone on a video screen is smarter than you
its a miracle he lived that long
Boogie, you dumb fuck... this isn't about your feelings. If it was then you'd just grab a jar of mayo
No, he will become canadian.
I'm not impressed, all he did was fart or something to lose that weight
Bullshit. He's a moron.
With the amount of weight he has, all he has to do is walk everyday for a few hours while listening to a mp3 player with his favorite music, to keep his spirits high while he sweats.
It's that easy, because when you're obese losing weight happens quite fast with little effort, but it doesnt happen because he's a fucking idiot who just opens his mouth to say shit and eat shit .
im convinced his wife has some mental issues
why would she get with boogie in the first place? she wants to keep him fat to maintain controll over his life
It would come to me as a surprise if the fat he consumed didn't clog his brain. He is a chronic sociopathic liar, living with a carer which he calls wife, in it for the money. I can't see him as an even likeable person, he just tries to manipulate his shot fans to accept the fact that he's a regard conformist.
When he posts proof of weight loss, via natural means, I'll concede. Until then, he's a fat retard leeching of others donations like a nigger.
Shit fans**
boogie is so pathetic
If he feels suicidal from watching that, I wish he would leave it on repeat.