Another Spain attack with explosives.
Another Spanish Happening
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boom boom pow
Last number on my post is how many more attacks are going to happen.
Spain is great, they don't deserve this :(
Wellp there goes the C-4 that was stolen get ready boys!!!!!
Please make sure your nationalists take to the streets my Spanish Allie.
isnt this the 3rd attack since yesterday?
spain is literally a warzone
what was the third?
why should i care desu by all likelyhood these are all globalist degenerates who are all about le rapefugees yes!
You're the one that deserves it.
Something was on fire in Hospitalet yesterday as well.
Fuck off, fatty
our existence is fucking miserable. I hate how europe is.
Fucking Spaniards, first they try and take our rock, then they try and take our record for consecutive terror attacks
I heard a single police woman killed 5 degenerates on this one
Spain plz confirm
One of the terrorists house exploded. Killing 1.
we need another crusade
I spit on spaniards for letting it happen.
Fucking white people!
> fourth
He kinda explains in thread.
that was yesterday
spanishits : btfo
portugal : well and good
Fucking cannibals!
top bantz nigel lad
Thank you Merkel
How many attacks does it take to get the majority of Spaniards to expel muslims?
The world may never know.
holy shit rare
Is it odd that I was reading about the Trobriand Islands just last night and contemplating how retarded women are? Coincidence
How's Portugal situation with rapefugees?
>Fourth attack.
There was a third?
Fuck off, fatty
That was two days ago. Rumours say the house was occupied by leftist anarchist fucktards allied with ISIS to get rid of tourists so Barcelona can become a shithole again.
Actually we need an Inquisition. It has been done before. Go house to house and kill every Muslim. Start in the north and work your way down.
the rapefugees leave as soon as possible because there's no gibs
That's a rumor, they were muslims
Communist Mayor of Barcelona Ada Colau has already announced in press that she did not implement any of the anti-terrorist preventive measures suggested by the government because terrorists would then think of other vectors of attack.
Her Communist Party, PODEMOS, has announced that they will not join the national anti-terrorism pact because it punishes their own terrorist arm in Catalonia and Basque Country.
I hope she feels like shit today, what happened yesterday is mostly her fault, an attack on la Rambla was expected and they didn't do shit to prevent it.
Trust only @mossos on Twitter
Other sources are not trustworthy.
The muslim brotherhood has fully subverted that government. You need to kill them all and get a new government.
They wont go there.
It defies my almonds to know why
It's a joke, but then the real joke is that the brainwashed slug like masses allow people like this to hold power
Usa, please invade us already. I want catalonia to become another state. MR TRUMP please.
D E S P A R T ¨& P A R C I T O
They claimed for hours that there was a single death. They are cuck like German police
That's what I like to hear.
Same reason why refugees don't come to spain. We don't give away free shit
Someone give me a quick rundown on this Anti-Tourist thing. Why are the signs written in english and not spanish?
dont forget the boss men
is there enough rope in europe?
Just the beginning. In a couple months we will see multiple attacks daily all over Europe. Prepare and thank the lefties
Cuckalonia does
Fuck off, fatty
Witnessed, I blame the eternal Kraut. So desperate for their next gen VW assembly line drones they sacrificed the security of Europe.
Fuck off, waffle. You are bigger cucks.
there was the van attack, the appartement that exploded, and some terrorists were killed by police so yeah there were three attacks.
Because they want the tourists to read them, and to get global attention. Catalonia indepes are desperate for any kind of foreign recognition
Paco making things up as usual.
Why are you not using the original version?
similar to the fifth
Because tourists are English. And stop hiding behind meme flags.
Fucking cool rumour though
Kangaroo of Peace
Another Charlottesville copy cat?!!
Didn't know an apartment exploded.
Boy, making this image has paid for itself. Even though it was all free.
Any more news on this or proofs? Couldnt find any.
So shouldn't all the corporations and politicians be out denouncing Islamic supremism?
America, FUCK YEAH! Comin to save the motherfuckin day
All of Europe deserves it.
But in the signs they also welcome refugees, what does immigrants have to do with Catalonia?
O parto i parcelão.
Lefties think it makes them cool to want refugees
Well last time it took Spain almost 800 years so they should be muslim free by the year 2800...
Many tourists are degenerates from northern Europe who come here to be even more degenerate. People who live in tourists areas are sick of drunks, noise, prostitution, parties, etc.
And they write the messages in english because that's the language tourists understand obviously.
Fine. But you missed the flag, you'll never catch me alive straya
It's the left will to destroy prosperity.
Tourists bring money and jobs -> make them out.
Refugees cost money and bring insecurity and murder -> bring em in.
Retarded leftist ideology.
>we let you in, not Spain!
Low culture immigrants are easily manipulated into whatever political agenda you want to feed them
The catalan right manufactured the independentist movement in the last 20 years to avoid fiscal responsabilities, and taking muzzies to blow up your numbers is only one of their tactics.
Now they can sit back from their mansions in Andorra watching while the braindead nu-left finishes the work for them.
Wouldn't it be more effective to conduct it at once, or in a rapid succession?
5 fallen Muslim Kings in our flag should give you an hint.
Cheap tourism based on booze and partying should be eliminated imo.
Fucking castilian subhumans and their lies. Quit this crap Manolo.
Your kind is just as bad as muslims, you're both worthless trash.
Some what disappointed that no one checked my Kangaroo of Peace
We even tried to take your record on "most British victims per attack" but that one was hard to beat.
Si quieres quedamos y te rajo el cuello.
Thoses commies deserve it and yes we deserved it too. No muslims attacks in Poland yet. How weird !
Whats the record at?
Trump is false-flagging to save his Presidency!!
My uncle works for Nintendo Ibérica and just told me there's another habenig.
>wtf i love portugal now
Fuck off Jordi, catalonian degenerates are really pushing for the refugee meme
Your own fucking mayor was already virtue signaling before the corpses got cold
No user, we really do deserve a wake up call with all the liberal brainwashing going on here
Spain has really been missing out on the enrichment.
I'm glad they finally get to share this enriching experience.
Like I'm afraid of a retarded subhuman.
The refugee welcome meme is spread by castilian scum who are immigrants in Catalonia and therefore want more immigrants and less native catalans. The mayor of Barcelona is an immigrant from Aragón and was voted by other spanish immigrants. You're exactly the same as moroccans and sudacas, just low iq shitskins.