This stupid nigger was probably only accepted to uni because of affirmative action, and was given high grades by white guilt profesors, now he filled up a spot that should've been filled up by a good white person.

Other urls found in this thread:


look like an uncle tom who dresses properly and looks normal.
i have no problems with a black guy working hard and contributing to society.
The issue is he is like 1 in 100000000


>Affirmative Action
>UK A Levels

Pick one. He's either really smart or had good tutors

No if it was affirmative action it probably took a spot from an Asian if anyone.

>Yoruba instead of Igbo

lmfao! op mad because he's a low iq racist. meanwhile this hardworking young man gets rewarded appropriately!

>Affirmitive action
What for? Slavery outlawed there since forever mong. The niggeros there don't get special treatment in educational or vocational fields.

If you're pissed off by this it proves there's no logic behind your hatred for the blacks and that's not the place to be

It's good when people do well

UK has non-existent affirmative action you retard. However, when compared to elite American unis they generally have lower standards and are more open (with the exception of Oxford and Cambridge) because unlike the former they actually state their criteria for acceptance clearly. Harvard and it peers have an opaque process without clear guidelines.

t. Accepted to UCL, Imperial and King's for a MEng.

> Afro
> T-shirt

Granted he ain't flashing a gun or drug paraphernalia, but he just looks like a normal nigger to me. The only thing in this picture that makes me like this man is his grades.

I wonder who's behind this post.jpg

I hate him because he's one of those arseholes that posts and celebrates their exam results on social media, not because he's black.

They really do get special treatment

And? He's getting his shit together. Wtf op?

Yes as we all know there are never ANY exceptions to the rule, you dumb cunt

He's just doing it so he can write scripts for his boys to make lean

>going after a good black

Nice try share blue


* he's black, let him in

>affirmative action
>*A's at A level
no, you fucking mong

Haha, when I did my A levels, I got better grades than him, and I did more of them (and real subjects too).

OP is clearly a baiting liberal who though everyone was going to agree with him

It's always blacks or minorities.
they want a medal?or maybe a hug?

>realer than Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics

Let me guess, communications studies, tourism and media studies.

Harvard accepts anyone who donates if it isnt a complete cretin who isn't house clean.

Physics, Mathematics and Computer Science are the master race subjects though

>affirmative action at A-level grades

No you pathetic white boy, he is just smarter than you. Sucks you missed your place, must hurt you a black man is smarter than you and took your place kek

>computer science
>more real than chemistry


thats what i was thinking. do they use * instead of + or is there a note at the bottom
>* grade adjusted due to white privilege

I just wish I was good at maths...

A levels are easier now than they ever have been. The amount of content that has been removed from each of those subjects is staggering,

He probably has some white in him though.

Niggers gonna nig youtu.be/-i886pP5klo

A* is A+ here. Pronounced A star.

A* 90 UMS
A 80 UMS
B 70 UMS

and so on.

They're actually more harder than they've ever been.
Most subjects are now linear.

>hard work pays off
dont let the commies know

Yeah. Wish there are more like this guy too.


IIRC, even African blacks don't like American blacks.

>be me
>liberal arts college Austin TX
> get put in group in a business law class with African immigrant
> I think to myself don't be a racists
> kid can't even write coherent English sentences
> I do the whole project myself and get everyone an A

That's when I understood

Kek'd, cheers José