What do you think of Richard Spencer?
I think he is a zionist shill
What do you think of Richard Spencer?
I think he is a zionist shill
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He is growing on me more and more tbqh. The more you guys shill against him the more I think he is /ourguy/.
Same here.
He is also a great speaker and doesnt go all autistic 1488 bullshit.
The shilling only makes me trust him more.
>Are Italians white?.
If you gotta ask, you've never seen an italian. That's for the best, stay the fuck out of our country desu senpai
lmao, faggot
Everyone sane know he's a CIA plant by now, with a job to make everyone white and right wing look like an inbred redneck. Only shills and stormfags support this fagg now that he's blown his cover
Spencer is a huge leftist/establishment cuntbag who was hired to pull the low brow racists into the right to muddy up the message and make it unappealing to normies.
He's a glory hound and a upper class faggot that thinks this is all a game.
He is no shill, just the right mix of ignorant and dumb.
I am not sure if he is a shill, plant, sellout or just a puppet but he and the "alt right" label are pure cancer.
>"""""neo nazis""""" desecrate another jewish cemetery
>Fake Media: the alt right strikes again
>politicians get pressured into doing something against the alt right
>websites, social media accounts, money sources of "alt right figures" get hit
Only idiots that were not involved in right wing politics before 2016 thing that Spencer was created by the media agfter Hillary's speech
the term Alternative Right goes all the way back to 2010, and was being used in Sup Forums way before the election
This guy is cancer. He's in this for the game. He lives for attention and is only involved in the "alt right" movement because he can "lead" it. He will keep it on the fringe so nobody else will touch his little fiefdom and he can feel powerful.
if a guy that has been involved in white nationalist conferences since 2009 is a plant, who is not a plant according to you?
Milo the child fucker?
He's literally FBI
You forgot to change your flag, commie scum.
Spencer is a good boy that makes Rabbis stumble all over themselves. He's a good representative to the normies.
>and is only involved in the "alt right"
he is involved in it because he created it
Milo and co. never ever claimed to be alt right, it was Hillary that gave them that label, but alt right already was a thing before her
Guys...seriously...Who the fuck is this man?
As somebody who has been part of the "Alt-right" for years, I hadn't a clue who the hell Richard Spencer was in the slightest. Then he popped up about a year ago in front of the mainstream media to make some remarks on the trump campaign and suddenly every slop artists journalists and newfag insists he is our leader (as if such a thing were even possible for the residents of anonymous forum)
Is he controlled opposition? Because that is kind of what he seems like
>I hadn't a clue who the hell Richard Spencer was in the slightest.
That's more your lack of education. Dick has been an active figure on the right for over a decade, and has pretty much always been Jared Taylor's de facto successor.
>As somebody who has been part of the "Alt-right" for years
What website did you use of that was true?
alternativeright.com was a thing already in 2016 and Spencer was already writing articles for it
Spencer was also featured quite a bit in amren and in other paleo blogs
fucking newfags
The term alt-right was coined by ramzpaul and mostly used in that context, if you search in the archives for pre-2016 spencer related posts you'll find like 180 results and it looks like most of them were made by Spencer himself.
>was a thing already in 2009
Why does he dress like staff on a cruiseship?
>Then he popped up about a year ago
Because you're a newfag that just started following the fringes politics a year ago. Spencer has been around for quite a while. Here's a video of him introducing Ron Paul back in 08.
Obviously, he road the Trump wave like everyone else because of his immigration talk, and since he's an unabashed White Nationalist, obviously the media tried to tie him directly to Trump (which is why your normie ass heard of him).
>Dick has been an active figure on the right
He is a socialist faggot you retard
He is a plant and a created boogeyman by the DNC you ignorant Mudslime
He's basically Putin's agent sent to provoke chaos in the USA and discredit the alt right at the same time (no wonder, because Putin is a cuck himself)
His Russian wife literally works for Kremlin
>filth communists insults someone's fashion sense
Get a shower, filthy fuck.
You wanna know, how I know you don't belong here?
ramzpaul was not a thing in 2010
it is amazing how most of the antispencer shills say outright lies that can be easily be disproven, yet they will repeat them over and over until they become a big lie
Quite jewish I suspect
What's the proof? Seems like he must care about this stuff to sacrifice his personal and public life forever
>samefagging this hard
He's a kike shill
sage in all fields
Controlled opposition.
wait, so the DNC created Spencer in 2010 because they knew Trump would run in 2016?
do democrats have magical power?
>discredit the alt right
what does that even mean?
Milo and Trump never called themselves alt right, how can Spencer discredit them somehow?
A tool to anyone smart enough to use him.
yeah, that whole National Zionist sounds highly suspect. It is the US-version of Tommy Robinson.
Similar to:
>Trump as a Global Nationalist
>Diet Chicken Fat
>Low Calorie Healthy Lard
>Slimming Junk food for the Trans~Slender
>and a Jewish atheist
Select all squares that match the label: Kike
I think Richard Espenser is a pretty cool guy. Eh hates niggers and doesn't afraid of anything.
leaf against Spencer
no surprises there
That tiki torch BS was lame, and peoples should have kicked thyoses douzen retarded nazi from the march...
Torchlit marches are never lame
Spencer is not a national zionist
You newfags seem to believe that because someone does not blindly hate Israel he somehow is a traitor
Are you a palestianian muslim or what? why would you care so much outside of Israel wasting our military budget?
/r/ing that picture of him with barbara bush
i'm a full blown 1488 WPWW Nationalist, you're a larping ancap e-celeb worshiping faggot
as says he shines a bad light on the movement. He's a plant.
so autists that cant differentiate faces are the people that are against Spencer, lol
He's a shill and probably paid.
>wants all the jews to leave and go to israel
>not /ourguy/
have you heard of compromise? there will never ever be an ethnic cleansing of jews you autists
>he shines a bad light on the movement.
of course!! I forgot that before NPI and Spencer existed, the media praised the far right and never called them nazis or created propaganda against them! The media was fair and neutral!
They never demonized the BNP, the Front National, Pat Buchanan, etc---
That darn Spencer screwed all up!
Why do you fags obsess over that? Spencer was born into a wealthy family and went to Ivy League schools. Why would you think it's out of the question that someone as well connected as him couldn't meet Barbara Bush?
He also has direct connection to people in the White House (most likely through Stephen Miller, who he was a mentor to while at Duke).
Richard Spencer compares white nationalism to Zionism:
Considering every public alt right or neo nazi has been deplatformed across the board while his accounts are still up and running, it's pretty obvious he's working for the left.
what point do you disagree with him with?
what we want is to whites to love their own countries as much as jews love Israel
Because Spencer is not a Sperg and actually follows the TOS of the sites he's on. Even then, NPI still got banned from PayPal yesterday, so even he's not safe.
It's a perfect argument because Jews literally have no defense to it. Is there a full clip of that interview without the spooky jew music played over top?
Spencer has been suspended a few times before
He is the savior of the white race.
To add to that, even Brother Nathaniel has like 850 results and his heydays were long over by then (at least when it comes to Sup Forums), so spencer was a complete nobody until Hillary mentioned him.
Do you really not know what coined means?
Found the full interview
Spencershills need to go back
>im the savior of the white race!
do you??
you can claim that ramzpaul created the term but it does not magically make it so
I already posted archive links to the alt right existing all the way back to 2010
what specific thing do you disagree with?
it is a good rethoric construct against neocons that love israel but hate nationalism
Well, just as our BFF's, we can hypocritical too. The White Mans Samson Option is like the Mexican Crab metaphor. If one of the crabs appears to be escaping the crab pot, another will latch onto him, as if to say: "You're either taking me with you or neither one of us is leaving this pot."
Either the Left is operating on a Tornado of misinformation/disinformation swirling in their heads, or they are working directly in the interests of a single ethnostate in the most magical, most holiest of holy GPS location in the Middle East.
>Wanna know how I know you don't belong here?
>t.a stormfag
so, if you suddenly get media attention after years and years of being involved in the movement, does it mean you are a media plant?
how does that make sense?
I accidentally responded to the wrong person. I was just posting the full interview, I agree with Richard.
>Is there a full clip of that interview without the spooky jew music played over top?
There are two actually:
>the recent was posted in the past week with Spencer
>prior to this Molyneaux asked a similar question to a jew call-in and completely stumped him - not sure of the date and the video gets pulled off of YT quickly, every time it is uploaded
the reaction is the same when Jews are confronted with this hypocrisy/double-standard.
I'm not here to convince you that you aren't retarded. It's painfully obvious he was planted to give a focal point for media hatred. (((They))) needed someone to give a name and an identity to the movement so he coined/popularized ''''alt-right''''' and then MSM demonizes it to blue-pill normies.
he's a sheep in wolf's clothing, and you faggots lapped it up.
my Kek: i've gotten two (You)'s and have a perfect 'CAPTCHA' score. how fucking awesome is that homegoys?
Laura Kleiner, a Democratic activist who lives in Staunton, said she dated Kessler for several months in 2013. She said Kessler was very dedicated to his liberal principles, and that he was a strict vegetarian, abstained from alcohol and drugs, embraced friends of different ethnicities and was an atheist.
“He broke up with me, and a lot of it was because I was not liberal enough,” she said. “I am a very progressive Democrat … but he didn’t like that I ate fish and that I’m a Christian.”
Kleiner said Kessler was well aware that she was of Jewish heritage, and that he showed no signs of being anti-Semitic. She also said he had a roommate for several years who was an African immigrant.
In an interview earlier this week, one of Kessler’s neighbors, Zoe Wheeler, said she knew of two different African roommates who lived with him, and never thought Kessler was a racist, even after he started to make waves in the local news late last year.
so according to you, the media knew that Trump was going to be a candidate and then win the election all the way back to 2009 when the alternative right blog universe started and then planted Spencer, who lost his job and his family was harassed and lost a lot of money when he joined the movement, into that relatively unknown group of blogs?
>what point do you disagree with him with?
we truly need to stop the semantics. but apparently whites cannot stop the semantics because we are in a battle for, at a minimum, a fair share of this earth; thus, we are rearranging the deck chairs on a Titanic taking on heavy water
which bw, puts the AA arguments to shame. Not only do they have their own Chocolate continent which is >92% Black, that Europe, china and the US could fit into comfortably with room left over; while the majority of refugees from the Chocolate continent are turning the Vanilla continent into a Chocolate continent as well.
White is mostly a new world construction anyway, we really don't use that terminology in Europe. Identity in Europe is way more complicated than skin color only.
Spencer might have "invented" the term but like you said, that was back in 2010. He didn't really do anything with it and by late 2013 people generally had ramzpaul and like minded folks in mind when they talked about the alt-right. I guess the only reason why Spencer wasn't completely forgotten is because he was Jared Taylors fuccboi for all those years and managed to leech of some fame.
Actually, the individual who "invented" the term was Spencer's Jewish Professor and Mentor. whether the term was associated r disassociated with the 16 core tenets of the alt-R is another discussion. As for the Alt-Left, run with that shit and clump every undesirable into the category.
by late 2013 the alt right was already known as an umbrella term for neoreaction, HBD and troll activists
what you mean by "ramzpaul" to me is unclear, and he would not be using the term until 2015
* "ramzpaul and like minded" to me is unclear
I think you are trying to create a strange situation where the alt right is people like Sargon that outright attaacked the label from the beginning
Generally talking about /new/-Sup Forums, don't give a fuck how some fag on tumblr used it.
new and pol rarely used the label until late 2015, when the Milo article described a movement that already existed and which he didnt say he was part of was published
>I think he is a zionist shill
And a CIA agent, just like Kikovich.
Been here since Sup Forums began, never heard of this faggot once and then all of the sudden, instantly, this butterball is spammed everywhere?? If you can't see what he is, you're lying to yourself
He's a literal faggot who made out with someone who's main talking point is how much black cock they suck
The reason nobody heard about him is the same reason nobody heard about Greg Johnson. Spencer used to write articles and make confenceres that were rather high brow for Sup Forums, but he was known in the right.
Paid shill.
Each time he fucks up he manages to outdo the last. It looks to be on purpose.
I think he's a puppet as well. If he's not I think he has some retarded opinions that I don't really care for him anyway.
>Been here since Sup Forums began
then you have been active in right wing forums, probably only this one, since 2013
some news for you: other radical right wing sites existed besides Sup Forums, all the way back to 2010
He's cringy as hell
He's growing on me. He's articulate. He's not afraid to stand up for what he believes in, and he's unified the white identity movement more than any other force in the last thirty years.
He's very pally with Kike Enoch though, which is a bit of a red flag.
>rarely used
Yeah but it did exist and generally meant something between white nationalism and standard conservatism. The point being that Spencer was a complete nobody for the longest time and not the eternal god leader of the alt-right, like some fags like to pretend. Not like it matters now, the alt-right is fucking cancer and I hope it disappears with its glorious leader. We should have rejected that term and stayed an amorphous mass of random internet users.
dicky spency is a fucking shill at worst or a naive dipshit at best.
alt left and alt right are the same at this point. anti-capitalist, racial collectivists. these niggas are leftists in denial.
not even tryin' to hide it
he's a CIA shill
On one hand he's a fellow NazBol.
On the other hand he's a giant dork.
Potentially useful for us even if was planted to be harmful.
He just showed we are actual people that exist in person and have decent numbers.
Then this is where it gets good, multiple muslim terror attacks which are close to this incident and white nationalism is fresh in minds who are incredibly disgusted by these acts.
Complete retard with no foresight. Everything he attempts to do, the opposite will happen.
He poisons rational right wing positions with his input.
He's a bolshy kike shill honestly.
>blows up thanks to Hillary
>source of the hail trump video
>gets punched by tyrone for everyone to see
>gives one cringey interview after the other
>leads the torch protest because that's what we need right now
>praises Trump after the charlottesville debacle
Man he did so much for the movement, what would we do without him?
That doesn't make sense though. CIA shills are always advocating for violence and trying to provoke members of groups to break the law so that the feds can bust up the group. Richard Spencer, for all his actual flaws, is not that.
>implying the CIA can't use other tactics.
If Donnie Brasco, a guy who has been involved with the mafia for almost a decade is an undercover informant, then who is a real capo according to you?
Why else would he still be verified on Twitter?