We broke the looking glass folks

((They)) are LITERALLY planning to put hormones into the European water supply!
No, this ain't black helicopters Alex Jones bullshit, THEY PULLED THE GLOVES OFF!


>The suggestion that Westerners should be given drugs to make them more welcoming to foreigners is likely to be hugely controversial.

>The research suggests that people could be made to be more generous to migrants through a combination of oxytocin and peer pressure.

>However, it is not clear that the population of a European country would accept being drugged in a bid to help them accept massive social change

Other urls found in this thread:


boil water. problem solved

Haha you Europoor cucks deserve migrant cock

>implying they haven't been doing this for decades

Why do you think so many are on anti-depressants and other mind-altering medications?

goodbye EU

I know, with atrazine and all, and trying to force you to take anti depressants
But when they literally put the anti depressants (oxytocin) in the water supply

People need to know this


Last bump

Fug. RIP in peaches free thought..


Xenoestrogen is far bigger problem and has been for a long time now, and we can already see the effects. Rally against that

>No, this ain't black helicopters Alex Jones bullshi
Alex Jones, ironically, has the solution for this.

>>implying they haven't been doing this for decades
so the communists have discovered they need to drug the water twice

I've never believed in the tainted water supply thing until now.

How do they justify these actions?


Nah it makes me feel genocidal more than anything

>But when they literally put the anti depressants (oxytocin) in the water supply
what do you think Fluoride is? your water is most likely already drugged, unless you live in Israel then it's against the law to drug the water

and circumcisions are mandatory

>having to resort to drugging people you can't brainwash

I wish they would instead drug themselves and maybe then they would stop attacking white people.

Weren't they already using fluoride covering films in every soda container?


Please let me off this ride.

The xenoestrogen thing isn't even on purpose tho

It will make Europeans "more accept to refugees and change"

>however it is not clear that the population of a European country would accept being drugged in a bid to help them accept massive social change

Straight from the article

Accepting migrants is an idea SO good you need to be on drugs to accept it.

You think it's just the hormones?
Think about something you use every day , your screens , be it computer , TV or Mobil phone.
>Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors.
>The observed effects include ptosis of the eyelids, relaxation, drowziness, the feeling of pressure at a centered spot on the lower edge of the brow, seeing moving patterns of dark purple and greenish yellow with the eyes closed, a tonic smile, a tense feeling in the stomach, sudden loose stool, and sexual excitement, depending on the precise frequency used, and the skin area to which the field is applied. The sharp frequency dependence suggests involvement of a resonance mechanism
>Computer monotors and TV monitors can be made to emit weak low-frequency electromagnetic fields merely by pulsing the intensity of displayed images. Experiments have shown that the ½ Hz sensory resonance can be excited in this manner in a subject near the monitor. The 2.4 Hz sensory resonance can also be excited in this fashion. Hence, a TV monitor or computer monitor can be used to manipulate the nervous system of nearby people.

Does it matter if it's on purpose or not? Depression medicine and e-pills leaking into our drinking water isn't on purpose either. If something is a problem it needs to be fixed regardless of what caused it, and xenoestrogen is a huge one. And it won't go away without a fight since there's so much money in it

Oh brave new world...

So this is Alex Jones' endgame

guess what Pic related is...

Isn't it?


That was BPA, not fluoride. Yeah, it still has some shitty effects but it's not fluoride.

Boil water?
How about boil the people responsible for attempting this bs?

Does water filtering systems filter out hormones?

>tfw they manage to make the hormonal compounds lighter than hydrogen/oxygen

Buy house, dig well. Problem solved.

what if i put my laptop in a faraday cage, will that stop the jews

boiling water doesn't remove metals, fluoride, other chemicals

I think distilling and then adding back minerals would work. Not sure. To be honest this news plus the sperm count dropping thing is a perfect opportunity for Alex Jones to sell me a filter lmao

>what do you think Fluoride is?

not relevant in europe, as its not added to any water supply, we use chlorine.

It's also on your receipts

How kill the people wanting to put hormones in the water? Then there aren't hormones in the water and you don't have to boil it.

dont think our water is drugged especially here in austria because of the mountainous reason we only have pure water thats not stocked with sth that makes it not go bad its the same in scandinavia

Post YFW you're gonna have to buy an Alex Jones water filter after all...

>thinking he can stop the jews from jewing.
user , the only way to do that is with gas. Lots and lots of gas.

(((german))) scientist.
How about europeans developing a method to turn (((human))) fat into soap?

You need a biofilter for stuff like this.
So think of boiling, uv and ozone rather than filtering.


>I wish they would instead drug themselves and maybe then they would stop attacking white people.
there are whites at the top, they just see you folks as mixed brown people from low birth

A bit, but really small traces always makes it way through. Estrogen is actually one of the biggest worries environmentally, since a small trace can ruin an entire lake. Its one of the next environmentally engineering milestones

Really the only way to filter it out completely is distillation, but that's alot of resources

>developing a method
Isn't it the same method of turning animal fat to soap?

being this retarded

That's BPS, though. Its' effects are slightly weaker than BPA.

>tfw when they actually after your precious bodily fluisa

I hope you're aware that you have to collect the steam.


>implying they haven't been putting hormones and other drugs in the food, air and water for years



>We were surprised that the participants in the first experiment donated around 20 per cent more to refugees than to local people in need

every. single. thing. in life is set up to extort money from people. no matter how small it may be. something as simple as food and nutrition is quite literally designed to make you sick given time. Sickness and diseases crippling or taking your life. If you live treatment is expensive. If you die funerals are expensive. Doesn't matter. You are just a big walking ATM.

Not added to most of Europe's maybe, UK is fluoridated though, so is France. Don't forget fluoridated toothpaste.


>so many
In the EU the only ones who are taking anti-depressants are the northern countries - and they kinda have an excuse for that. We're not America, where most adults have some sort of mental issue.

Feels like it's a taboo subject, especially the oestrogen coming from woman on the pills peeing their hormones into the circuit water
Last week or something there was a thread on reddit about the cause of loss of testosterone in the modern man.
Everybody said : it's too much body fat !!
>No mention of xenooestrogen or harmfull contraception pills
>A few deleted comment

No; it would turn rape into sex, because the ones doing the raping would be the refugees - and you'll actually love it.

boiling would denature and destroy the oxytocin

WTF are we suppose to do with the water then?! Boil it??

>Everybody said : it's too much body fat !!
that is a part of it, another part is our diet and fucking with our food to much, and obviously some of it is contraception in the water.

Wait. How is pouring sex incentives in the water make white women attracted to a minority, wouldn't that be counter productive?
Will they put into certain areas full of Muslims? Or are German men really that cucked?

>The (((EU)))

Why would it be surprising at all? I can't wait for this Jewish scheme to finally collapse.
Reminder they (((they))) literally want to brainwash people, doubly so if you dare to question (((them))).





>However, it is not clear that the population of a European country would accept being drugged in a bid to help them accept massive social change

Do you want to keep your job, keep receiving your neetbux or be allowed to use (private service X)? Well, you'll have to take this sweet little pill...

Problem solved, 99,9% of the population will take it nice in the ass, just like they're taking it right now in regards to political positioning.

anyone here know this feel:
>be with your gf or similar
>have exceptionally good time
>begin to think, "maybe muslims aren't that bad, we can agree on some things"
>realise what's happening
>snap yourself out of it
this makes me think that the cynicism that sends people here is probably our greatest asset

It's not exactly a sex incentive in this case, but more of a "teddy bear" kind of love, "ooh look how bad they have it, quick Hans give them 20 bucks"
Or simply to accept social change

>Are German men that cucked
I think you answered your own question there.

Just drink whiskey

>have good time

No, I do not know this feel.

>However, it is not clear that the population of a European country would accept being drugged in a bid to help them accept massive social change

U fucking wot m8, why the fuck are they even questioning it?

I like to think that'd be the tipping point, but I have to remember this is Yurop.

>Pill that will make people kinder to other people

>Give it to the peaceful white folk, and not to the savage brown people

In what world is this logical? I mean they might as well go on and say we just want to destroy your nations it is the only thing we want.

Honestly though.

Is this any worse than wanking it to blacked cuck porn?

And this is just while we don't get our nice basic income system going.


You had only to buy the filters. Now you grow tits.

>>be with your gf
>>>have exceptionally good time
>>>begin to think, "maybe muslims aren't that bad, we can agree on some things"
I'm afraid I don't know none of these feelings. Especially the last one; I'm not a stupid faggot like you.

>I think distilling and then adding back minerals would work.
The question is if you want minerals in your water that your body cannot assimilate, leading to disease.
Distilled water, pure water, is the only water nature actively creates. Your own fluids are distilled.
The minerals in municipal water supplies are so miniscule that they are virtually powerless to stop any deficiencies even if they were of an organic nature, which they're not; minerals in tap water are INORGANIC, which means your body cannot use them effectively. Only ORGANIC minerals which your body gets from living things, such as plants and animals, are able to be assimilated into the body and stored. The micro-sized rocks that are in your water only serve to clog up your system over time and make you susceptible to disease, so that you have to pay money for so-called medicine.
Distilled water, with no additives, is the superior, and generally speaking, only, way.

i swear im not making this up
there must have been some time when you felt like this?
maybe if you drink you'll know what i mean
or if you've got hobbies or you're invested in something etc

boiling fluoride concentrates it

Anyone here who fapped before knows that feel as well
That's how they want to so it


a few things:
This psychiatrist should be locked up and beaten. Twice. If this was an academic investigation into the effects of oxytocin that'd be one thing but this is classic political abuse of psychiatry and it's not remotely acceptable in any way at all. Disgusting.
Shit study design; there doesn't appear to be any investigation of peer pressure alone.
There is approximately a 0% chance of this being made into policy. You'd risk sending women into pre-term labour all over the place

why should i care? i only drink mountain dew and vodka

Blacked is the best porn because they have great cinematography and create great contrast that is visually appealing.

Now they are producing great white only porn basically on the same principle, also very aesthetic and pleasing to watch. Go watch it it's called TUSHY

>No, this ain't black helicopters Alex Jones bullshit, THEY PULLED THE GLOVES OFF!
He was right all along you fucking retarded newfag

>Time for your good-goy juice

>europoors aren't allowed to drink from springs that flow naturally from the earth.

Oxytocin is literally what makes women so submissive to their feels. It also plays a very important role during childbirth and lactation.

It may have other actions on men but we don't know what actions exactly yet.

Also, it's used as an anti-depressant.
Putting something like that in the water is unlikely to have any effect since it wouldn't last long in there.

t. med student


>E U R O C U C K S


Life is neutrality punctuated by crushing despair.


>when you're autistic and don't base your views on your feelings because you don't have any, making their hormones completely useless