Happening in Turku, Finland.

>people stabbed in Turku, Finland
>at least 2 bodies on the scene
>shots fires on scene, possibly by police


Other urls found in this thread:


Also, apparently it's two different scenes very close to each other, possibly multiple attackers.

> people stabbed
Isn't that like a national pastime for you guys?

No, we do it only with our friends, not to random people on the street.


>finns stabbing each other

Yeah, nah it isn't a happening.


Stabbing random people in public place on afternoon isn't our national kind of stabbing. That smells like multicultural kind of enrichment stabbing.

media reporting
>at least 1 dead
>multiple people stabbed around the scene

Seem pretty real.


>Multiple people stabbed in downtown Turku
>People asked to stay away from downtown

Holy shit i was just 15 min ago in kauppatori

Another Charlottesville inspired terror attack.


kek. Those pesky right-wing extremists.

>at least one perpetrator/suspect shot in lower body and in police custody


Police tweets in english as well.


dont they have basic spell check


Anyone have that picture of a Finnish girl who's holding a knife and alcohol?

Their Finnish and Swedish tweets also have plenty of typos.

My buddy saw it all, the guy shouted alla akbar

you guys IM SCARED ;___;

Suspect is Sami Haidelainen

Religion of peace'd?

Ghost of Michael Jackson is tweeting out.


I can corroborate that, my buddy works at Nintendo

Tämähän on meille vain rikkautta, ei mulla muuta :DD

Can confirm. He went to my highschool.

Our police are a bit slow


>A city named Turku is filled with shitskins

Gee, I wonder who could be behind this blade


It's real name is Åbo and is Swedish rightful clay

My dad went to Bullshit City

We're talking about the people who invented Spurdo spärde

kekked, the Dutch truly are known for their subtlety

fuck off filthy sven! you are a useless filthy retard and all swedes must fucking hang! you will never have Turku, you swarthy mongrel cunt bastard!!!


Religion of peace we told u, fucking fachist


For Kek's sake. Is it Ramadan yet?

Nah he did. He baked shitcakes and all for good grades.
One time he told the story of having to chisle sign language into a fossilised turd with a spatula and someone wrote his dad worked for Nintendo.
The fuck graduated cum laude thanks to that. Teachers thought it was an ancient Sumerian chapter of the Epic of Gilgamesh.

two nignogs yelling at eachother :)

I love you Nordic Bros, can we please get Denmark in this thread? /Comfy/ Nordic Thread when?!

>Turku, Finland
Are you memeing?

No ramadan is over dude.
I hope it could be ramadan every month, coz they stay at home all fucking day and dont piss off civilized people. And the whole night they eat.

hardly a happening, janne, this is hverdagskost for you guys~

not finland

Now look here you half-bred chocolate-maker, Binland would be a vast, empty forrest had it not been for us. We gave the knife-wielding drunkards civilization. What did you ever do for Pekka?

sensible chuckle

gas the mudslimes race war now

Tell 'em Sven!

Common knowledge is that the reason why police patrols have two officers is the fact that only one of them can read, the other knows how to write. Motorcycle cops really makes you wonder how they deal with stuff, one thing is certain, they are kinda psychos. Video related, skip to 8:40.


Is this an obscure Finnish meme


finns were never meant to be civilized. they are a noble race of forest-wanderers, of hunters, reindeer herders, fishermen, lumberjacks, singing the kalevala around bonfires, going to the sauna, brewing koskenkorva.

they were pure. you were always the effeminate, "civilized", degenerate progressive svens. you always were and always will be weak cucked losers.

Just a regular day in europe.
im gonna listen to some goatmoon in eager anticipation for the next chapter of the finish-german friendship

He would have gotten away with his obscurity if you didn't give him a (you)
Now he's caught
Press S for spaghetti spurdo

It's about time, now I really feel like living in Europe!

Thanks Belgium

>Common knowledge is that the reason why police patrols have two officers is the fact that only one of them can read, the other knows how to write
hey we have that joke too :D

Don't romanticise these leisurely forest monkeys, you don't know what you're talking about Pierre-Hans.


Hehe Yeah I'm surprised nobody made the connection yet. Previous Swedish clay, named the city Åbo..

Jesus Christ this is ugly as fuck

Fugging hell race war now. Kill all Niggers you can find

keep me posted

they also tweet in english

not fucking finland. leave our white havens alone ffs.


I see him occasionally at my gym in Helsinki, wat do?

>hey we have that joke too :D

I'm pretty sure that most countries have that same joke.

Her hands literally hang below her knees like an ape

barbell to windpipe

This. That traitor deserves to die.

Turku is a completely 100 % original Finnish word and means market square. The Swedes who are a bunch of thieves stole that word from us and it is now in their language torg but we took it back again and call it tori which means the same as turku.

Offer to spot him and then drop the weight on his neck.

MV kerännyt silminnäkijöiden lausuntoja:
“Toimittaja saanut kauppatorilla nuorilta silminnäkijöiltä tiedon, että torille tullut noin 5 maahanmuuttajataustaista ja alkaneet toimia. Sitten menneet ilmeisesti Puutorille hieman etäämmällä. Siellä on ammuttu. Poliisi ilmeisesti kans yhtä terroristia. Mutta myös ihmisiä on ollut maassa.”

“Torilla torimyyjä sanonut toimittajalle, että miehellä ollut ISO puukko tms.”

“Mies huutanut jotain ja alkanut heilumaan puukon kans. Yksi kuollut, ainakin. Paljon haavoitettuja, viety sairaalan.”

“Vittu, me kansallismieliset tiesimme, että tämä tulee eteen. Kaupunhallituksen Orpo ja muut vain nauroivat, että pitää auttaa. Ja jos sattuu jotain, niin sitten toimitaan sen tilanteen mukaan. Helvetti. Jos nyt kansalaiset jättää tämän huomioimatta, niin on kyllä kumma.”

“Turussa on ollut eilen ja tänään Suomen somalien iso kokous. Siellä on tullut myös negatiivistä tietoa niiden työllistymisestä ja muusta. Olisiko somput lähteneet. Kunnia mennyt. Siis mun spekilointia. Tekijät eivät sielä ole itselleni siis tiedossa, vain että ovat maahanmuuttajataustaisia.”

“Nyt kun on oikeasti tapahtunut ja omassa kaupungissa sattinut, niin oikeasti voin vakuuttaa, ei voi olla antamatta pelolle valtaa. Vittu.
Koirat. Kuinka ne saa ulkoilutettua?”

yes mongol, it would be nice if you translated

Witnesses report
-5 immigrants attacked people in a market square then went to another square where the police shot one terrorist, people lying in the ground
-A man was carrying a BIG puukko
-A man shouted something and started puukkoing. One dead, many wounded, taken to hospital
-Whining about a politician
-Yesterday and today somalis had a big meeting in Turku
-I'm afraid who will take the dogs for a walk??