What does Sup Forums think of vaccines?
What does Sup Forums think of vaccines?
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Vaccines are a great achievement of medicine
You're probably asking about the link between the mmr and autism. It should be carefully scrutinized, especially considering the invariable media opposition to a scientific argument
i am asking simply what Sup Forums thinks of them
They work and anti vaxxers should be quarantined and shot.
If a kids got needle phobia it can be bad though.
The idea? Good. But don't trust the ZOG to give them to you or your children.
good if you want your kid to have adhd and or autism
Do you know what is in the needles before they give them to you? No. You don't. Don't trust the Jews in any way, because they will fuck you as soon as they get the chance. It has happened so many time throughout history that it's your own fault if you fall for their tricks.
>i am asking simply what Sup Forums thinks of them
monopoly is a bitch
and why are you under the impression that the Jews are behind everything
because the only trustworthy people are yourself and your family
did you build your own home? did you build your own car? do you grow your own food?
>and why are you under the impression that the Jews are behind everything
I'm not, I don't trust anybody but myself when it comes to my health, if doctors were trustworthy visiting a hospital wouldn't be the fifth most common cause of death in this country
Sup Forums is really turning into the newfag board. Finish the reading/viewing list before posting.
>did you build your own home? did you build your own car? do you grow your own food?
yes yes and yes
if you're lazy it's your own fault what happens to you and you have no right to complain and I reject being placed into the same insurance pool with subhumans like yourself
i find it hard to believe you built your own car
We should be able to trust our nations, but due to Jewish globalisation we've all been scattered into various different states and intermixed with other nations.
and why is intermixing bad?
>used to get the flu every single year, like clockwork
>every year i was vaccinated
>stop getting vaccinated
>stop getting the flu
>haven't been sick in 3 years
Don't get Jewnoculated goys
We lose our bond. With each other, with our history, with our mythology, with our land. We become ants serving a higher power (ZOG) rather than working together for the goals of our common people.
As much as I hate needles, I'd rather not die from sickness
>i find it hard to believe you built your own car
real easy, even you could do it,
go buy car, take it all apart, examine everything, put it back together with complete understanding of how everything on it works
boom you just built your own car, something every young man had to know how to do just before he entered military service, and now a pathetic 20% of men learn to do this,
>Sup Forums is one person
Although this seems to be slowly becoming truth
Vaccines are fine in theory. Prevention of disease cannot possibly be a bad thing can it?
except when you don't know what the fuck is being injected into you.
You walk into a clinicians for your child to get vaccinated, the vaccine needle is already prepared, you don't see them fill it. You don't see any proof of what is in it, yet you allow them to inject it into your child anyway.
I'm not saying all vaccines are evil, but the fact that you trust a stranger to inject an unknown liquid into your child's body without question means you are cucked beyond repair. Might as well ask the state to raise your children while you are there.
>this 1 anecdotal story i have proves vaccines dont work
how do you think humans have evolved at all the only way we are introduced to new ideas is by meeting new and diverse groups
>go buy a car
also you rebuilt a car not built one from the ground up how can you trust the steel that car is made from YOU didnt make that steel so how can you know its safe
That doesn't mean we have to live with them.
get out kike shill
but again theres nothing wrong with that if its not forced upon you
ah nice dont actually refute my argument just go for the easier option of name calling
Yes there is, for the reasons I just stated. When you mix two nations together you get neither in return.
>and why is intermixing bad?
I come from a european royal family and am from a mixed birth so I can explain it easily to you,
when you remove homogeneity from a people or person there is stress brought upon you, this stress is similar to the stress that the wealthy feel having increased means and ability to operate compared to the general population,
this feeling keeps your mind active with fear and distrust of those who may commit violence against you because you are not similar or trusted or because you have something worth stealing, either way you are born with a sort of PTSD from general knowledge that you are not an accepted member of a homogenous group, the elite consider you nigger because you are mixed but know you will always obey because the general population hates you and distrusts you not to mention the fear
this is why jesuits like to recruit mixed race people for their military efforts, most armies do this, so you invade some people and create rape babies and you drag the rape babies and their mothers around until the rape babies are old enough and then they are drafted usually around 10 or 12, these people are not loyal to a nation or ethic group, they will never betray your state or leadership, because that is their family, it is the only group that will accept them wholeheartedly and let me tell you, pretending you accept everybody when really you don't is fucking stressful for everyone
>how can you know its safe
I know it's not safe, nothing is safe, and I'd rather have a car made from steel than one made from petrochemical plastics that make frogs gay
seriously though if you can tear down a car you're much safer than if you can't, because you understand the tolerances of the materials in the car better, because you have examined them for fault personally
>pic related
>its demands made by the vaxxed movie
Watch the documentary on it faggot.
In the USA you cannot sue a company for giving you a vaccine if it later turns you into a vegetable/makes your dick limp or whatever.
So all these companies just make millions of vaccines full of shit to give you because they make money of them with zero risk of later side effects.
The flu shot is fucking useless if you're a healthy adult. Besides the shot doesn't even give that good of a protection, since they dont know which exact strain is more prevalent that year, it's just a guessing game.
Other vaccines such as tetanus and the like are fine and work well.
but you are not following your own line of thinking if you cant make it your self its not to be trusted but theres so many things in your life that you HAVE to rely on others for cause i know for a fact you didnt build this computer your at because you wouldnt have the means to do so without outside help
>buy $500 Volvo 240 wagon
>drive the shit out of it
>take most of it apart and put it back together with new wear items
>continue to drive the shit out of it
>nearing 300k miles and not letting up
Have maybe $1500 (if that) invested over 5+ years on a vehicle that is dead reliable even after 27 years on the road. Being self sufficient is a great feeling, especially when it comes to something you have to use everyday, and if gives you problems, you know how and can fix it immediately. I keep all the necessary tools to rebuild the whole car inside it; could do anything on the side of the road.
>You walk into a clinicians for your child to get vaccinated, the vaccine needle is already prepared, you don't see them fill it.
That has never happened here. I've always seen them prepare the shot, or in some cases i've even purchased the shot by myself from a pharmacy.
However, even then i can't be exactly sure what the vaccine contains since i'm not a scientist and i don't have the equipment to test it.
but you are not self sufficient though you had to buy car in the first place if you were really as self sufficient as you say you would be able to build a car from the ground up with no one elses help
>Sup Forums is one person
i was mainly trying to ask what do the users of Sup Forums think
How the fuck does sitting in a car have anything to do with permanently altering your body with relatively untested chemicals
the user said that he doesnt trust whats in the vaccine beause he doesnt know whats in it
and i said do you know EVERYTHING thats in a car and if not do you still choose to use one
Food would be a better analogy but it's still stupid.
>be very ill all my life
>suck my own dick
>lived for 50 years without any trouble
chekm8 modern medicine
Useful tool. The Jews seem to consider it as such, anyway.
They should be voluntary. If you believe they actually work, then you really can't complain. If you don't believe they work, why are you making people get them?
>food as in processed food
>it is something that goes into your body
>generally lots of added chemicals that aren't listen and that you are unaware of
But it's still stupid analogy because there are no laws that actually encourage companies to make new crazy space foods that can only be made with unknown chemicals that haven't been tested yet.
If a car is faulty you can just pull over a get in a different one. Try doing that with your brain when it's fried from too much vaccine mercury.
That's not how you spell toxic waste.
Will they be asking three year olds if they want to get vaccined?
>Do you want to get pricked by this needle here that will leave you with no noticeable advantage afterwards little guy?
>Fuck off, I hate needles.
Maybe the parents? Most of them would say it's alright, but would it be fair to the children of the families that say "No son 'a' mine is gon' get any of 'em autism juices pumped into 'em".
I don't think it would.
Remember that when you get vaccined, you are protecting the people around you and at least contributing towards not allowing the disease to spread or evolve as well. It's not just a personal matter.
autism causes vaccines
>If a car is faulty you can just pull over a get in a different one.
thats called robbery user
good thing i dont drink vaccines then
The mercury argument is one of the most retarded beyond belief.
Its organic mercury, which means it easily is metabolized and filtered away. Your liver detoxifies a lot of metabolic compounds, including waste products, such as organic mercury.
That's why I make my own vaccines.
Here is my annual flu vaccine recipe
Late fall, find a sickly looking pigeon (bird flu)
Pulverized in blender
Seal in glass jar in the refrigerator (important so it doesn't dry out)
Wait 2 weeks for fluid to separate
Inject 10cc's of bird fluid
If interest I will share my other vaccines
Organic mercury is worse for you tard
Do it.
No. And you also ingest way more of it if you eat fish anyway than a tiny portion used in a single needle as a preservative. As long as you let your liver take enough time to filter it there's no worry whatsoever when you eat fish.
vaccines are fine, all this autism shit if because people keep having children older and older than before
Thanks. Here's one that may be interest to you.
HPV vaccine (if you have a slutty daughter)
Make some Jello. Green works best but red is ok too.
Find a promiscuous sheep (must be on the older side)
Stick finger in hoohoo (NO benis)
Wipe finger on jello
Leave plate in basement for 1 month
If lucky scum will grow on top of jello
Scrape scum off and mix with water
Inject 10 ccs of sheep hoohoo jello juice
Repeat every month until your daughter no longer gets genital warts
merely questioning them gets you labelled as fringe lunatic in most places, which very much spooks me.
also lots of poor memes and comments get upvoted to hell on reddit.
Many such cases..!
There's no cure for stupidity.
Let natural selection take its course.
Ingesting something is not the same as injecting it directly into your bloodstream. Of course your body is going to be able to filter something ingested better and be able to handle more of it without side effects.
basically this.
It's a known fact that older couples have children with issues.
Vaccines don't cause autism, selfish workaholic parents who wait until they're 40 to have children do
flu, anti-tetanus and penicillin shots are fine
The people in my family who get the flu vaccine tend to get sick more.
I haven't had a vaccine since high school and get sick rarely.
you might have been exposed to more bacteria as an infant, resulting in a better immune system.
seriously, let your kids eat dirt and lick doorknobs.