Perfect Europe thread

Let's go. This is mine, rate and post yours.


>romanian giving land to turks
>romanian giving land to hungarians
Gypsy spotted

>triggered turkgarian be the first to join my thread


>Alsace-Lorraine belonging to krauts

>blinks at the eastern border
A self hating Bogdan? WTF?!

>perfect Europe
>Giving to roached half of Greece instead the opposite

Gypsy turk rapebaby confirmed

There's no self hate, I just like Hungary and the Hungarian culture, literally the greatest empire in eastern Europe besides Russia. Anyway, besides Bistrița and Maramureș all the counties from northern and eastern Transylvania have more than 30% Hungarians and many hungarianised romanians.

Why do you hate Switzerland so much, gypsy?

Literally the embodiment of kikery, felvidek

You can fuck right off. We will never join the Germans

At least I'm not gypsy.

How would it be if every single country from the HRE proclaimed independence, mountain jew?

t. székely testvér

What the hell is HRC? I don't care about what the others do, but Switzerland will be neutral and free forever!

(((Rebel Media))) is going down
(((Rebel Media))) is going down
(((Rebel Media))) is going down
(((Rebel Media))) is going down

Prove me wrong.

>giving rightful polish lands to germany so they can house even more disgusting sandniggers

McFucking kill yourself


Looks great, but Croatia is too big and why is Prussia independent?

Germans are too cucked to deserve any of that land back. If they got it back they'd fill it with mudslimes. If anything the Czechs and Poles whose land you lumped into your Germany are way fucking better than modern Germans.
Prove me wrong.

>why is Prussia independent?
I didn't want to make it too much of an Ebin Preussens GroBgermaniums map, so I kept it separate from Germany. Also the borders would look terrible without also giving Germany Posen, which I admit should belong to the Poles. And also because as much as I like Prussia, I prefer it as an independent entity rather than as the dominating state in a Prussia-led Germany.

What the fuck is that?

>Wtf is that abomination in Danzig and Easy Prussia
>Palestine exists/10
>Not flanders and Wallonia in benelux


>Selanik, Istanbul and Izmir are greek
>Bulgaria has Dobruja
>Lithuania not united with Poland

Then what state from the HRE would lead Germany? Brandenburg?

Too sensitive an issue and an issue that I don't fully understand or even have an opinion on, so I left it
>Wtf is that abomination in Danzig and Easy Prussia
See >Palestine exists/10
The thread is specifically about Europe so I didn't touch anything outside of Europe except for Anatolia
>Not flanders and Wallonia in benelux
The entire Spanish/Habsburg Netherlands is rightful Dutch clay tbqh

Was fine till i realized you took Ceuta and Melilla away from us.
We could´ve been friends.

look at how much better europe looks with all the fake countries removed.

kill the swiss and its perfect

>jämtland is in Norway
I can live with this

>fake countries removed
>still has Ukraine and Romania

>Selanik, Istanbul and Izmir are greek
Unrealistic yes, but I don't like Turks whatsoever so I couldn't help myself
>Bulgaria has Dobruja
That was a last minute decision, I don't really have a strong opinion on who should own that region
>Lithuania not united with Poland
I'd be ok with uniting them as long as Poland wasn't too dominant in the union

>Then what state from the HRE would lead Germany? Brandenburg?
No idea, preferably it would be more of an "equal" affair like modern Germany. But in a historical sense where Germany needed to be united by a strong power, I guess an alternative could be Saxony had things gone differently.

BASED Romanon ( just bantz)

Didn't even notice that, kek.

As much as I dislike the Swiss state, they definitely deserve to be independent.

>germany exists
retarded cunt

you hungarian subhuman

its trash you slavic subhuman

Hello Ikibey

I am 1/32 hungarian

and 100% shit

are you a Greek?

are you a subhuman?
yesy ou are

Are you a real german and not a turk? Most likely not.

danes are subhumans

too much turk/10
not too bad
>ukraine still exists

romania is a useless shithole
remove it

I am not actually danish hahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

>Albania (muslim) exists

hungarians are subhumans

>South Tyrol
You split Switzerland up when they clearly don't want to be part of Germany but you leave these other German areas in any state BUT Germany. 4/10

grmans are subhumans

Who would take the land? Split-up or Greater Hungary?


hungarians are subhumans

So which are you? Achmed or Jasnuz? I'm guessing Jasnuz.

slavs are subhumans

OK Achmed. If you say so

He's a Laz from Turkey who had an identity crisis and now thinks he's Greek.

australia is full of asian subhumans

>giving maramures away
What a fucking retard.

why perfect europe when you can have perfect earth?

show me your flag shitskin

albanians are subhumans

>catalonia not being a nuclear wasteland

The Mountain-Jews must be stopped, and border aesthetics take precedence. They can relocate.

>Jämtland Norse
>Skåne Dane

Good gypsy.

what's the derivative of y = x^3 in respect to x?

danes are subhumans

>claim that slavs are subhuman
>goes on pornhub daily to search muslim cock on german blond and look for his sister

Sure german cuck :D you are UBERMENSZ kek


Find a single flaw.

i do not go to porn sites daily

albanians are subhumans

i've met with this guy numerous times, according to greek posters he is a literal turk

whats wrong with that shitskin?

russia exists

albanians are subhumans


>being in a country with catholics
Fuck no, put us wit the Greeks.

what have you done with armenia you subhuman?

>living under russia
never again, also austria must be independent

>middle east not being a colony for europeans

austria is a useless shithole


Gave them back the Western part of their country you Turk slime

whats wrong?

show me your flag shitskin

lel people have to stop the alsace lorraine moselle meme

armenians belong to their desert mountains
stupid subhuman

Literally all the "hungarians" in Romania are magyarized romanians, as all the genetic mapping tests and 23andme proves.
That land belongs to us, fair and square, for all the reasons.

WHY give our land to them?
Unless you're some hungarian supremacist kind of idiot, then here is a (You).


So what happens to all the Ruskies in Kaliningrad in this scenario?

>нeт Кpымa
>нeт Кaлинингpaдa


the burn in hell
like all whites

>in russia




fuck europe

there is no reason for bulgaria to exist

its not you irish subhuman



Post your perfect map, Greek man.

french are subhumans
france is a shitskin country