I've met Chileans who say they loved what Pinochet did to their country and say that he saved it from economic collapse but I've also met some who say he was a terrible dictator
I want to get opinions from Chilean Sup Forumsacks
I've met Chileans who say they loved what Pinochet did to their country and say that he saved it from economic collapse but I've also met some who say he was a terrible dictator
I want to get opinions from Chilean Sup Forumsacks
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I think the death flights think is trumped up a fair bit. The number of commies defenestrated was quite tolerable.
>there are Humans and leftists in erry country
Many love him.
Many scream buzzwords and insults (like useful idiot leftists everywhere).
it's both, he killed commies but he was a jew puppet and made chile a neoliberal paradise, he he's obviously better than everything we have now, but his goverment was just a military dictartorship backed by the CIA
god dammit I wish the MNSCh won the 1938 coup
4 chan is a contrairian magnet in every posible sense, whatever trend or attitude you see happening (especially in pol) it's the exact opposite of real life, so yeah, there are fuckheads that love Pinochet for the edge and meme factor, but they are the minority in the same way that Pinochet haters are a minority in pol
He wasnt that bad, but I just cant stand full blown free-market, its like the complete opposite of nationalism (even worse than socialism).
I would prefer a Salazar type of dictator than pinocchio
American leftists still bristle at the thought of the coup and never tire of chanting like a mantra that Allende was "democratically elected" and thus incapable of being legitimately removed from power in spite of the utter lawlessness and economic chaos that followed his ascent to the presidency. Conservatives on the other hand defend Pinochet with a vehemence not seen since Oliver North was canonized for his blatant disregard of Congress and the rule of law. For the conservatives, Pinochet was the only thing that prevented Chile from following Cuba down the glorious path of Marxist revolution, and while there is no doubt that Allende’s chummy friendship with Castro and his Marxist thugs would have likely relegated Chile to the bottom rung of Latin American prosperity where Cuba now resides. But it is also clear that no matter how much American conservatives wish it were true, Pinochet isn’t exactly the Patrick Henry of his age.
Allende, like all demagogues, was a liar with little regard for the rule of law. He was a ruthless politician with utterly malleable principles that were up for grabs to whomever could supply the most votes. Like so many democratically elected leaders throughout the world, Allende managed to eke out a mere 36% of the vote and then proceeded to interpret the weak showing as a great mandate for his own socialist policies. He declared that "Santiago will be painted red with blood if I am not ratified as President," and as soon as he was ratified, he quickly took to destroying the constitution that his defenders hold up as the source of his "legitimate" election. The Chilean courts denounced Allende’s disregard for the rule of law, and Allende retaliated by refusing to enforce over 7,000 court rulings. Not surprisingly, Chile soon became ruled by gangs, thugs, and Marxist revolutionaries. As Allende proceeded to ruin the government through nationalization of industry and agricultural lands, the resulting impoverishment and industrial collapse produced a ready army of unemployed peasants ready to take up arms against the "capitalists" that Allende convinced them had caused it all. Castro’s embassy in Santiago swelled to a staff of over 1,000 people ready to assist in the coming of the final glorious revolution against the chains of capitalism. As the economy succumbed to triple-digit inflation, murder and thievery (both state-sponsored and otherwise) became the order of the day. Unable to consolidate a sound majority coalition and with the economy in shambles, Allende planned to consolidate power by other means, and according to documents found in the presidential palace following the coup, Allende was planning to massacre his conservative military opponents and some 600 politicians, journalists, and conservative opposition members by the end of 1973.
The coup of September 11th put an end to all of that.
The fact that Chileans enjoy one of the highest standards of living in Latin America is directly due to Salvador Allende’s removal from power less than three years into his disastrous presidency. Not only did Pinochet’s regime restore a legal system founded on the protection of persons and property, but it also freed the economy from the tariffs, taxes, regulation and outright government theft that had grown unchecked during the Allende years. Pinochet lowered tariffs, privatized large portions of the health care and social security systems, and made the economy safe for foreign investment. Yet, Allende is the one whom the world touts as the friend of progress and prosperity. But in reality, like all his fellow socialist u201Cdreamersu201D Allende was the enemy of order, rationality, liberty, and prosperity. Had Allende’s agenda come to pass, Chile would have joined the list of all the other socialist successes like Russia, Cambodia, and Cuba.
Above all, the coup of 1973 reveals to us the ludicrousness of elevating democracy to an end in itself. As centuries of experience have taught us, the success of free societies is dependent on the ability of bourgeois, property-owning middle classes capable of protecting property from the grasping hand of the state. Pinochet’s coup was a triumph for the middle classes of Chile who feared they were about to be subjected to the horrors of socialist revolution and endless civil war. Yet, it was the overturning of a "legitimate" election. An election that put power in the hands of a political elite bent on creating wealth for themselves by destroying those who created it. As with the Europeans following the Great War that made the world "safe for democracy," democracy brought the Chileans nothing but poverty, chaos, and war.
The contrarian nature of Sup Forums plus edgy teenagers tend to paint pinochet throught the helicopter meme. However reality was way worse.
Here's a redpill for you guys:
In Chile, I think the political compass is the opposite than the rest of the world:
The right wing close to pinochet regime, are so much alike like socialist dictatorships around the world: Violence, Theft, Corruption, Propaganda, lack of freedom.
And socialist here were mild compared to the rest of the world: Allende had a democratic regime, and all the socialist presidents post pinochet has been in favor of free market.
Where can we get an outside foreign power to save us from Trump
i love my general and the way he dealt with the filth here , yeah most of the public opinion here is that he was an evil dictator and many hate him and the way he did things but they also know that it was a necessary evil or we could have ended worse than venezuela
Nigel, you have to check your facts because you're wrong in all acounts.
- 36% was constitutional back then (we were 3 thirds kind of political spectrum)
- The reforma agraria was started by a Christian Democrat; Eduardo Frei, and was a necessity back then as history has shown countless times.
- Castro stayed beyond what he was supposed just to increase Allende's crisis, because he was a threat for his position as leader of the socialist revolution which HAD TO BE VIOLENT!. Allende Wasnt.
- Inflation was promoted by business owners who stocked their goods (I know this first hand)
*revisionism intensifies*
>source is a literal white supremacist ancap conspiracy theorist
You need to educate yourself faggot.
Chile's prosperity has as central root: our wealth from the Copper Industry nationalized by Allende.
Plus Allende ended with a lot ot inequalities that created what is now our huge middle class.
The ones who did all the sacrifice during the 17 years of dictatorship, were the working class:
- They sacrificed their pensions, with that theft that we know as AFP (mandatory private pension fund)
- They sacrificed they health and earnings during the 80's after a process called "Exoneracion" where militars took charge and fired out of their jobs thousands of people, than ended working in heavy jobs clearly out of their areas of expertise. (PEM POH)
You read things out of a link, but I lived those years, IDIOT
>necessary evil or we could have ended worse than venezuela
Not true.
Pinochet stayed 17 + 8 years
Totally unnecesary.
Alende was a democratic leader, unlike Chavez or Maduro who are so much Like Pinochet itself in their ignorance and thirst of power.
I feel bad for you pendex. Dont believe what your parents tell you. Do your own research.
>The right wing close to pinochet regime, are so much alike like socialist dictatorships around the world: Violence, Theft, Corruption, Propaganda, lack of freedom.
Yeah... I gues that's wghy you're so better than the rest of South America... because of socialists. Kill yourself.
You lack of the necesary education to understand what happened in Chile.
Pinochet dictatorship was as brutal as communist ones, and the reasoning of "economic progress" is not enough to justify it, because then you would have to justify Communist ones too by any other reason.
We are better than southamerica because we paid our dues. We learned to move on, and work hard.
Look at the rest of southamerica where they have SIESTAS and close everything for 3 hours.
We work hard.
i did pasao a caca , my grandfather was a corporal back in 73' he was at santiasco when shit hit the fan , he has told me the bad and horrendous shit that happened in detention camps , how he and his squad where told to shoot to kill without warning past midnight and take trucks with bodys back to valpo to incinerate the bodies but yeah i give you the unnecessary lenght of his rule
>not all commits eradicated
>tolerable number
It's in a matter of working hard or not, it's a matter whether you're communist or not. If the communists continued to rule you, you'd be like Venezuela and the rest of South America, let's be real here. You say "brutal", I say "necessary" because there is no way to remove a communist dictatorship without violence because violence is the only thing they know.
Allende wasnt a communist like Fidel. They were enemies. Allende was Radical before, and joined with Communists to get elected.
He was democratically elected and didn't have the army in his side (So he wouldnt never be like chavez)
before the coup, he was getting ready to have a referendum to ask the people whether he ended his period early or not.
>there is no way to remove a communist dictatorship without violence because violence is the only thing they know.
Exactly. But it was one, and it wasnt a violent one.
The Violent Dictatoship we had was Pinochet's.
Chile wasn't like the rest of the world in this.
This kills the communistoid.
Allende was human trash and the worst thing that could have happened to Chile. And he died like every communist filth should.
Pinochet dictatorship was mild, 3000 deaths are absolutely nothing for a 2 decade dictatorship.
You had to be a retarded terrorist to get killed.
Pinochet's economic growth made the entire past economic history look like a joke.
Socialists are retards who do not understand how economy works.
>He was democratically elected and didn't have the army in his side (So he wouldnt never be like chavez)
Of course they army didn't side with him.
this so much
Chile was the same as the rest of South Amerca before Pinochet took power. Do you deny this? It's not like I'm not knowledgeable on this topic, we had a communist dictatorship on our own. You know how they came to power? With the help of the Soviet Union and by killing everyone that could oppose them, whether they wanted to or not. Anyone who disagreed with them, whether they would have taken action or not. The notion that you can deal with these animals peacefully is a notion of fairy tales.. The notion that these animals would have "reformed" your country is an even bigger fairy tale.
Unless your family was personally persecuted by Pinochet I don't know how you could hate him. The guy turned your country around, doesn't matter what his methods were, they were justified as he was not dealing with ordinary people here but with parasites.
Its always a blessing to show some facts to a retarded facho.
Thanks for the chance ! Fede
>You had to be a retarded terrorist to get killed.
Mmm Teachers decapitated
A PhotoJourno and a School girl Burned
State terrorism in foreign countries
Economic Miracle? At Gun Point? Without congress and liberties for 17 years.
Miracle MY ASS idiot!
You should read:
"El saqueo de los grupos económicos al Estado chileno" - María Olivia Monckeberg.
Educate Yourself, because if you defende a BLOODY MURDERER like Pinochet. You shouldnt be criticizing any other, like Stalin, Fidel or Maduro .
Thats your moral compass.
Defending a Thief
irrelevant, but good meme
I apretiate your honest answer.
back then. Argentina was almost 1rst World, and Brazil was Huge.
Chile was Peru tier. No middle class.
>killing everyone that could oppose them, whether they wanted to or not. Anyone who disagreed with them, whether they would have taken action or not.
Thats an accurate description of what Pinochet dictatorship was. You could end up killed because you had a Book of Pablo Neruda.
I hate him because I remember the fear.
I remember the fear as a child, fear to our police, fear that the military and their tanks will enter my vilage and destroy everything, (because they did that in poor villages. That was something rich people didn't suffer)
And they had no right to plant terror in our hearts, just because we wanted a fair society.
>doesn't matter what his methods were
They matter. Thats why i dont like communism and socialism, even when they focus in a goal I share: solidarity in a society to end up poverty. But that can't be done through ending freedom and killing people just because they think different.
And thats a common situation between communist dictatorships from the USSR orbit, and the one we had here with Pinochet brutal regime.
He had pregnant women gutted and thrown from helicopters, as well.
No one mentions the Chicago Boys, or that Milton Friedman had anything to do with Pinochet's "economic miracle"??
The thing is we're not living in a fairy tale, as I already said. You can't deal with these people by using meaningless words or trying to reason with them. My country in partciular tolerated them for a while and when they lost the election they started being terrorists, bombing churches and such. So they were hunted and persecuted for the animals they are, but then the Soviet Union came and fucked everything up. Sure, you can dream about how everything is going to be fine if you just talk with them and reason with them, but that's just futile on your part.
Pinochet went after intellectuals and innocent people, such as teachers, artists, pregnant women, etc.
You are a literal retard.
Nationalizing the copper industry was not the cause that made Chile the most prosperous country in Latin America, after having previously suffered from chronic inflation under Allende. It will never cease to amaze me how people like you are incapable of learning anything from history, no matter how many times socialism fails and capitalism succeeds.
depends on if anyone in your family was dragged off in the night, i suppose
remember, It was more than just dangerous marxists getting btfo.
Communsits are not innocent people, you absolute sperg. How many times I should tell you that?
You mean people put in power by the commie party? Get the fuck out with your bullshit.
I undestand why there was a Coup, even forgetting all the evidence of the CIA involvement even before he was president.
I understand that Allende gov had to end after 1000 days. I understand that human nature fucks our "fairy tale" as you say.
But nothing justifies 17 years of State terror, torture and killings of innocents, and theft:
He was corrupt. He took a big chunk for himself and his family. Maduro's way.
Nigel. Go back to wank to mummy . You know nothing about what pinochet regime was. I lived those years. You didn't.
You should give a chance to this movie: Missing (1982)
pros: he killed commies
cons: friendly with the jews, destroyed train industry
>Communsits are not innocent people, you absolute sperg. How many times I should tell you that?
They didn't kill 2.000 Communists. I don't think a 10% of that amount were communists.
Besides, killing someone not for a crime, but for a way of thinking , is just like being a Commie totalitarian. Where's the moral compass on that?
>You mean people put in power by the commie party?
People in power ran like rats to seek refugee to soviet countries.
The intellectuals killed LITERALLY did nothing wrong
>tfw train industry was destroyed here around the same time
Now we are susceptible to the control of the truck drivers mafia
Fucking great
It wasn't even a coup, your congress ordered him to do it before Allende could kill them all.
I'd say not starving to death is worth quite a bit
Typical overly victim playing, these are absolutely NOTHING for such as well documented dictatorship.
>Mmm Teachers decapitated
Communists deserved it for trying to brainwash student into protesting for communist shit.
>A PhotoJourno and a School girl Burned
Not dead and deserved for being edgy "hero journalists"
>State terrorism in foreign countries
Deserved, all of those supported Allende
>Economic Miracle? At Gun Point? Without congress and liberties for 17 years.
>Miracle MY ASS idiot!
Yes, miracle, the only ones gunned down were wortless communist filth
External crisis
Pinochet gave jobs to poor people, so evil.
Pinochet gave jobs to poor people, again, so evil.
You're a retard, being a murderer doesn't take your deeds, most of the poeple killed were communists, agitators and traitors.
The rest of Chile enjoyed great living standards thanks to Pinochet.
>Allende could kill them all.
He had no army support. Not a fucking proper
civilian militia.
So you're wrong as always Trudeau
This, I fucking love trains, thats why I can't tolerate this jew lover piece of shit
>People in power ran like rats to seek refugee to soviet countries.
Gee I wonder why.
>Do Chileans like Pinochet?
He ruined the country. Their social security system was destroyed forever before of that faggot.
He imported fighters from cuba he had many commie militias, you think your airforce bombed his palace and assaulted it with tanks just to overcome Allende sitting inside by himself?
>Brazil was Huge
We were in the middle of a militarist dictatorship as well, commie.
>social security system
You are American, you should know social security trash is nothing but a poverty perpetuator and basically a system of "we give poor people free shit for votes to our party"
>Communists deserved it for trying to brainwash student into protesting for communist shit.
You don't even know why they killed them. Read the wiki and educate yourself before memes.
>Not dead
Rodrigo Rojas was killed.
Your moral compass defend terrorism acts in foreign countries. Wow. I guess you're ISIS material.
Keep living in your bubble, and believing all what papito told you.
Leaf. Educate yourself.
In his last radio statement he LITERALLY asked people not to fight the coup.
>you think your airforce bombed his palace and assaulted it with tanks just to overcome Allende sitting inside by himself?
You need to read more books about this. Your ignorance about the preparation of the coup and their intensity is abysmal.
There are recordings, you know?
Not a coup.
Again who are those soldiers fighting? Why are they taking cover? It's just one guy inside who told everyone to surrender what are they worried about ?
Also beastiality.
Buzzwording doesn't work here brainwashed retard.
Pinochet's crimes do not take away his merits against communism.
There is no such thing as a good political leader
Some leaders spilled blood in the name of evil. Pinochet spilled blood in the name of patriotism and liberty, this is why you don't live in a Venezuela stupid underage.
His bodyguards: GAP (Grupo de Amigos de Allende). You can't call that a proper militia. They were like less than 10 people
Is it bad that I recognize that woman?
>Pinochet's crimes do not take away his merits against communism.
Seeing merit in killing people because of muh ideology.... You're just like those soviets
>There is no such thing as a good political leader
Oh, but thats what Fidel supporters says. You should be friends.
>Pinochet spilled blood in the name of patriotism and liberty
Patriotism: he sold all our local companies to spaniards, americans, and british. Yeah, really patriotic!.
Freedom: 17 years without congress, political parties or free speech. Just like today's SJW cucks wet dreams.
>this is why you don't live in a Venezuela
Another retarded statement. And you have the balls to critizice Venezuela's dictatorship while defending another bloody dictator. Wew lad!
I'm way older than you. I was alive in the 70's
what you're saying is contradicted by Wikipedia not exactly right wing news.
>During the air raids and ground attacks that preceded the coup, Allende gave his last speech, in which he vowed to stay in the presidential palace, refusing offers of safe passage should he choose exile over confrontation
> A weak insurgent movement against the Pinochet regime was maintained inside Chile by elements sympathetic to the former Allende government
>weak insurgency
You sir, have a patrician taste.
>Look at the rest of southamerica where they have SIESTAS and close everything for 3 hours.
Chile please. We aren't like that
Thats because you guys are all over our Plaza de Armas ;)
Citing fake news sources.
Most Chileans think he was a statist murderer. They don't like to talk about him either - I studied abroad there in uni and only spoke about it with two Chileans. I only felt comfortable doing this because we became close friends. Its like going to germany and asking a stranger about nazis.
You'll see edgy faggots on Sup Forums saying its 50/50, but really its part of their history the vast majority of Chileans would rather leave behind.
You are taking the weakling that can't live in our almost ANCAP society
It had to be done we spic hate contributing to each other and they only way is by force.
t. Country with 70% tax evasion
There is no dictator in the world ever who unilaterally made everyone's life shitty. Even dictators need support within the community and usually this support is bought with money or favours.
For example, a farmer would say that the soviet union was excellent, because it subsidized agriculture and gave it politically an important status.
A banker or a doctor would tell you a different story.
If you asked an average (back then average meant you worked in a factory) German during the nazi regime if life was good under Hitler, most would say yes, because their quality of life was booming due to the focus on manufacturing.
However, if you were holding the wrong end of that stick and were subject to persecution, you would probably tell a different story.
>Seeing merit in killing people because of muh ideology.... You're just like those soviets
False equivalence fallacy.
I don't consider bad killing in the name of an ideology. I support killing communists, that doesn't me "like" them.
>Oh, but thats what Fidel supporters says. You should be friends.
False equivalence once again.
>Patriotism: he sold all our local companies to spaniards, americans, and british. Yeah, really patriotic!.
More drama queen whining, companies do not belong to a country, companies can be sold or bought, and Pinochet sold them to people who managed it well, thanks to them you live in the richest South American country.
>Freedom: 17 years without congress, political parties or free speech. Just like today's SJW cucks wet dreams.
False equivalence once again, I don't hate dictatorships, I hate communist and liberal ones. During Pinochet's dictatorship there was no street crime, no thugs, no gangs, every criminal feared the military.
>Another retarded statement. And you have the balls to critizice Venezuela's dictatorship while defending another bloody dictator. Wew lad!
Once again stupid fuck, stop Le ebil dictatorship boogeyman, Pinochet dictatorship was good, Franco dictatorship was good, Hitler dictatorship was good.
I could careless about defending bloody dictatorships, communists dictatorships are bad because cripple their own economies, kill their populations by the millions, tax the shit out the people until they live in misery.
hurr durr muh copper
well, thank pinochet that he didnt sell it to americans
allende was gong to make of chile a shithole like cuba
you communist filth, im onto you.
by the way, pinochet is overrated. there are better latin american dictators anyways
I would rat out leftists in my family
You know, yankees should stop posting using other countries flag when they are on vacation.
I fucking love that headline.
"Exterminated like rats".
Very fitting for dead communists.
Good goy, (insert dictator of your disliking) would be proud.
It's around 50/50, slightly leaning towards hate.
Young people that think he was ok do it for the edge it brings to their personality. The old people that love him is because they were either part of a rich family that received support from him during dictatorship, or farm people that wasn't that much in contact with all the stuff that happened during those years.
>companies do not belong to a country,
he literally stole those companies from the state. I wonder how many people you can get here that woukd support to sale the electricity, phone and water companies ?
>people who managed it well,
Ignoring the recent outages, due to bad management.
>I don't hate dictatorships, I hate communist and liberal ones
There goes your moral compass...
>During Pinochet's dictatorship there was no street crime, no thugs, no gangs, every criminal feared the military.
And here you show you have 15 years.
So you don't remember the kidnap of rodrigo anfruns (made by the right wing)
the assasination of karen meyer (by the son of a wealthy businessman)
and all the criminality back then. (Including Piñera and banco de Talca)
I remember. I was alive back then. Your meme is wrong
>Pinochet dictatorship was good, Franco dictatorship was good, Hitler dictatorship was good.
>Good goy, Hitler would be proud.
Your statement makes no sense
How am I a good goy for helping Hitler?
>Le ebil dictator
Matate grave culiao, andai llorando por puras weas. Pinocho es lo mejor que le paso a este pais.
Considering that most of the base of national socialism came from regular socialism, he might not like your way of dealing with dissent.
>18+ site, go back to the nido.
Para que esconderse de una realidad mostrando una foto de Santiago.
Chile Now
I don't really care about economic issues
I just want to see degenerates gassed
We got it to good despise our geographical difficulties and now everyone wants a piece of the country we didn't ruined.
Sure you do, but being edgy it's pointless if you have no persuasive power.
Chile Now
god dammit, is there a way to stop this? we cant let this happen, we cant get fucked like this
Don't vote Piñera.
Killing 2000 Communists prevent at least a million Chilean deaths. He did the logical thing.
You have to understand that Chile had a socialist president before the Junta and was on the brink of economic collapse. Communists were also working with the Cubans are were about to have a communist revolution, where the revolutionaries were talking about purging a million Chileans. The country was on the verge of something terrible, and the Chilean congress asked Pinochet to take control. And he did. Most of the people killed under that Junta were communist revolutionaries, and he eventually abdicated control of the country after it was stable.
The left's demonization of Pinochet and worship of figures like Che and Castro speaks volumes.
>black o'higgind and prat
top kek
That's not a convincing argument when you realize that Dr Allende reduced child mortality and malnutrition.
Salazar, despite its Nationalist stance (favouring Portuguese production and Portuguese owned companies) was pretty much free market.
Also, the incentives to invest and do business in our colonies was almost socialistic, even after the war began...
>communsits are not innocent
Ok well then what if I get everyone to call you a commie, just because I don't like you, and death squads take care of you just because of word of mouth? Literally blacklisting people never works out. Retard.
Ok well then what if I get everyone to call you a commie, just because I don't like you, and death squads take care of you just because of word of mouth? Literally blacklisting people never works out. Retard.
>Salazar was pretty much free market.
This seems accurate.