theyve been lying to us all along!
theyve been lying to us all along!
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This had potential to be a funny thread. Ended up being a Reddit cringe thread
That's emu and bunny lands. No go zones.
Australia is the opposite of full.
It is still the perfect prison island.
Now if only we could get America to pick up its role as insane asylum again as well...
That's a big green country.
join us
2 posts in... Brilliant
Bots strike again
If you're white, we're not full. If you have a single drop of nigger-blood or more, we're full. It is very simple.
The entire planet is full cunt.
fuck off cunt we're full
Furious there's even going to be a gay marriage vote.
Not that it will even pass, horrendous waste of money and time.
the shills have arrived, everyone
ignore them! they trying to spread disinformation
Fuck off they're full, cunt
>fuck off we're full
>population density = 2 per square mile (yes, literally it's fucking 2 people per sq m).
If you know what's good for you, you will delete this thread.
sounds pretty full to me desu
>population density not including spoidy
meme fleg retart
>fuck off
i really want to move to Australia :(
can i move there? legally of course and i'm white
what are my chances to get there? i was thinking moving to tasmania
This had potential to be a funny post. Ended up being a Reddit cringe post
Watch any mad max movie, that's practically Australia, with Australia having a few more beers, more dangerous animals, but with the same fucking attitudes though.
Having one white grandparent doesn't make you white, Pedro.
You see these two op?
They're full, So fuck off!
stay away Proxy fag
likely story
i'm blonde and tall. brown eyes though
wait, australian flag stars are stars of david?
Truelly incredible
I don't want to get killed by verocious animals and insects there. No thank you.
I fucking love this country.
listen to this user
Where is the Grand Union flag?
don't even consider moving here, we're full cunts
fk off
Are they natty?
Oi...Fuck off we're full!
Lol, Emu War.
the jews set up nations,so they can "rule over the nations of the world"
Nation literally translates into hebrew as "Cattle Farm", pretty strange,considering they fund every single country (including NK)
Even green is Nevada desert-tier. What the fuck Ausfailia? Do you have to filter your water straight from the ocean?
why would anyone want to live in australia?
If only more Asians adopted your attitude.
What are you still doing there abo
Things like this help: en.wikipedia.org
Nips seemed thrilled to be here when they actually had money.
Not even wh*te "people" are allowed in Nippon.
Waitu piggu go home
had to build a few desal plants desu
I just read through the visa policy for Australia and apparently you just need to commit a class C+ offence to be eligible for an unconditional visa.
It's fucking nice in the bush you sissy
Freedom. Real freedom
100 years from now ozzy will be majority chinese.
under demonic powers
That only applies for alcoholic maoris, and it's conditional on them not breaking the fucking law while they're here.
try 50
It already is mostly Asian in the big cities
At least the people you see in the inner city
It's these sort of leaks that will lead to full nuclear war, If the wogs find out they can grow cabbages everywhere, we're truly fucked.
100 years from now Sweden will be majority sandnigger
fine.. Come. Most dumb cunts who were not born here dont have the ingrained ability to avoid our deadly creatures and will be killed shortly after arrival. Your bodies will be left to rot in the desert. Come.
>aussie accent
i know it's wrong but fuck me lads wew
Meh not even close.
We already changed immigration laws and only got 5% so far.
Australia can't help it because all their neighbours are asians.
Nope, it's just an easy way for an illustrator to draw even looking stars
they're pretty hot desu, every second couple is WM/AF
we're doomed
That's probably about 150 years after the Declaration of Independence user
stupid fucking cunt dog slut bitch whore.. nothing i hate more than when a fucking cunt comes here trying to fuck up our shit..
what happens when it's 2050 and all that remains of straya are elliot rodgers
FKN HALP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PLEASE HALP!!!!! OMG!?!??!
id bet that arab lands are actually closer by distance to sweden than china is to australia.
also your name will now be SVEX!
the greatest beta uprising in history
Aussies explain this!
N-no, it's just a big empty desert full of poisonous creatures! Keep away!
lol that slut is disavowing the alt-right harder than ever.. so hard infact that the hapa whore has even colored her hair to a more gook shade..
funny how she debates with people.. loses the debates outright and then continues to spout her garbage as if the debate nver happened.. The absolute fucking state of the (((alt-lite)))
Which city? I presume it's one of those that are close to Indonesia, right? The South can't be this bad.
FARRRRRRRRRRRRRRKING melbourne... my city
i seriously dont understand how HOW the fucking politicians can feel this is acceptable.. Its straight up fucking treason. i even had a legitimate argument with an Australian MP on facebook over it PUBLICLY and he got fucking BTFO by me..
This is an anglo/celt country built on the valued of the west. How can they expect it to remain that way when its populated by a mob of goox.
You know they are going to fucking remove the english language requirement on the citizenship test...
Also in my fucking city of melbourne they are strongly pushing to move the date of the FOUNDING of the country because some abos are fucking crying about it...
The absolute state..
I am strongly considering returning to my country of heritage and buying a house in the alps.
Have fun living in the areas that are desert (like 95% of the country is arid desert)
Perth is getting to this point
Sydney already is like this which is why I think this is Sydney
Even where I live is getting to this and I live in fucking Albany
Fucking disgusting, there's at least 3 Indians in that pic.
Brisbane too, wonder how Radelaide is
lol internet
dont you see flinders on the side there.. its mleb mate
oh shit sorry on second look its not. Looks alot lik flinders station though
>mfw 300k for shithole commie block home in the middle of no where
>mfw perthcunt
They are the perfect bioweapon against white males.
will you be my girlfriend?????
Packed as fuck, stay in your sandbox schlomo.
how much meat do you have on you ?
The ginormous spiders and Black Mambas cruising down the streets is enough to keep me away.
sure why not
pretty sure they shipped niggers there to diversify it too
Back to Brockpuppetlandia with you.
>Black Mambas
You mean Taipans
Were already here mate. First gen Aus, daddy-o is Maltese.
Mate, fuck off.
I heard this island is a zoo full of white people for the chinese to visit, is this true?
My dads maltese and when the retard first got here he poked a tiger snake with his fishing rod.