Can fat people like myself be white nationalists?
Can fat people like myself be white nationalists?
all hands on deck imo
hit the gym though
Yea, but cut out the fries and shakes. You're gonna need a lean mean look.
No, you'll be 3/5ths of a white nationalist until you get in shape, which is ironic because you're probably 5/3rds of a person atm
Yes, but you need to get in shape. I'm down 56 pounds so far, got a few more to go. Eat less garbage, jog occasionally, you'll be fine. I believe in you, user
stupid repeat slide. talk about something that matters anons.
sage sage sage sage
>Can fat people like myself be white nationalists
Tricky question, you are not white.
>Le 56--52% face
You can try and make a start by becoming white.
white people don't exist faggot, we've replaced them. saged
Root some hot slut and all of the problems in your pic will be fixed afterwards if not before. Set goals first you lazy cunt.
Yes, you're sure to be herded by the police into a communist held bottleneck so they can bash the fuck out of you with metal pipes they used as flag poles.
Yes, but you're still an embarrassment.
Cut your hair
Yes, but start lifting weights you fatass.
>You can be anything you want these days.
Nice shitpost. Everyone saying you are too fat and more importantly NOT WHITE is correct
He doesn't need to lift weights. Working on Cars/splitting wood etc would be enough if he has decent genes. Physical strength should be attained with something that is working towards achievement. Gym is acceptable if you can't do these things otherwise it's just vain faggotry.
most of them are, anyways.
especially fat people can be white nationalists