You just got knocked the F*** out
You just got knocked the F*** out
it's a legit question. he ran over shit, his car could've gotten dirty
wow this really mashed my potatoes
it happened in Spain. Shit happening in America would naturally take precedence globalist faggot
White supremacy is a movement of peace!
How come no one cared when those BLM niggers killed all those people?
Waiting to confirm that it was the leftist driving and was trying to pin it all on right.
Gleiwitz 2.0 inc.
>Orlando shooting
>San Bernardino
>Dallas nigger killing cops
But a white guy gives a whale a heart attack and white people are all nazis?
Lefty/ POL/ BTFO and fuck nazis and Alt Left terrorist
Reminder that leftists aren't human
Trump should have ground his golf spikes into her arm
>draws only white victims
From the pictures and video of the incident half the people hit were black. Why is the cartoonist racist?
leftie media bias, if a rightwinger is doing dumb shit its big news, if a left-cunt doing dumb shit they ignor it or relativ it or just blame other circumstances
Pulse shooting. 49 Americans.
Besides the things other people mentioned, that happened almost a week ago, faggot. The Barcelona attack was just yesterday, killed way more people and yet nobody, absolutely nobody on the media even talks about it.
Fcu t
He is a mossad agent.
Also, I have no sympathy for men who allow themselves to be slaughtered like that.
>Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live.
Hello is this Antifa?
can you hook me up with your muslim brotherhood manager please, i need to speak to them
>Small Hands
Checks out guys, roll the political comic.
he is ok.
and where is the dead commie whale?
Antifa are the globalists foot soldiers