How does it feels, Drumpfkins? First your statues and now your Orange Grand Dragon are being brought down.
Congressman Steve Cohen moves to impeach Drumpf
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Just hold the fucking vote already.
>Steve Cohen
something seems fishy about this guy, can't put my finger on it
Hmm, me neither.
kys jew
what could it be goys....err i mean guys
You pathetic retards have been saying you will impeach him before he was even sworn in
My eyes have not been opened wide enough to inspect this specimen in OP pic
cohen needs to go back to sucking nigger dick in memphis.
corker needs to enjoy the time he has left, he will not be re-elected
I live near his district. He is considered a joke
There's n-nothing suspicious about him! I promise!
Or don't, since republicans control the house, and it's not their job to indulge every idiotic leftwing fantasies.
They did this like a month ago for some Russia bs. Republicans did this to Obama like 9000 times. Means nothing.
He looks like a pedophile.
Who could this be?
Impeach him for what?
He looks like he'd participate in child trafficking. Hell, for all we know, he probably does.
Id like tp see these fucks try it / what grounds do they have that they didnt like his speech b-but Drumpf was mean to mean he said we we bad i dont like him blah blah blah / mental capacity of a five year old
Another attractive and trustworthy looking member of the tribe.
I cri evrytim
Weimar America, just like the attempted coup on 1918
Did they? Never heard anything about that, I thought articles of impeachment were usually rare. Then again of course the fake news would never report on anything bad about St. Obama.
Even if the house did get enough votes to impeach trump, they would have to have the senate vote on a convition.
Its all a big shit show of virtue signaling politicians, becauae itll be damn near impossible to get him out of office
It's finally happening. Drumpfy getting impeached for his possible collusion with Russia. He should have played fair!