He brings shame on his father. A literal nazi youth.
>y-you're supporting a lost cause. Now please continue letting your daughters get blacked and continue to let those mexicans in
What a shame a gifted Austrian could become so fucking commie.
I guess they don't call it Commiefornia for nothing.
He's literally a product of selective Nazi breeding policy. He's a shame to his lineage.
He's a race mixer, what did you expect? These people won't acknowledge the utter misery inflicted by third world immigration until they're given a kick up the arse personally, like a loved one being killed by the religion of peace or an illegal drug smuggling immigrant.
>He's literally a product of selective Nazi breeding policy.
that explains the heart attacks better than the steroids
>stop joining groups of mass murderers
He means the communist purges right?
body building is a patriarchy thing.
We just had this thread. Fuck's sake. Sage.
Single handedly responsible for handing California to democrats for 50 years. The essence of the establishment republicans, a subservient wing of the democratic party
Oh look another millionaire actor throwing his opinion around on camera.
Best acting he's ever done.
wtf black people are suddenly equal now!
>nazis murder millons of people
hollywood outraged
>marxists kill millions of people
hollywood silent
geeee I wonder whyyyyyyy
>you weren't born into that ideology
Yeah, and you weren't born thinking all people are equal either. How is that an argument?
Mental illness due to living in commiefornia and excessive illegal steroid abuse
I don't trust a damn thing Arnold says after this shit.
LMAO Sup Forums BTFO
They still won't fucking care. They're narcissists. A dead kid is nothing but another opportunity to get on TV.
This cucked old man failed as a father.
So like BLM? they burn cities,kill cops, attack people, take off statues.
>I knew them!
>I was born in 1947
thanks for the laugh OP
Doesn't this guy have alimony payments to make?
Is he suggesting soldiers go to hell just because? What a piece of shit
Why should I believe the words of someone that has been paid to say what others tell him all his life?
He's just on a winter bulk
Spot on
Arnold busted up his marriage with woman on left so he could go balls deep in the ugly sack of hammers on left. He's literally stupid as a fucking nigger.
>racial stereotypes are bad
>I knew them!
Wasn't his father legit in the SS?
"All human beings having equal value" does not follow from the fact that the nazis lost. However he is right that nazism is a dead ideology and anyone who calls themselves a nazi is retarded.
It's seriously like everyone connected to the large firms like the Vanguard group, suddenly turned on and says/posts the same shit over and over again.
The celebs, youtubers, politicians, etc etc. Everyone acting the exact same way even though Trump clearly denounced racism and nazism the first fucking day.
There's already chips implemented in people, right Sup Forums? I mean.. that's the only thing I can think of.
Im glad i have that known arbiter of morality ahnuld to tell me what to think.
This dropped custard pie looking muthafucka proly raped more stupified women than 50 niggers combined.
>Can't distinguish between right and left
>Calls others Niggers
No idea.
But meeting the remnants of a lost cause is a lot different than being there when Hitler turned the country around.
mindraped by cancer to hate themselves and what they fought for
freemason scum arnold
That was like 20 years ago. See her back then, and you'd blow a green card in her pussy as well.
Both are failed ideologies
I like Arnie movies, but the man sold his soul to Jews. Now he should just shut the fuck up and enjoy his last years and money.
are freemasons jewish?
they are an organization of VERY good goys
The more and more I learn, the more I begin to hate.
>supporting an ideology that's has killed millions.
But I'm not a communist.
>your heroes are losers
Oh, because hating yourself for your past and having no national heroes to look up to did wonders for Germany, didn't it?
wew lad
>Hijack valid protest on removal of Robert E. Lee monument
>Shut down protest. Go home or you are a racist
My thoughts are, that just because extremists show up doesn't mean you are associated with them.
Additionally confrontation with violent hate groups sounds like a good way to get in a fight or get hurt. I would avoid them and carry on with the peaceful protest.
This idea that they can shutdown every single protest by the right simply by saying YOU ARE A NAZI OR GO TO YOUR HOMES. Why do they get to tell us what we are and where we can go? Sounds like a way to silence and oppress us with fear of defamation.
Jews without being Jews.
I'm against neo-nazis and white nationalists like most, but taking down confederate statues because you don't like the history isn't the answer. We should review what the memorial or statue is about/for first and then see if it doesn't need to be up. The Brooklyn plaque that just said Robert E. Lee planted this tree didn't need to be taken away.
He's a kiddie fiddler like the rest of them and his handlers can tell him to say whatever (((they))) want. Not rocket science, desu.
this. conciously defacing public property is never the answer.
Ok Arnie, fuck Western Civilization.
nazis destroyed western civilization
Interesting message, I wouldn't disagree with his message against Nazi like groups.... But why did he leave out the communist groups? Red flag right there.
Kek. Commiefornia is real!
Fuck off nazi. Why don't you get the fuck out of America and try to take over Germany again.
Intense pressure in Hollywood to tow the line on sociology-political issues, or you don't get work anymore. If you want to know who is the Republican in Hollywood, look for those who don't talk politics.
Look what Arnold is saying. Some of the counter-protesters were waiving Soviet flags, which symbolize the same. "There are no two sides".
Maybe she had that tight grippy poonani
>those calves
mirin hard
>your heros are losers
>born in 1947
>after they lost the war
you dumbass thats also flag for communism not only soviet union
the same way the Nazi eagle is still used by Germany because its the german eagle..
Sup Forumstards can't take a fucking break, I love it
So many meme replies and strawmen, so few actual rebuttals.
Just another day in the Sup Forums playground.
Hollywood Sionistic puppet.
That doesn't make it any better...
Arnie is a fucking cuck I can't believe I idolized him fucking faggot doesn't have to live with these ghetto trash immigrants get fucked Arnie.
compared to what?
communism is an economic system it doesn't say other people are inferior and you should exterminate them
are Sup Forumscucks really this dumb and can't understand this difference or are they just pretending to be dumb?
Nietzsche spoke of and against the Nazis rising up, but these goofs don't read, they just watch silly Nazi YouTube videos
Reminder that arnie is part Jewish and has a Jewish father.
Oh, well, in that case...
Get out of here with that nonsense. The eagle has military ties; the Communist flag has a worse track record than the Nazis.
>Paid for you by your local rabbi
Way to spit on your ancestors Roidanator, i'll burn your old movies tonight, perhaps the gods want a laugh
>go home
This is the content of the message the opposition is giving these disenfranchised young men. Is it any wonder the alternative is more attractive to them?
That in particular is the Soviet flag. Communist regimes are linked to millions of death, so the flag also symbolizes the slaughter of millions, as Arnold is saying.
Stop hiding behind the memeflag.
> I can't believe I idolized him
That's your problem right there. You're a complete knob
mfw Stalin's killcount keeps increasing.
Of course:
>Jewlywood celebrity being liberal and a Jew pawn
Who would've thought?
Arnie was only ever used in Hollywood as a way to mock "strong Aryans", with films like Junior, Kindergarden Cops, Jingle All the Way that were there to mock their decline and feminization.
fucking hell man...
Sup Forumscucks really are that dumb
Stalin was born decades after Communist manifesto was even written...
Nazis developed national socialism themselves
>communism is an economic system it doesn't say other people are inferior and you should exterminate them
National Socialism doesn't either.
Communism always ends up with massacres, a lot more than any other ideology or economic system.
Yet you can wave communist flags and people won't mind as much, but one Swastika and the indoctrinated and the thought police want to SHUT IT DOWN.
He's become a virtue signalling cuck.
Fuck him.
millions of people died from religion too, why you think religion is still allowed?
>thinks fascism and racism ended when the war ended
>National Socialism doesn't either.
>National Socialism
>Looks at "progress" of last 70 years.
>Looks at who won.
You can't blame the losers for this shit, kike bootlickers.
so whats wrong with the "progress" of the last 70 years? and no, BLACKED porn doesn't count as anti-progress