Why does destroying statues trigger you faggots so much?
It's just an inanimate object ffs
Why does destroying statues trigger you faggots so much?
It's just an inanimate object ffs
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The real question is what got you triggered to the point that you had destroy it.
"It's just an inanimate object ffs"
Remember to Sage
I'm genuinely surprised she could climb up on that without passing out.
Virtue signaling. The only fight they can win is against an inanimate object.
Because it represents slave ownership, racism, bigotry, sexism, hatred, etc....I could go on but I'll save us both the time.
Reported for spam.
Why did you get so triggered when Hillary lost?
>why are symbols and imagery important
Hurrr durr nice thread faggot
First the statues, then the very fabric of the Republic.
This is like Venezuela. They started by removing statues of Cristobal Colon/Columbus.
And then the left wing dictator fucked the country in the ass.
Antifa is a bunch of drug addict Bolsheviks, destructive anarchists.
They will run this country into the ground if their uprising succeeds.
You want to live in Venezuela? Want to starve to death?
Doesn't bother me at all. Go ahead and forget some history. This is one that bears repeating...
This, and...
i agree, humanity should destroy all postmodernist art and buildings
pissing in a sea of piss
Don't forget to sign the Petition for a Heather Heyer statue
But it's just a statue. No need to get triggered.
It's just an inanimate object ffs
>achievements: being far and slow
OP your a pussy, why stop at statues. Let's destroy all of humanity.
why does killing nignogs bother u?
its just an animate object ffs
This one next please!
The need to feel righteousness overcomes any logic.
Why do your arms look like flabby sausages?
you're gross.
Haha nice try, you can't use my argument against me. YOUR people are the ones getting triggered first.
We're just a chain reaction to the triggering.
Somebody paid for those. You gonna reimburse them for the destroyed property?
Or, why the Dems wanna erase all the statues of their Dem heros?
Or, let's wipe out all evidence of fucked up slave holding so in a few generations folks will forget and we can give it another go.
a fucking terrorist
No. The statues didn't become an issue until your people brought it up. No one had an issue with them, at least not as much of an issue, back in the 1900s.
but it's just a statue quit being a pussy baby boy
Do it, you won't pussy
Simply because I wish for them to have as little control over anything as possible. They don't even deserve to have control of their own lives let alone public space. You have become the "other" and in my opinion cannot become a citizen again, I'll certainly never treat you like one, anyway.
Reminder: You people were the aggressors.
Why is there not a tire around that statue's neck?
>Because it represents slave ownership, racism, bigotry, sexism, hatred, etc
or not. Where in the statue of a standing soldier does it promote or defend those things?
why does the statue trigger you so much.
You sound triggered, it is just an inanimate object remember.
You genuinely can't think for yourself, can you? Stop buying products made in Asia before you condemn slave owners.
did you just assume it's gender?
If you believe you should not respect any slaveowner, than you will have an excuse to have no respect for our founding fathers, the principles the country was founded on, and the constitution of the united states
Which is really convenient, considering you're all leftists who really dont value freedom at all and just want to live in a fucking communist dictatorship where everyone gets free shit just for existing and has no right to hurt anyones feelings unless they're a white male
You're all traitors who should fucking hang
I really thought it was a boy with a purse.
I may starve or get murdered when shit hits the fan, but at least I'll be comforted knowing that things like that will die first due to extreme incompetence and barricading themselves in giant cities.
>being this retarded...
>kids these days are killing themselves over THIS
ahahahhaha oh man shes so fucking beyond ugly why the fuck would anyone give a shit what she says
Its more the fact that were undergoing a maoist cultural revolution in which your young progressive allies become steadily more deranged and eventually they'll be given the keys to kingdom by our idiot neoliberal forebears who don't realize you've been gripped by a deadly mind virus, after which point all of society will have to be remade in order to become "fairer", which is going to wind up exactly like it always fucking winds up.
You can prevent hell from being unleashed on earth by taking the redpill, but you won't, because you've decided that the kind of genitalia you're attracted to is the most important part of your identity.
Anyways, enjoy the fireworks, try not to get tossed overboard by the revolution.
Why does not being allowed to be a homosexual in public trigger you so much?
"It's just a fringe fetish FFS"
Sounds like the 80 iq niggers and cucks were the triggered one. They had to attack a pice of rock because they couldnt contain themself lol
If you actually think a mao revolution would over power a mudslime caliphate.... I have some news about how China had to eradicate them totally.