They're the ctrl-left. Nothing "alt" about 'em.
Stop saying "alt-left"
I don't get the joke.
I say call the commies and violent protestors the true left. That is more fitting and will show normies that the truth about the democrat leftists.
That's retarded. You're retarded.
obvious bait
This is a bad post and you should feel bad.
They want to control the thoughts and actions of others.
lol, nice
I wonder (((who))) could be behind this post. Don't make the left look radical goy!
So according to this its the "Right-Ins" and "Ctrl-Left"
The ctrl-left meme never really caught on, though.
Stop being a fucking pleb who doesn't understand the art of brand and memes, and why ctl-left is retarded because it's a brand new term that is not anchored by the same historical weight Alt Left is.
Does this mean you're back to the desktop if you're a centralist?
And they're not alternative, they're lamestream
how about ctrl-alt-left
only a keyboard warrior would think this is a good idea
>not the alt-f4
Stop saying "Alt Right" and start saying "bigot" instead. Nothing "right" about them.
Trump named them thats their brand now
Stop talking about the pg down left.THATS what they want
Could always just resurrect "pinko"
Alt is a key on a keyboard. So is Ctrl.
>Could always just resurrect "pinko"
partially usurped by anti breast cancer campaigns
This works
that's the joke? why not shift left then?
I've been calling the authoritarian left the ctrl-left for a year not but Trump fucked that up.
Once he says alt-left, the media respond to it, even if they're only saying "it's not a real thing", so the number of uses goes through the roof.
Then BINGO it's part of the language.
If d i g i t s, expect one of the more attention hungry dictionaries to have it listed by the end of the year.
cuz ctrl implies they're controlled
Because they're authoritarians barely masquerading as liberators.
True, alt is alot closer to center than tyrannical controlling ctrl
This. There is no alternative left. There is only the regressive left
There's only enough room for one authoritarian in the US.
>suppression of opposition speech
>suppression of facts
>altering search results
As long as you're not violent, you're not who we're talking about.
Clearly not, given the constant backlash.
>They want to control the thoughts and actions of others.
t. Tyron
It means "they" are controlled by upper force you fucking mongoloid. And by upper force it's basically the power in place.
Why would I quit calling them alt left when they hate it so very much.
So Elon Musk is part of the Shift Space?
Doesn't this alt thing actually come from listservs?
Why do we never have any contextual underfuckingstanding around here?
those keys do nothin
I think it's just short for alternative, my dude.
Facebook tier post
It's important that it is atl-left. Now that atl-right is in people's minds atl-left is a powerful word tool.
OP is shill af don't let him stop a good thing.
at this point its just a seed. they either get triggered by it or hopefully adopt it