Was she the next Lauren Southern?

Smart . pretty , helps promote us. Too bad she didn't hide her power level like Lauren Southern did and decided to appear on the Daily Stormer. Now she gets fired.

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can someone put the stormer podcast on youtube?

Here's an archive of the Crypto Report she was on.

It wasn't a podcast related to the Daily Stormer.
It's an alt-right podcast named The Krypto Report.

They did a post-rally podcast with nearly a dozen interviewees. Most were alt-right affiliated with the exception of Faith Goldy.
She went on it to give an eye-witness account of everything she saw happening since she was right next to the cars when they got hit.

Absolutely fucking retarded that they fired her simply for being interviewed by a show that her Jew boss doesn't like.
So, people can only be interviewed by shows that are ideologically aligned with the MSM?

I think she knew that this hysterical reaction was going to happen, but went forward with it because she was tired of Rebel Media.

Who?fucking hideous American mongrel

What happened to Laci Green? Last I heard she was slowly getting red pilled, then she got pilled on by a load of other SJWs then that was it.

This whole wave of "LE DEUS VULT xDDD" fake Christians are annoying.

rebel media is run by jew for profit
rebel media is controlled opposition

the jews are getting called out now in right wing organisation

we're reaching the final line, the mass redpill is coming

Laci Green was never close to being redpilled. She just saw how obnoxious and hateworthy SJWs are.

>Have Jewish boss
>Know that you represent the company wherever you go
>Go on a podcast that promotes gassing Jews as a joke

Gee I wonder why her Jewish boss would have a problem with this. Quit being autistic are have you never had a job?

She has no real talent, and also just look at that fake mouth. It's like her mouth and the rest of her face are detached. Terrible surgeon she got.

No but seriously, it's hilarious that she left rebelmedia thinking she has any opportunities waiting for her with the other producers on the market. She is finished now.

plus at the end she unironically said "I salute you and your movement."


Fuck you, user, Lauren Southern is the next Lauren Southern.

>you represent the company wherever you go
This is a big one the SJWs have been pushing. You actually have to support our agenda in your private life too!

Ah you're up early I see Ezra, how's the lawsuit going

SHe also made a joke about Ezra being stingy

>Can someone get their account b&

You know they don't even require you to break their ToS yeah?

Nice joke, I'm just stating what is obvious to all.

She has no talent apart from batting those eyelashes of her and wearing low tank tops (even though she's married, total slut).

She never got the same amount of views as Lauren or Gavin and any of the younger team.

She's explicitly ignored instructions not to go to rally, when it was already disavowed by the entire staff during a vote. Which has been confirmed by several who were there on twitter in the weeks leading the rally. Gavin disavowed too btw.

She has no prospects, it's just a statement of fact. And with the recent youtube ToS changes, no media companies is looking to hire a duckface bimbo. I just wish people would stop shilling for her and it's clear she has no charisma and only get views when doing videos featuring along bigger media personalities like Robinson or Lauren. Truth hurts, I am sorry.

Correct. Everytime something negative happens to a person in your work life as a result of something they did in their private life, this is the kind of response you get.

I am not alt-right or someone that believes in ethnonationalism; however, I support everyone's effort to speak about these subjects.
There are valid questions and thoughts that must be discussed openly so as to derive proper conclusions based on facts and logic.

I think she was just fine for doing this interview. If people from all sides can't talk, where does everyone think this ends up?

Ezra, I'm a good little goyim, put me on that payroll please.

I think Ezra is done with trying to recruit good goyim. They continue to betray him. The only one he can rely on is fellow tribeswoman Laura Loomer (and her tire)

she has the best set of DSLs of any alt-light ladies.