If everything is made of atoms and atoms are made of empty space, why can't I walk through walls? Atoms are a Jewish conspiracy.
If everything is made of atoms and atoms are made of empty space, why can't I walk through walls...
>why can't I walk through walls?
You should be able to..? Did you try concentrating really hard?
Because physics has determined there's an invisible force field holding all matter and things together. Otherwise it would all fly apart due to the issue you mentioned.
They have detected it's existence.
They don't know why it's there, and they don't know where it comes from.
And it gets them saying stuff like, " We could live in a simulation " because the force field they have surmised is there.....
Indicates intent.
There is actually a chance to pass through matter, albeit small, so start crashing into a wall and see what happens
Atoms aren't made of empty space -- the nucleus is just really fucking small compared to the orbit of electrons in the electron shell. Like a little tiny ball inside of a huge ball.
'Reality' is NOT a simulation, but it is LIKE a simulation. The simulation theory is a blue pill. The red pill is that 'reality' is LIKE a simulation - that it's not 'reality' that's like a computer, but that a computer is like 'reality'. Technology mirrors 'reality' and technology imitates biology (and this is completely intentional).
The base state of all things is energetic wave-form information, which has been confirmed by quantum physics. This is why everything can be perceived in an infinite number of different ways, because nothing can exist without being perceived and to be perceived, there must be a perceiver. When you see a rose as being red, a bee sees that same rose in shades of ultra-violet and a bat perceives that same rose as vibrations of sound. It all depends on the way that the information is 'read' (so to speak). We not only decode/re-decode information with our senses into what we call 'people', 'places' and 'things', but we can also ENCODE/RE-ENCODE information with our senses into what we call 'people', 'places' and 'things' - this is the basis of meme magic. We're encoding 'people', 'places' and 'things' with different information to what was there before, we're altering its informational substrate. The base state of EVERYTHING in the universe is ENERGETIC WAVE-FORM INFORMATION. EVERYTHING. We are literally information decoding information. Energy flows where attention goes. Things like 'mental illnesses'/depression/anxiety are basically ROGUE INFORMATION. Think of those things as being like a computer virus.
"If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is - infinite." - William Blake
What we call 'reality' is illusory and therefore malleable. Nothing is impossible in a universe that is illusory to begin with. There are two 'realities' going on side by side in this world, the one that the masses think is 'real' (what I call 'Movie Screen Earth') because (((certain people))) tell them it's 'real' and the one that is actually 'real'. The one that is actually 'real' is SO UNBELIEVABLY DIFFERENT to the one that the masses think is 'real' that it would make your head spin. The sky is not blue, nothing is solid because atoms are made of empty space, everything is always moving (including the ground that you walk on) and nothing ever touches anything because an atom can never touch any other atom due to electrical forces repelling them. Your feet never touch the ground. Also, the picture I've just posted is NOT yellow - it's red and green. If (((they))) have tricked you into thinking that red and green is yellow, think of the other ways that (((they))) have tricked you. Your brain and your senses deceive you. Nothing is EVER as it seems and appearances are ALWAYS deceptive!
Atomism (from Greek ἄτομον, atomon, i.e. "uncuttable", "indivisible"[1][2][3]) is a natural philosophy that developed in several ancient traditions. The atomists theorized that nature consists of two fundamental principles: atom and void. Unlike their modern scientific namesake in atomic theory, philosophical atoms come in an infinite variety of shapes and sizes, each indestructible, immutable and surrounded by a void where they collide with the others or hook together forming a cluster. Clusters of different shapes, arrangements, and positions give rise to the various macroscopic substances in the world
>Invisible force
That would be the God.
>nothing can exist without being perceived and to be perceived, there must be a perceiver.
oh lord here come the armchair philosophers trying to warp quantum physics properties into their worldview of reality
friendly tip, "perceiver" (observer) doesn't mean a conscious entity, einstein
But electrons occupy no space, so how could the nucleus of an atom be small compared to something that has no size in the first place? An electron is just a cloud of possibility (for lack of a more accurate way to describe an electron).
I know when particles are observed it affects the experiment. Every time. Particles behave like waves unobserved and behave like particles under observation.
I know this has been tested numerous times and confirmed by science .
I've never known quite what to make of it.
Atoms and electrons aren't "things", they are waves of energy in a field.
It means that your brain is decoding energetic wave-form information into what we call 'people', 'places' and 'things'. When you are not looking, there are waves of possibility. When you are looking, there are particles of actuality.
>An electron is just a cloud of possibility
Any object can be considered a cloud of possibility, but unlike your retarded ass an electron is fast and very fucking small.
What is means is that they go into quantum-mechanical territory, and effectively become impossible to locate with absolute accuracy.
This does not mean that they "have no size".
Although the electron is a miniscule particle (especially compared to the nucleus), it takes up a lot of space.
In the end, electrons create an area of negative charge, which in turn repels other electrons, which serves to prevent noclip hacks.
Okay so is it infinite waves all the time and my brain just says they're not? Or do they become not like waves literally as a result of observation?
Do the particles change? Or do I just perceive them as particles when they are in fact waves?
jews themselves are a jewish conspiracy
Because the electro-magnetic field of the atoms pushes you away
electromagnetic force
If there wasn't an invisible force at all then reality wouldn't exist which would give it a 0% chance of happening
its true, Jews don't want you to know that if something isn't being actively observed, it doesn't exist, even atoms. Atoms are a lie.
Existence and atoms only exist because human beings believe in them. There's plenty of unfinished and blank parts of the universe, existence, and the planet, but obviously you will never get to observe them because once you do, they come into existence.
It may seem contrary to what science tells you, but it's really just a way for the universe to save Random Access Memory (RAM)
He's a dumbass that applies quantum mechanics onto things that they were never meant to describe.
Once you go past the atomic range, most quantum mechanical effects start getting so small that they become negligible. I could describe you as a wave function, but that wave function would have such an infinitely small wave length that your position might as well be fixed.
One must run fast to go through wall.
The base state of everything in the universe is energetic wave-form information. This energetic wave-form information is the source of everything you 'see', 'hear', 'taste', 'smell' and 'touch' in the universe. A wave (i.e. energetic wave-form information) is also a particle at the same time and an apple (for example) is, at its most fundamental level, merely energetic wave-form information. But if you see that apple, your brain decodes the energetic wave-form information state of that apple (which is not an 'apple' as we would recognise it, but just energetic wave-form information) into particles arranged in such a way that it is an apple as you would recognise it.
>observer doesn't mean a conscious entity, einstein
It's kind of unknown what an observer really means, we can't measure anything without eventually perceiving the result. I'm not saying this is true but you can't really claim to know. If collapsing a probability field requires a conscious observer the universe only came into existence because it would one day contain a conscious observer to collapse it into reality.
You can, but the odds are really low, like hitting the powerball a billion times low. Odds go up if you take a running start, so be my guest retard.
Nuclear force
evanescent waves go through, much easier to make them real and see through walls.
Learn about "tunneling" its what makes lots of your electronics work. You need every atom in your body to tunnel the wall thickness, in unison. iphone 8 would have it, but you need true 4G.
There are three main reasons why I think that the universe is like a computer simulation (in no particular order):
* Time slows down near black holes, I think this is comparable to how a computer starts to slow down when it is receiving vast amounts of information so that it can preserve its processing power.
* The fact that we live in an unimaginably vast universe yet life seems to exist only on Earth. Perhaps extraterrestrial forms of life weren't coded into the simulation or they are coded into the simulation only when the Programmer (who you can call 'God', if you want) deems it necessary/desirable.
* Quantum physics has proven that things don't exist in the way that we observe them UNTIL we observe them. So in other words, EVERYTHING is energetic wave-form information UNTIL we observe it. This is so that this universe doesn't have to be rendered every second for every observer (human or otherwise) for the sake of preserving processing power.
There are no actual particles only waves of energy, excitation in the higgs boson fields generate forces and gives things mass.
That empty space is a field excreting force which is preventing anything crossing it.
Just because you don't understand it doesn't mean it isn't true
Interesting post user thanks.
>* Time slows down near black holes, I think this is comparable to how a computer starts to slow down when it is receiving vast amounts of information so that it can preserve its processing power.
Mind blown
>* The fact that we live in an unimaginably vast universe yet life seems to exist only on Earth. Perhaps extraterrestrial forms of life weren't coded into the simulation or they are coded into the simulation only when the Programmer (who you can call 'God', if you want) deems it necessary/desirable.
Interesting. Also the seemingly open ended question of how life even came to be.
>* Quantum physics has proven that things don't exist in the way that we observe them UNTIL we observe them. So in other words, EVERYTHING is energetic wave-form information UNTIL we observe it. This is so that this universe doesn't have to be rendered every second for every observer (human or otherwise) for the sake of preserving processing power.
I wonder how the universe would look without observers. Would this mean if life elsewhere doesn't exist, how would a vast empty galaxy appear trillions of light years away on the opposite side of the universe. The implications of this are crazy. A light beam traveling for billions of years that arrives to an observers eyes this very second, renders it's entire history as a particle. It goes back in time for those billions of years and says it was a particle instead of a wave-form because there was an observer.
The fact that shit continues to happen indicates that waveforms collapse with or without a conscious observer
>Just because you don't understand it doesn't mean it isn't true
Actually, it does. What are you going to do about it, snownigger?
No. :)
>The fact that shit continues to happen
How do you know that if you don't see it happening? Even if you put a video camera somewhere and see shit happening on that video camera, you're still seeing (i.e. decoding) whatever footage is on that video camera.
Third point is not proven. I think the role of the observer is more interesting when you think about for example how the visible light spectrum is only visible to us because it was useful for the propagation of the information that makes us. It's only a tiny arbitrary band of the spectrum. Seems to me like the world we perceive is entirely like that, just a tiny arbitrary, relatively stable and useful band extracted out of the chaotic fields that make up the underlying reality.
Why? Conscious observers still exist. Do you have an example of an event in mind that was not observed by a conscious entity? That sounds paradoxical.
>I think the role of the observer is more interesting when you think about for example how the visible light spectrum is only visible to us because it was useful for the propagation of the information that makes us. It's only a tiny arbitrary band of the spectrum. Seems to me like the world we perceive is entirely like that, just a tiny arbitrary, relatively stable and useful band extracted out of the chaotic fields that make up the underlying reality.
What we call 'the world' is an infinitely small frequency band. It is not solid as most people think it is, because the atoms that compose 'the world' are made of empty space. Furthermore, 'the world' as we know it does not even exist 'out there' - it exists only 'in here' and is projected by us only when we tune in to it. What we call 'the world' is illusory and therefore malleable. What we call 'ghosts' are beings that are so close to our frequency band that they can 'bleed' through like a form of broadcasting interference. A radio accurately tuned to a radio station frequency will produce a clear, sharp reception with no interference, but when the dial is slightly off-centre, another station or stations can be heard alongside the main one. What we call 'ghosts' are based on the same basic principle and reptilians (for example) are basically beings that we could think of as 'ghosts' in that they inhabit a frequency band that vibrates very closely to the one we inhabit. To us, a 'ghost' would not look solid - but to that 'ghost', we are the ones who would not look solid. There are an infinite number of frequency bands and they all share the same space usually without interfering with each other.
>'the world' as we know it does not even exist 'out there' - it exists only 'in here' and is projected by us only when we tune in to it
That's what I'm kind of saying only I'm saying you don't need the quantum collapsing conscious observer thing for that to be true. If life exists elsewhere there is no reason to assume they live in the same human centric arbitrary band of perception. They could look to us like weird shifting geometric shapes or like weather systems.