>“These are our allies, even though they are actually Americans who’s grandparents fought against us”

>“Even, though they come from the country that once defeated the Nazis… They have chosen to be Nazis – which means they are our allies”

>It is believed, the Neo-Japanese-Imperialists were called in to support their Neo-Fascist allies upon the outbreak of violent clashes in the Southern college town, where hundreds of white supremacists gathered to halt the planned removal of a Confederate statue from a park.."

Other urls found in this thread:

>currently under siege
What kind of article is this?



I guess two nukes *wasn't* enough.


>this is what leftyfags think they are
flag burners and communists are no patriots

I fucking love this timeline, just need the nazi movement here to grow.

a joke


>betoota advocate
This is fake news.

Haku Zynkyoku knows what's up.

It's a satirical website.

That means the stories aren't real. They're a joke.

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Trump supporters are stupid enough to believe this BWAHAHAHAHAHA

It's FAKE NEWS you fucking idiots! Like Breitbart and Wilileaks! Oh wait, you subhumans like fake news, I forgot!


>Helping G*ijin
They should commit sudoku

Can confirm, am currently under siege in Lee Park. Line is holding, reinforcements on the way.

Then the Soviet Army shows up!

>tfw when some Japs actually decide to get a Visa, spend a great amount of money, leave any kind of activity, plans they might be doing and travel to the United States with the only purpose of joining the Commie resistance.
>This timeline
What in Earth is happening.

in your dreams, this is the """army""" thats gonna show up hahahahah

LMAO based Japanese bros.

This time we fight together.


Reminder that the Japanese are Jews.

If I could send one image back in time to 25 years ago it would be this
How the h*ll did we get to this point?

right when I think this timeline totally sucks it gets awesome again

Oh my fucking god based Japan does it again

I would no wolly aboutu it.

probabry just joke

Japan is not based. They are bloodthirsty vermin that wish the deaths of every American man, woman, and child. Destroy the Mongoloid Imperialists!

Better have a fucking lot of those then, their K:D is utter trash.

good news you have been randomry serect to win special anime prize.
where do you live?for shipping purpose

Did more in WW2 than Brazil ever did.

holy fuck!

Most honorubu samurai. Kill antifa with cherry blossoms blowing in the wind. Spring has come

Human wave tactics until the enemy is out of bullets is hardly an achievement.
Congrats, I guess?

Literally a gag Australian newspaper. You retards will take the bait anyway.

What the fuck - I love japs now!!

The awakening the sleeping samurai.

cherrypicking, go out on the streets you coward

Not by proportion. Brazil only joined late in the war, but they had some of the highest K:D of all.
However, that's to be expected when you join after the war is already won.

You white pigs are not worth the effort. Please just let your nations die and do not bother us. Thank you.

Weren't their 12 tribes originally? The Jews are just the tribe that wants to be top dog. They forget the other tribes.


>Even, though they come from the country that once defeated the Nazis
So Russia?

Pretty good joke T b h f a m

Make Anime Great Again

hory shet a leal nipponjin

aishiteru Nippon saaan

>Autistic Larpers are Neo-imperialists

feeling a LITTLE sad?

It's clearly satire but nips are still H O N O R A R Y

Indy hated communists too, sport.

It's F-A-K-E you fucking idiots, no wonder "President" Trump loves stupid people.

God, and we let these idiots vote...

1000 antifa members

share and enjoy

He's a Jew Democrat who called for a regime change because of Bush.

We possess methods of making Americans shorter.

Oh shut the fuck up faggot, I've been on your lefty fagfest reddit, and the amount of people there who don't read the article they comment on and shit like that, pales in comparison to here.


Universal healthcare isn't a freedom you moron, it's a compulsion.
The entire concept of universal healthcare is that you have to pay higher taxes to pay for niggers getting shot in the bronx.
The freedom to own firearms doesn't force you to pay for a nigger getting a glawk 40 problem solver.


I lol'd out loud...

Fake flag, hello carl

fear the samurai!


I'm sure you do

stop larping as jap

Don't worry, im flying to Japan soon planning on filling plenty of little Nip sluts wombs with my superior Gaijin seed to make your Nip Boys a little taller :^)

>people LARPing as WWII factions from both sides are going to rip my country apart

who else /swoleleft/ here

Stand down degenerate filth, its not even a jap

>the lil jap monkey jerking off in the corner
so japan invented cuckold pornography?

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

>freedom to
delete this

I'd like to see what the left considers swole

>fat murican weeb thinks he can score some girls


Harrison Ford is a kike

How stupid can you be? We know its a joke, we are just shitposting, how new are you?

>you willl never purge your country of denegrate commie filth alongside glorious Nippon

Hold me my dudes

Stop being a faggot
you too, oh wait you can't

My Nippon brother from another mother
Long have we stood together, an ocean apart
But with your blade and my sword
We can keep the fools from tearing this world apart

Fucking awesome lol

this is just embarrassing really


Try driving a car through a crowed of gun toting conservatives.

No we're Nazi's aren't you tired?

How new are you?

Let us have fun you fucking nerd.

Next move is to call the soviet union right hahahaha
That's like WWII larping

He's a butthurt leftist, so he's obviously fresh off the boat from r*ddit

Holy shit that made my day. Thank you

fiction too

Tbh i would rather have one million of him instead of 10k of mudslimes

So there was no hope to begin with

Beautiful and traditional Japanese culture.

Indy puts things in museums to be remembered, he doesn't tear them down and replace them with pregnant nigger

rot in hell traitor
america belongs at the bottom of the ocean

Why the fuck is that specific character used for so many shitty left memes

After you discarded silent hill, you have little value yourself.

We are in this fight together nippon, once our countries our diversified, do you not think they will come after you next?