Calling all Non-Whites on this board

I'm White and I have a question for any non whites that may be on this board. Do non whites really hate Whites as much as it seems?

Personally I don't consider other races as being inferior to whites. I know that goes against a lot of what's posted on this board but it's clear to me that they're people too and they deserve respect. But I must admit that I don't feel comfortable around non Whites because I just assume that they'll hate me for my race and my culture.

I know this does not apply to every single Non-White person, but as far as I can see it Blacks raise their children to believe we're privileged and trying to deprive them of their rights. Latinos hate us because of immigration. Arabs hate us because Islam teaches them to hate any non believers. Asians don't seem to hate us so much but I can't imagine we'd be very welcome in their countries.

Basically what I'm asking is; Are these ideas I have regarding the attitudes of Non-Whites towards Whites by and large correct? Would they apply to most Non-White people? Do most people within other races actually hate white people?

Other urls found in this thread:

I hate big city whites

Do you want an honest answer to this? In short my answer would be no.

Meant to reply to OP

Idk if I count but my family is Persian and they pretty much hate all other races except whites.

King of the Hill was fucking great. Love that episode lol "Well who are you, the grand wizard?"

OP here. Yes, Honest answers only please. Would appreciate it.

Only minority non whites hate whites and only because all minorities hate the minority. The hatred is amplified because your schools emphasize on the fact that WHITE people were the bad imperialist Spacers while Non Whites are angels.

I don't hate whites. I hate the degenerate West as a whole

non-whites living in their own countries usually worship whites if anything OP. Black Americans on twitter don't represent the vast majority of humanity.


I only hate conversative whites. Only a cuck wouldn't, why the hell would you side with a group of millions of people that want you dead or at the very least out of a country that they themselves came to as refugees ( with the exception that they came here with no intentions of living in peace)

Whites are the closest expression of pure evil that the human race has seen.

You're demonizing minorities in order to justify you're far right views. Non whites do this too, aka Black Lives Matter. Both of you need to grow the fuck up, go outside, and stop living in an echochamber

>Whites are the closest expression of pure evil that the human race has seen.
You can't possibly beleive that

Whites have the highest empathy levels of all races. By far.

t. Asian

>You're demonizing minorities in order to justify you're far right views

Only slave name having Niggers hate Conservative Whites.

Liberal whites are the real cancer

The only reason you exist today, doing what you do is out of PITY

Chang please,they've raped and pillaged half the world (probably including your parents country) and you call them empathetic because now some will do a good deed every now and then.

Yes whites came as refugees and you see what happened to the native americans as a result. Now you can understandably see that we don't want that to happen to us. Especially considering we are a global minority.

Are slavs white?

>Do non whites really hate Whites as much as it seems
Stop watching Buzzfeed and Fox you fucking retard.

No, whites came as murderers with the intention of destroying and replacing native cultures. Not comparable to immigrants who just want to contribute to what is already in place. You're no better than jihadists

nobody likes a tryhard

do you have a source for this? I need one before I throw up on my social media cage

You are a disgrace to your ethnicity. Go look at some stats before you start hating on the history of genocide or war, and blaming it all on whites.

beaner here, I think whites are on the right often, but making this fight between white race agasint others was a misstake, cause you will be labeled racists forever, you should have pushed economical grow, or fighting extreme retardation of the left, but.. you got baited into the white supremacist motto wich wouldn't help your cause at all, I wonder if is too late to change that ( even if that's the goal anyway)

1. What is your ethnicity
2. They did that because they could. Africans raped other Africans 100x harder than Europeans ever did. The only reason Africans didn't rape and pillage outside of their country (until modern times) is simply because they couldn't. They were not able.

Can you name 10 non-European countries that treat minorities well, that treat minorities at the level of Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, France, England, Scotland, Netherlands, Belgium and Finland?

Okay Tyrone, we get it, you have never read a history book. Do you ever wonder why the non-white nations that were colonized don't share your setiment? Indians don't have this hostility (except for marxists, but marxism is anti-white anyways), the chinese don't have this hostility, Nigerians don't share your sentiment.

Interestingly, the founding fathers predicted this scenario to a large extent

Nice! Thanks Britbro

I don't hate you. Y'all are chill. There are just too many ungrateful niggas that don't realize that we'd be oogabooga in Africa if the White man didn't attempt to impart some of his civilization onto us.

Half Aus/Filo here, born in Aus.
I love whites, I didn't really know why some whites deliberately self-flagellate themselves culturally and socially speaking. That is until I came here.
Whites built Australia and tried to civilize the Aboriginal (>MUH STOLEN GENERATORS).

One thing I will say, is that we are all different. Not this bullshit 1 race human race. NO. We all have our differences.

Naturally as filos we absolutely detest communists and muslims. Hopefully Duterte has a final solution to these problems.

You're literally being asked what your opinion is and you can't even fully articulate a coherent response other than "get out of the echo chamber, lel." Provide a fucking valid argument or point of view.

Idgaf about "race".

Nigger here. The only reason we darkies get so mad about white supremacy is because whites actually are superior and we know this

You need to learn to love yourself again Whitey. Stop hating on your heritage and being ashamed of it. Be proud of who you are and don't let anyone say that's wrong or take that away from you.

OP here

I am concerned with the white race in that I do not want to see the race I'm a part of die out. There seems to be a legitimate Anti-White agenda amongst liberals. That native white countries are having the population displaced by migrants, because governments and establishments push the agenda that whites do not have the same right to a nation and a culture that other races have.

However I don't consider my self to be in a fight "between white race agasint others".Others may consider it to be this way, but I think that's a flawed approach. No one will take your moevement seriously if you're genuinely a racist. I think people have moved beyond that and rightly so. I consider it more valuable to assess someone's quality as a person based upon their nobility, integrity, virtue, reason and honesty rather than their ethnicity. I see that there are differences in people based upon race but I don't think that means that one race is more deserving of better treatment than the other. All people of all races are capable of possessing good qualities as a human being.

My question in the OP was more concerned with if there's an actual hatred towards Whites amongst the majority of Non-Whites. I do not hate other races based upon their race, but I find my self becoming increasingly cautious towards and uncomfortable around people of other races. This is because I'm aware that a hatred of whites is present within other races, but I'm uncertain as to whether or not this is representative of most Non Whites.

Maybe I have seen too many retarded Buzzfeed videos and that's what's informed my perception. I hope that's the case because I don't hate other races, it's just kind of concerning to me that most of them could very well hate me because I'm white.

I think it's really a combination of an inferiority complex (whites created the modern world), and a genuine expression of real grievances that stem from centuries of imperialism, colonization and now globalization.

>Blacks raise their children to believe we're privileged and trying to deprive them of their rights.
Conveniently glossing over centuries of them being treated as subhuman cattle followed by various forms of subjugation.

>Latinos hate us because of immigration.
Conveniently glossing over the effects that globalization and other elements of history that contributed to their situation.

>Arabs hate us because Islam teaches them to hate any non believers
Conveniently glossing over the geopolitical reasons that created radicalization to begin with.

The problem with Sup Forums is that you can't into history in a nuanced way. Yes, conquest and subjugation is as old as humanity itself but nothing compares to the scale that the Europeans did it. Literally 95% of the world has been affected and it's the cause of much of the strife in the world today.

ok, being straightforward with your question, no, in my country there is no hate at all to the white menactually since I can recall, there is nothing but admiration or jealousy, lately as you mention tho, the media is pushing some of the USA's media hate ( mostly agaisnt trump tho) and even so, people probably hate him alone if anything, thanks for reading my post and again, i know you are not fighting for the white supremacist meme ( at least I hope so) but,some people are literally shitposting offline, where some people can't see ii as a satire or sarcasm, just my two cents, ( by the way my flag is rare and noone care damn is my country so forgotten here..)

I'm finding it hard believing this post is actually from someone not of the fairer skin.

I'm North-African and i don't hate whites. The majority of my friends are white.

I just hate racists (from every race) and nazi's.

>Do non whites really hate Whites as much as it seems?
>Are these ideas I have regarding the attitudes of Non-Whites towards Whites by and large correct?
Maybe in america but you guys are autistic with the whole race matter.
>Would they apply to most Non-White people?
I would apply them to non whites in america, but in Argentina we don't give a Damn, even more we love white people, they will literraly suck your cock unless you meet a commie
>Do most people within other races actually hate white people?
Its more about envy I would believe but no hate

Just dropping by to say I love my BASED subhumans.

What the statistics say

>Blacks killed by blacks ~~ 97%

what they read:

>Blacks killed by cis white male patriarchy ~~ 100%


Never change argie.

Also ITT: whites larping as non white people.


Forgot about that episode

the overwhelming majority of conservative whites are huge racecucks, though.

Man. I do too. Maybe it's growing up being a poor rural (white) kid. But rich city folk who will step over a homeless man on a street and then go on and talk about having to have the govt help all the less fortunate piss me off. Fuck I need some sleep.


Well for starters, can you admit that it was actually a black man that invented the internet?


Can you admit that it was a black woman that invented the first computer?

I recognise that I may have generalised Non-Whites' reasons for resentment towards whites in my statements in the OP.

I recognise that legitimate conquest and imperialism has effected Non-Whites in very negative ways. Slavery is included in that. This kind of conquest effected Whites as well, but with my limited knowledge of history I'd say you're probably right in stating that Europeans enacted the most conquest.

I am white, but I don't feel one bit ashamed of that fact. I'm proud of what European cultures have accomplished but also I don't delude my self into thinking that Whites have never committed atrocities.

I can recognise that the deaths caused at the hands of imperialism and the suffering caused at the hands of slavery enacted by whites is wrong. Doesn't make me some white guilt self hating cuck. Just need to be nuanced enough to see all sides of the argument. I don't think any one should be made to feel shame for what their ancestors have done, because that's not you. In addition to this I think one should only feel a certain degree of pride towards the accomplishment's of their ancestors and should focus more on their own personal achievements.

I only gave the reasons I gave in the OP because it's what I can see in the modern day for the resentment of Whites by Non-Whites, even if that does not apply to all members of other races.

I am a mutt pal, white mixed with Lebanese , I am non white.
And the negros are envious of us they didn't even have coups how can they even compete

Japanese here.

I generally like white people, often even more than most asians since whites tend to be more friendly and personable on average.

My Japanese friends though, tend to either not like whites, or at least be scared of whites. Especially with the recent happening in Virginia and the (((media))) spin on it.

>Japanese here

Japanese Americans aren't Japanese,James Tanaka.

I only care about

Help me el señor trump, a muslim it's attacking me.

I wouldn't know. I live in a primarily white country.

>I'm White and I have a question for any non whites


Why would you ask a sub 90 IQ what they think.

They think about raping you and your mother in front of your to fat to fuck sister.

Long story short: the majority of us have been conditioned to think you're (((them)))

If you are attempting to try and say mixed Americans...(halfWhite/halfBlack) contribute to the stats, you are a fucking retard. Blacks literally refer to the mixed blacks as "red bone" "yellow bone" Accept the fact that 'Black Culture' in America is filled with crime and degeneracy, and if the idols of the black community cant take the blame, then they deserve to be slaves again, they pretty much still are on their own doing.

Me too

t. mid city(? pop: 200 000) white.

that's also a great episode.

(((they))) instigate the race war

I mean plenty of lebs look white so I'd imagine a leb-white mix would look white

i've redpilled black people on the fact that the institutions that they think are oppressing them are in fact controlled by jews, not whites. i get some pushback at first but they're ultimately receptive.

Persians > Arabs


Good to know they don't hate me

I'm an Asian and most of my friends are white. Whites and Asians are pretty cool, blacks idk so much bout, sand niggers can fuck off.

Christ that was gold

Ackshully as a black intellectual and half Japanese American, I consider myself more Japanese than a native because of my intelligence.


I don't hate blacks but I do hate Africans. They're so loud, stupid and lazy you can't understand until you've seen it. I bet even African Americans would ask themselves what's wrong with the nigger.

t. living in a close city near Brussels

I didn't have any problems with whites until I found this board


Same here, good lord this people it's awful.

I hate lefties of any color
but I rather be with a white person than with a black one
no question

You assume they are capable of hate.
Does a dog hate? does a gorilla hate?
A gorilla is actually smarter than the majority of blacks.

100% this. Rural whites are some of the nicest, hardest working people I've ever met. Most whites within city limits are complete trash and are debateably worse than niggers.

>Fentanyl degenerates
>pedo raid every week arresting these faggots
>Barely any of them have an education that isn't a HS diploma
>Race mix with anything because white women and white men know they're trash and don't want each other.
>They're either go full storm nigger or are a Commie

Nope, my grandma came from India (yes poo) and she's more patriotic then most people in London. She even sings the national anthem before the queens speech on Christmas. It's kinda adorable.


is this trolling or just a dumb nigger?

I believe races are different, some have higher IQs, some have more fast twitch muscle, some are more prone to genetic diseases, etc.

The thing is, you interact with individuals on a day to day basis. So all the blacks I see in my neighbourhood are probably above the mean black IQ (including all blacks world wide) because I live near a Uni, and a lot of them are from Nigeria so their parents obviously have money.

So even though on Sup Forums I can say "I hate niggers" it's as a group, not as individuals because obviously there's some blacks I don't mind and even have common hobbies/interests with. But when I'm in detroit there is no relaxation.

It's hard when your personal experiences are not in line with world wide statistics.

My family is Asian and we hate niggers, but that's about it

>implying care about any sort of uma delicia history.

I do not hate whites.
Well actually i do hate one kind of whites, the cucked, limp wristed, leftists whites who bow down and bend over to non-whites

I prefer an actual white nationalist a trillion times than a cucked white, because they at least stand up for something, at least they defend their kind, they care about preserving their own.
Meanwhile cucked leftist white does as much as possible to end his own people just to not be called "racist" and virtue signal to his other cucked leftists friends.

All races hate other races for specific reasons I think, to keep things simple I just simply acknowledge there's ignorant morons and worthwhile people from all races

Agreed. They are fucking scum
t. Englishman

North Indian

My dad is super-liberal, but every now and then he launches into speeches about how great the U.S.A. and the people who founded it are.

So no, even the most liberal Indians tend to like whites

Me as a proud slavic man can say that I dont have a problem with white people

Whites are the butt of brown people jokes the same way browns are the butt of white people jokes. I'm mixed race (black/white) and I think everybody needs to fucking chill out with this identity politics shit. It's ruining conversation and debate.


American mutt theyd list as "white hispanic" thats knows no spanish here. Dont know any poc so i cant really say if they hate whites for real and the whites i do know are not self hating.
Do i live in some knind of bubble? I see all the shit on the news and it makrs no sense.

Conservacucks have more respect for the human potential of non-whites than anyone else. You prefer people who fetishize you in a perverse obsession to condemn their Original Sin of being white over people who would like to view you as an individual and not a racial representative?
I'm sorry you're a retarded nigger that thinks conservative = Sup Forums

>Do non whites really hate Whites as much as it seems?
only the ones with mental retardation.
i married a white person and think that more white people should feel free to express pride in themselves, their achievements and their nations as everyone else is allowed to.

non whites who aren't retarded like to live in prosperity and not in some third world shit hole so of course we ally ourselves with your interests. the thing is also that a lot of non whites who don't have brain damage are too busy working or doing something else productive in life instead of loudly and violently "protesting" all over the place.

nah man

where the white wimmin at

>no intentions of living in peace
The people here killed and enslaved one another on a regular basis and are proud of it. The aboriginal kids I hung out with in town the other day at the river went on a rant about how proud they were that the river was once a battleground for them and how so much blood was spilled there, then complained about being conquered.

You can't possibly be any more fucking retarded.

I'll hand them the spare change in my pocket and then talk about how our government needs to cut social support for leeches
t. Calgary

>government helps them

With our taxes. Those bums should get a job, it's nobody's fault or problem that they don't know how to survive in this world. There are some exceptions of course.

This is the sad reality.

Blue-pilled individuals --of any race-- have been conditioned to hate whites, especially if they are white, male and sexually non-degenerate. So, to answer your question: the hatred of non-whites towards whites is proportional to the number of blue pills said non-whites have swallowed (and this applies to self-loathing whites as well).

It's post and people like you that make me worried about being near non-whites

how though

>came to as refugees

honestly, i feel sorry for white people. ive also come to realize that i'm just a crazy jealous person in general...but i'm good at burying it, and i m able to use jealousy as a power, because i ultimately own up to it.

If non whites doesnt like us? Who gives a shit! We dont like them either. At least not on our territory.