Americans will defend this
Americans will defend this
They were at war with Japs. Also, I never heard anyone saying 9/11 was the worst. There were plenty of worse things that happened around the World.
We warned Japan we would nuke them multiple times but they ignored us.
Nobody warned us that terrorists would fly planes into the WTC
>research atomic weaponry retard
This pic was obviously made by a chinamen with poor engrish skills. We should have left them to the Jabs, desu.
The Japanese were litterally eating POW's, dropping those nukes saved the lives of at least 100,000 Marines and sailors. Sage faggot
Jesus why are there so many chinks in Canada, no doubt from BC or Toronto
>America will defend America
I agree, and probably most of Europe too.
I've heard lefties and gooks say that the japs were starving and surrender was just around the corner and thus the bombs were unnecessary. Bullshit?
>throws the nuclear bomb on the hiroshima
>thinks the 9/11 is the worst the disaster in the history of the
You're shitting me right? 9/11 was done against innocent people.
The nukes were dropped because Japan wouldn't stop. They kept attacking us, and kept pushing us. Although I don't agree with the choice to use nukes, I understand they HAD to do it to stop further bloodshed.
9/11 was purely an attack on innocent people going to work that day. 9/11 also changed humanity for the worst forever. It made people more racist, it made people more anti social, it fucking took humanity down a different path. Before 9/11 everything was going great. After 9/11 the world started going to shit, and to this day, still has negative effect on the human psyche. At least I know it has for me. I've never been the same since. I know it sounds dramatic, but that's just the fact. I can't believe there are human beings out there capable of that kind of terror.
oh, and our scumbag hat is ALOT bigger than that, it's like the size of another country.
>people still think Hiroshima (and Nagasaki) were bad
Oh shit it's a Japanese war crime denial thread!
>provoke a war and don't back down
It's called a lesson OP.
Worst disaster in the world was July 1, 1867
>believing high school propaganda.
Our atomic bombs plus napalm was literally worse than the holocaust in terms of numbers of deaths. The atomic bombs were literally unnecessary to end of the war.
Oh, and for OP's image, Americans think 9/11 is the worst domestic disaster, followed by pearl harbor.
> there are human beings out there capable of that kind of terror.
yeah, but don't call jews human
german nazi kill civil, jew, gay ....
>crime against humanity
usa kill japanese civil with two nuclear bombs
>it's ok
nips deserved it, operation overlord, Tokyo firebombing.
>falling for weeb propaganda
Back to you traitor
>literally worse than the holocaust
Fuckin Japs were acting like nazis?
Would have a conventional war that killed even more and did more destruction to japan than the bomb did more to your liking?
Canada is so shitty, you are literally the descendants of the people too pussy to fight in our revolutionary war, and immigrants that got denied entry to the US. Have fun with those 3,000 Hatians Quebec just got
Your point about "a different path" is very interesting.
Imagine a timeline with no 9/11.
Imagine Afghanistan without your fat faggot army of POGs fucking up everything
Pic related
>thinks a nuke was the worst disaster in history
Oy gevalt, he denied the 12 million!
Americucks were scared of the jap warrior, because if they haven't nuked civilians the war will go through the eternity and eventually japs will win.
Dear Japan:
Don't start shit. There won't be shit.
Love, America
>the official strategic bombing survey concluded shortly after World War II that the atomic bombs were unnecessary: ''Japan would have surrendered even if the atomic bombs had not been dropped, even if Russia had not entered the war and even if no invasion had been planned or contemplated.''
>United States intelligence had long predicted that when the Soviet Union entered the war (planned for early August 1945), Japan would collapse. President Truman's ''misplaced'' diaries (discovered in 1978) record his agreement with this judgment.
>United States intelligence broke the Japanese code early in the war. Truman's diary also confirms that he knew Japan was trying desperately to get out of the war by opening a negotiating channel through Moscow.
>Truman's advisers told him that surrender was likely if the United States let it be known Japan could keep its Emperor, a clarification the President told several top officials he had no fundamental objections to
>Truman was advised not to use the atomic bombs by such figures as Adm. William D. Leahy, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower. We know from Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson's diaries and other documents that the rush to use atomic bombs quickly, rather than follow other available courses, was intimately connected with the desire to end the conflict before the Soviet Union entered it on Aug. 15, 1945, and with the hope that the bomb would help in disputed European negotiations.
>with the hope that the bomb would help in disputed European negotiations.
The total deaths of those three events were around 300k, and were of civilians, not their army. The holocaust killed approximately 300k Jews. So maybe not literally worse, just equivalent.
Nukes don't exist faggot
A single day without surrender could have potentially cost the lives of thousands more US soldiers.
So the scenario in which you assume and hope that they will surrender will always be inferior to ending the conflict right then and there with the second bomb
Hey newfags, stop feeding leftest trolls. We leafs are working on putting out own cucks in check but you gotta stop giving them anything in the meantime, k?
>winds up pitchers arm
"heh, nothin' personal nips"
>throws nuclear bomb at you