if we are going to allow muslims in our countries, they will need to forget about their ways, no ifs or buts, no burkas for women, and no rags in the head for men, this is no fucking desert, no building of mosques, they will have to convert to christianism, donĀ“t like it? go back!

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Stay the fuck out of Muslim countries then. Why are you attacking the Islamic state?

we should not let them in. end of story

Or we could do the right thing, kill them all in the country or "their country" lol their country. They own nothing, nuke the middle East.

>go to Muslim countries and bomb their homes
>complain when they come to you

Stick to killing giraffes

Ban all religion this has gone to fucking far

Entire Western economy hinges on the petrodollar. USD ain't backed by gold,it's backed by Saudi goodwill

>no burkas for women

What makes you think they are really women?

It takes far less effort for both parts just to nuke their shitholes of countries.

Bye bye sand niggers

Go kill yourself subhuman

>no burkas for women

100% agreed.

>no rags in the head for men


>no building of mosques

Islam is a false religion so yes.

>they will have to convert to christianism

Christianity is a false religion so NO

All religions are backward and false. lie...I can't BELIEVE what has happened to Europe...these barbaric, inferior people(s) are completely wiping the floor with the greatest civilizations ever..we are laughing in America, bro.

I feel truly sorry for anyone living in Europe with these animals.

"Stay the fuck out of Muslim countries then. Why are you attacking the Islamic state?"
>inb4 literal war on isis

Not while I can live to an age to see the death of france

Never forget we have nukes, and half of the country collaborated with nazis.

Within 20 years, genocide 2.0, dead muslims by the ton.

Getting a hard on just thinking about it, shitskin

Because the land has minerals that we want and your people are to stupid to do anything effective with. Give it up or die.

As a Muslim, does it astound you, how retarded Europeans are?

They let your people into their countries, let you rape, rob, and murder them, give you jobs with free healthcare and benefits..the list is endless.

Try that shit in America we'll shoot you in the head man.

>muslims must become government obeying cucks and whores like us with the only purpose of providing for their leaders

People who want that are pushing that cultural-marxist agenda that's already being forced upon us anyway. Let's just hope Islam is really as unreformable as muslims claim it to be so this whole system will collapse.

Then colonize the land. Arabs aren't the only ones that can refine oil.

Yes but it is as it should be, the weak should fear the strong. Europeans are weak and frankly there is nothing worth saving in that cesspit. Americans are strong and will persist


You can't use nukes without daddy usa's permission, keep on living in the fantasy that you aren't the vassal of a US protectorate merkel and that france is a real country with control over its destiny

The thing is though you guys are trying to replace their culture with your own, which is inferior. In a way, USA wins most out of all, because you guys are all Islamists.

What would you have done if they didn't accept you and shot your boats in the water, as they should have?

If it was inferior it wouldn't be replacing them. Muslims in Europe have family values, respect tradition, and are not afraid to be violent. In a tribalism world none of that is inferior no matter what Mumbo jumbo about cultural input or technology you might put out. It didn't save the romans and it won't save these pigs

Stupid piece of shit, you haven't understood yet...
The rich, the ones controlling the world, are all hitlers to the power of ten.
To convince the normies there should be the third world war, importing millions of dead weights is necessary.

But when the whistle blows, and it won't be too long now, you're done. All of you.

And we'll dance on your graves.

Yeah, but 95% of all human innovations, great ideas, inventions, etc... all come from Europe.

Native Britons, French, Germans, and Italians account for most progress made in the last 600 years, and it was due to a genetic code.

Your genes are inferior, which is why you guys needed inside assistance; there is no way Muslims would have been able to conquer Europe, on their own brains and firepower. guys run a truck into people...that's not exactly the best tactical strike.

And your values...originate from Judaism.

Masturbatory fantasies to soothe the burn and humiliation of France becoming an exporter of radical Muslim terrorists in 2017.sad!
I just said that doesn't matter. If you don't breed and forsake tradition and break down the family, you are weak and will be destroyed by the next group that doesn't,even if they are 40IQ Pygmy nignogs

Look at European cultural and judicial trends towards authoriatarianism since 9/11 and tell me again that truck attacks aren't a great tactical strike. Muslims are breaking down European society in Long War

so family values are now Jewish? Are you 12?

You react like an animal, which is expected.

Why do you think all the subhuman shitskin are parked in small areas?

Yeah they can larp as much as they want.

But when it's over, and the powers in place tell the ones you call inferior to dispose of them like the waste they are, there will be 2 million casualties in a week's time.

Anyway, you'll see. If you want to keep a family, you should better go back. It will soon be over, and then it will be too late.

Remember all these jews that got slaughtered 70 years ago.

What are you going to do with your 70 average IQ ? lmao

>25% French pop is muslim
>calls it larping
>can't even elect a mild right wing reformer

Lmao. Frog in the boiling water

No, what I'm saying is you are a Muslim, therefore, you are simply practicing Jewish values.

The world will go to shit, if mudslimes take over. It will be like living in the planet of the apes.

And what do you practice? You sell your sister to a nigger and use Jewtube shows on an iPad to educate your spawn while your wife goes out to fuck your neighbor. That's Jewish imposed

There is absolutely nothing wrong with "Jewish"(Semitic is what you mean here) family values

And bro, Europeans are physically stronger than you guys, White people are the strongest and tallest physical specimens on earth.

Yeah there is, Semitic values are bronze age. It's the 21st century. Why don't you take your Jewish, proselytizing Jewish filth and keep it to yourself?

You practice Jewish filth.

Your own particular cult, Islam, is a blood cult from the 7th century. It's retarded.

Does "ISIS" and any muzzie terrorists run on some sort lunar calendar?
the attacks seem to be ramping up until this eclipse

All the strong white Europeans died in the wars, visit Europe, they don't look like American whites. They are sickly and febrile, to match their mental disposition,and the tallest and most virile looking among them are the North Africans and nignogs

We attack you because you attack the West. Islam has been on a Crusade against the West since you broke out of the middle east. You are the aggressors and you have always been the aggressors.

The Dark Ages in Europe happened because you cut off trade.

Don't act like it is the West's fault. You are to blame for a history of aggression.

The Dutch ain't, average there is like 6'2

And if that "goodwill" fades do you think Saudi Arabia will not become another Iraq?

They can play with the price a little bit but who will win in a conflict between Saudi Arabia and the USA?

Good,7th century is what we need. Civilization is bad. Civilization brings enslavement and loss of freedom. I'm all for breaking down all civilization and technology and returning to 7th century. You wouldn't be a fat gen xer virgin rotting in front of his screen destined to a lifetime of wageslavery if we did that

religion is a lie! there is no magic daddy in heaven, and fuck the magic books. wake up fags..

And yo, the simple reason we cannot have you guys taking over is the world will literally go back in time. It will be like the Nazis, Commies, and every other idiot took over the world, but with no innovations.

Your IQs are dumber.

Whites went to space, man. Only whites could have done that. Master race argument, over.

wow you should get Obama to write them a letter maybe that'll help.

Hey, you don't know me, I've fucked more than 200 chicks in my life, despite being fat. And I didn't have to rape them, because I'm not a Muslim!

Muslims have values like
>Child rape
>Cutting off the sexual parts of women
>Killing white men
>Killing dogs and cats
>Drinking literal piss
>Praying in water puddles
>Raping animals
>Hating technology
>Being retards and wearing dune coon headgear
>Eating shitty curry that makes them smell
>raping usually everything in sight
>stealing by using jiza jihad tax
>lie all the time.
>follow a known pedophile
Did I miss anything?

Like most mental midgets you see technological projects as the be all end all like it will bring humanity to some transcendent state. Technological advancement lead by whites won't end with war hammer 40k, it will end with the matrix and humanity enslaved in fishbowls hooked up to Jewish machines

Keep your fucking space. I want red meat, a young wife(s) ,a spear and a good horse, and an open road

Fjm is a pre Islamic matriarchal cultural practice, only Kurds and Africans do it

There is absolutely nothing wrong with having sex with a post pubescent "child"

They won't and I don't think you understand what is happening yet...

"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the 'agentur' of the 'Illuminati' between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion. We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time."

- Albert Pike, after receiving a vision, which he described in a letter that he wrote to Mazzini, dated August 15, 1871.

>allowing Muslims in our country

gas civic nationalists ideology war now

>We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm...

I wonder, oh wonder, how they would do this in Europe? Read the rest.... (or current events)


Sounds like Christianity. You never see that Phelps Family put anything against pedophiles on their signs.

and learn the fucking lenguage, because we are not about to learn your filthy lengusge

Do not let them preach or follow their traditions, if they are not in jihad by their own holly book they have to leave