Refugee movie coming out. Get ready for more hippie drones to be brainwashed.
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Refugee movie coming out. Get ready for more hippie drones to be brainwashed.
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sure they dont say a word as we bomb their countries for decades now that the people have no homes, now we want to do something about it.
Shieet refugee camps look amazing,
gonna pack my bags now
damn thats so many people to kill
>so many people to kill
more like
>so many people to be killed by
oy vey
cuck detected
gtfo leftie cucks
I like how in the video you see mostly women and children but the reality is the men leave them behind most of the time
how the fuck is what I said being a lefty cuck? Refugees kill people, hence why i said "people to be killed by"
Speak for yourself
aint no one gonna die in my country because of these refugee niggers
well be gunned to the teeth , well spray them like the fucking mosquitos they are
Fuck there ugly. I don't understand why turks make threads on how white women want to fuck them all.
This is a good thing. Let people know how many it is they have to make room for.
nobody will think of it like that. They will just have more ammo for their virtue signaling
Why is a fucking chink doing this? Where did they get the funding from?
keep this thread alive my dudes.
This is just wrong, posting it one day after Barcelona
Big companies just can't have it their way. They use your money for their needs. Stop purchasing of amazon, you're giving them too much power.
Why is it all these companies like google, amazon and netflix are always seem to push the liberal agenda? I dont get it.
the owners are usually jewish also liberals imoprt more customers that dont know how shit american products are these days and will buy them all up like good little goys.
Because there is no way to counter it. Anti Refugee propaganda would be the end for your company. True Fruits tried it in Austria and got fucked for it.
So we end up with pro refugee shit only. Others just keep being silence.
Someone link the uncensored Sup Forums refugee movie please, I see some meme potential.
(((Amazon Studios)))
If you have Prime or buy shit from Amazon you funded this shit.
Heil'd. The propaganda machine doesn't care about right or wrong.
>If you have Prime or buy shit from Amazon you funded this shit.
fuck its true. What have I done?
keep bumpin my dudes
Prepare your ANUS
Why should the poor and destitute of the world become the white mans burden? Why must we take care of people who can't take care of themselves? Who can't form a functional state themselves?
Fuck I just wanted to watch Game of Thrones...fuck me.
>Paying for Game of Feminist
that pic.
>so we need to displace the rest of you.
You seem to think of "giving" a view as the cost of a downvote. How about letting us think for ourselves?
yeah in reality it should be 50/50 its probably the jews
Take up the White Man’s burden —
Send forth the best ye breed
To heathen lands and peoples,
And spread the gospel creed:
The holy writ of Freedom
For each bodily demand,
The Human Rights liturgy,
And the Market’s ghostly hand.
Take up the White Man’s burden
(Which never fell to earth) —
With bullets, bombs, and lucre —
To bring to painful birth
The global constitution
Which all men should attain;
Go seek another’s profit,
And work another’s gain.
Take up the White Man’s burden —
No tawdry show of pride;
Like toiling serf or sweeper,
Your ancestry deride.
Those who first bore your burden
Are everywhere reviled,
And whites below your standing
Are half-devil and half-child.
Take up the White Man’s burden —
Fling open Europe’s door:
Let new-caught, sullen peoples
Supplant your native poor;
And when your goal is nearest,
The end for others sought,
Watch old-caught, sullen voters
Bring all your hopes to nought.
Take up the White Man’s burden —
Have done with “they” and “we” —
Old duties to your nation,
And others’ sovereignty;
Insist the world’s a cauldron
Where all races merge and flow;
And dwell not on the humour
That White Men alone think so.
Take up the White Man’s burden —
Ye dare not stoop to less
Than old conceit and humbug,
Cloaked in new humbleness:
The sickly moral perfume
Where stink of Profit roams;
The lust to build God’s Kingdom
On wrecks of others’ homes.
Take up the White Man’s burden —
And reap what you have sown:
The scorn of foreign peoples,
The hatred of your own;
You’re doomed to rude awakening,
But if you would be free,
Throw off the White Man’s burden —
And a man of Europe be!
I think you need to relax a little bit. You are reading into that post a little bit too much.
why dont they force themselves back tough
> been forcibly displaced
by whom? by niggers?
Literally the only fact the OP presents is that refugees are the subject of the movie. The OP implies we should be dislike the movie for that reason alone.
OP is correct. Brown people are barely people.
I don't get your point. What is the problem?
You are not thinking, just looking for banter or a fight.
Beautiful, absolutely beautiful. Exemplary, humane and most-innocent this display of Humanity. I love our earth, one Mother Earth, whose children we all are, my brother and sisters. Such a touching video, I wish I was a refugee in Germany.