it keeps on happening
It keeps on happening
Jesus, every day every hour almost.
>In July, 2014, three Germans of Palestinian descent tried to burn down the Wuppertal synagogue with molotov cocktails. A year later, a court found them guilty of attempted arson, but decided the crime was not motivated by anti-Semitism, and sentenced the men to 200 hours of community service.
Seems like a nice place.
I live 30km from Wuppertal, it's in the Ruhrpott, mostly sandniggers and degenerates.
I predict that nothing of value was lost and another 0,1% for the AfD.
not sure this is legit
>one or more attackers
>barricaded in a building
>terror police at the scene
Yeah they are pretty criminal and stab each other fairly often, Sandniggers are like niggers in the US.
danke schön
Ah, so it's just two different groups of criminal immigrants fighting over criminal things and not terrorism (or like Ahmed there would say: "terroristetsche hintergrund"). Wew, i'm so relieved now.
kek, well the relieving part is that in this type of thing they target each other, not random people
According to Twitter the background is unclear, witnesses told multiple stories. I wouldn't be surprised if both attacker and victim were shitskins however, happens all the time.
What's interesting is the amount of attention now, stabbings like this happen all the time, with german victims, even if they are killed it doesn't make the news normally because of muh racism.
>tfw you are not in western metropolis
why would you want to be? I'm comfy here
looking forward to the death squads in western europe
Are reports of shots fired at that mall true?
Wrong pepe, I guess. I am actually quite happy I can go around with my tracksuit and squat in semi destructed parks with my friend without worrying some towelhead will blow me up.
Bull fucking shit
would it actually happen? Maybe if order breaks down enough that you wouldn't be arrested for hatethought anymore
same, I tend to be a bit paranoid, I can't imagine how I'd feel like if I still lived in Berlin.
>These alt-right copycat terror attacks keep happening, this is all Drumpf's fault!
I wish I were kidding, but the left really has gone off the rails retarded. It is now impossible to parody the political left without sounding indistinguishable from them.
Didn't see anything on the news-sites yet, theyre still focusing on the knife-attack, death-toll rised to 2 though.
>One man stabbed
Literally what?
>the (((left)))
reminder that it's all the work of kikes, just kikes lying way too hard for their own future safety
Yeah, if it was just a couple people stabbed and the guy fled I'm thinking something more run-of-the-mill.
That was complete bullshit.
You've been to berlin? Is it multi - culti ghetto or good western European city?
>lying way too hard for their own future safety
I believe this as well. They've lost it two years ago and they're starting to realize calling everyone you want to destroy a nazi isn't working anymore. This isn't victory we're being blinded by from the leftist media, it's the stench of fear that their round the clock brainwashing doesn't work anymore.
They are looking for a killer but won't tell the public what he's looking like. I wonder why...
>its the kikes and not crazy leftist
fuck off man
I left 2 years ago, it was multi-culti, full of Turks and kinda ghetto but not as bad as Paris. Now I heard with the refugees it got worse of course.
how is it not the kikes? They're behind all that bullshit, Wolf Blitzer is a hebrew-speaking kike. Calling them "the left" just shields their true nature.
Huge part of if not majority of leaders and ideologues of radical left have been kikes. At least in countries where there are major kike populations.
its not and if its coming in an (local) newspaper they cover the shitskin identety, like if a nigger that lives in munich attack some one they made an "an munich citizin attack ..." out of it, so that it sound like an nativ german is the attacker
Damn, maybe I will never visit sites with beautiful baroque architecture.
>It is now impossible to parody the political left without sounding indistinguishable from them.
Absolutely this.
Berlin isn't that great desu, not sure what you'd wanna see there
Yeah, but still, there are some Landmarks - reichstag, the wall. More wanted to see Paris but whatever.
There are no good western european cities anymore. Maybe Inverness or something like that.
No it was bs, only one stabber the rest we're just hunting him down. Got saved by the police before mob justice.
>the wall
just a few shitty slabs of concrete covered in some bullshit paintings
I remember a few weeks ago an user asked why there are no more attacks.
Another responded that Muslims had a holiday for a few months and that once it ended it would be happenings galore once again.
Can we get like a calendar for when happenings are more like to happen?
We already know Fridays are more common.
even if ther are some jews within the left movement ther are no evidences that the jewish people have an interst in killing off whites. if you say the jews or the kiks you mixing all jewish people in it, which is conterproductive. if you say left scum it inclueds all ethecities and religions
lel, how nu r u? There are no good kikes
Dude , for what are u waiting for?
Get your shit together and lets do it ourselfs
fanatics like you are not a help