Cucked by Capitalisim

Are you happy being a slave to capitalism? I am not advocating welfare. It just seems with all the modern technologies we should only need to work like 15 hours a week. Seriously am I missing something?

No one is stopping you from going out in the woods and building your own house, sewing up your own cuts and hunting for your own food.

That is the way of life. You should be grateful if society makes things even the slightest bit more comfortable.

If you were smart like me you'd make a lot of money doing minimal work anyway. It can be done in this society.

>It just seems with all the modern technologies we should only need to work like 15 hours a week. Seriously am I missing something?

Increased productivity is continually offset by governments and banks making more currency for themselves whenever they want.

So how do we fix this and get our lives back?

if you have to ask its probably not for you

fuck off with your pioneer meme

You are right opp we are nit free. We shoukd be drafted in the army to wage war to enrich the rich even more. Long live communism fucj capitakist

Civilisational collapse.

>boo hoo maintaining civilization is so boring!

Ure right britissh boster. We should go back to feudal warlords. So much freerer

I think it is clear that neither one is all that great.

If you were more intelligent you could bend the system to benefit you. You're probably just a teenager though, and your mind hasn't fully developed yet.

Compelling argument, nigger, but shouldn't you be at he hospital right now? Long waiting list to get that AIDS cough checked with your socialized health care. Better get a head start.


Everyone answers to the all mighty dollar. The system has most of us working our lives away.

This x 6,000,000

you're right, lets take the pinnacle of civilization and just give it to immigrants while we scurry into the woods alone

I live alone, and have nice things and can buy almost anything I could ever want and live a comfortable life. I'm fine being this 'slave'

In many ways it was better.

The industrial revolution was a massive loss in quality of life for the poor and it took until some time in the 20th century to get back to roughly the same level.

How many hours out of the week do you work? Here in merica the only jobs with health insurance are 40hrs/week. I would rather have more time on my hands than money, but the insurance keeps people traped

but it has now produced a lifestyle far better than the medieval peasant could ever have imagined - so your point is?

It won't last.

its alright

I'm an avid reader, jaywalk, my clothes are worn down, a kissless virgin unlikely to procreate and I'm living off my parents wealth. How am I not the master of my fate, the captain of my soul?

That was a very unconvincing argument.

but it could... if it was properly managed.

Civilization collapse won't make it better for anyone.

Technology increases productivity, but still requires humans for those produtivity gains to be realized. Its up to the individual firm to decide how much time they need from each worker, since most people aren't working on something like a farm where nature sets a time table for you. Basically, we work 40 hour weeks because we've decided as a society that we should generally be in "work mode" for 40 hours out of the week.

If you feel like you're in the office more than you need to be (and truthfully, most people are), then negotiate for fewer work hours during your next review.

It won't be allowed to last.

The end game is to get automation to the level where the majority of humanity become useless workers, then their continued survival is no longer supported.

Billions of people will die out while the rich enter the work free `utopia'. No need for UBI.

Why else would huge capitalistic entities be acting in such unprofitable ways, eg: diversity quotas, attacking their core demographics in advertising? Their role is switching from productivity to facilitating the transition.

Imagine a utopian civilization. What would it be like? What things do you need to be happy? How many hours would you work. How would people interact?

Now why cant we slowly start moving our society in that direction? Maybe it would take 200 years, maybe longer, but if we never start we will never get there.

>get a job
>go to work
>get married
>have children
>act normal

So the same things that have been expected of people as long as civilization has existed?

Capitalism is the only moral system ever devised. And the best. And even the kindest.
The only reason there is ever any doubt about the wonders of Capitalism is because it lacked a philisophical base at it's outset. Historically cuckservative Republicans have tried to justify it on the basis of Altruism. To which it is incompatible and, make no mistake, rest assured that Altruism is the great primordial evil of the world.
Reminder that Ayn Rand and Objectivism is our most powerful tool. I do not exaggerate. Hers was the strongest attack on commie and Nazi Statism ever witnessed. Every movement needs epistemological validation and metaphysical defining and Objectivism provides this and then some. Do not write of one of the greatest philosophers to ever walk the face of the earth just because you've been ingrained with some maymays about her.
Our glorious Constution, the document that set the engine that is humanity free, is completed by Ayn Rand in what it lacked, the ONLY thing the US founding fathers lacked; a rejection of the primordial evil that is Altruism.
I would add Objectivism, whose essence had been stated in "the right to the pursuit of happiness". But only implicitly. Objectivism states the amazing advent that is the American morality explictly.
Cultural Marxists and 'Nazis' are terrified of Ayn Rand as she represents the American Constution completed. Epistemologically validated, metaphysically defined, and ethically expanded, Objectivism is the greatest threat Commies have ever encountered which is why they cannot even bear to have it discussed as a philosophy.

>telling a communist to do his own work and make his own way

>Seriously am I missing something?
Yeah, a brain.

>Get a job. Go to work.
All your forefathers had jobs, why are you special?
>Get married. Have children.
All your forefathers had women and children, why are you special?
>Follow fashion. Act normal. Walk on the pavement. Watch TV.
You don't have to do any of these. You're free to take responsibilty for your own free time and do with it as you please.
And nobody will harm you as long as you
>Obey the law.

You're not special but at the same time you're also special.
You're a human like we all are, but there's just going to be one of you, ever.

Don't pretend you're anything special when you're not, and don't assume you're nothing special when you are.
Don't be a nihilist. Your life is better than that of all your forefathers thanks to your forefathers. Make something of it.

>Imagine a utopian civilization.
You trying to bring about another round of murderous national socialism or communism?

Humans can't create their own utopia. We've tried with the two aforementioned systems. Major catastrophy.

Communist complains about capitalists being slaves.

>make a lot of money doing minimal work anyway. It can be done in this society.

10/10 user. Good job.
Fuck nihilists. Philosophical cowards the lot of them.

Jokes on you! I worked 2 weeks a month, 8 months a year doing long haul. I did this for 11 years, then I resigned at the age of 33 and invested my savings in various ways of getting a decent, passive income of $31k a year. I still work part-time in carpentry and as a BBQ pit cook. Boingggggggg ;PPPP


Except no one is forcing you to live the life as portrayed in the image you fucking edgy mongoloid teenager.

>The faggot rich oligarch will surely benefit the nation by importing illegal beaners to save his profits

Fuck off. You and your jewish whore.

Way to go user. I wish i would have had the same foresight. Right now i am investing 2/3 of my income. Someday i will get there

>If you were smart like me
>ancap flag

>Are you happy being a slave to capitalism?
Yeah, I just retired at age 41 so it's fine with me.

Freedom isn't a good thing y'know?

Yeah, fuck capitalism.

We must take from the right nationalism without Capitalism and from the left Socialism without internationalism.

Gas the Capitalists
Workers of the the White race Unite
The kikes get the gas as well

No, joke's on YOU.
I worked for one year, now i've been on A-kassa (you get 70% of your salary for 300 days) for 180 days, meanwhile i've been planning my company on my couch watching the world burn. This summer i've caught fish, grown food, picked berries, so the money has just piled up basically. Soon, huntingseason begins, and I'm pretty much paid to hund (again, a-kassa for another 120 days, 2 grand each month, taxed and done).

So fuck you nigger, pay me :D

Yeah, fuck saving money or walking on the pavement. I'm going to be "free".

The only way to avoid being cucked by capitalism is to cuck others. If you choose to be cucked, stop complaining. It takes only the weakest shred of killer instinct to climb to the top of a society this soft and weak.

Life is suffering

Who gives a shit and try to enjoy it while it lasts

>I am uwilling to support myself.

thanks based user

>don't walk on the pavement
>get mowed down by white nationalist
Rules make society.

The door is right there.

Yeah the door to your gas chamber you dumb jew

I'm a nationalist. But I'm gonna remain a internationalist capitalist and let Jews rule over me and my own people starve to death


Nazi's are going to gas you
Nazbol and Strassiets are going to gas you
Jew commies and antifa are going to gas you
The non white hords are going to gas you
CApILtiSM is dead