What does Sup Forums think of Alex Jones?
What does Sup Forums think of Alex Jones?
I think he's borderline mentally retarded
He was murdered and replaced by Bill Hicks.
his real name was Bill Hicks.
Thats not Alex
>Sup Forums
That's rich
a real human bean
The alarm clock for the sleeping
Just a different flavor of entertainment news.
He's relentlessly positive. Makes my work day more interesting.
Best goy. Buy some filters.
He got cuter when he became chubby.
>5 minutes into the government is feminizing men and chill and alex gives you this look
His show would be great to watch if I was high. Too bad I don't smoke weed.
I hate faggots like you - you are the reason why America is fucked like it is right now. Estrogen neet pol dwelling retard. Kill yourself or better yet, hope someone kills you.
Alex in the only thing that's right about the "alt-right" and if you don't get it, you're a fuckin degenerate retard.
You fuckin nazi larp pagan larp cia asset larp worshiping degenerates.
My favorite bit of Alex Jones ever is he jre podcast.
The memes did not do that shit justice it's fucking mindblowingly amazing.
I like alot of qualities that Alex Jones has mainly his positively powerful voice message and outlook he seems like a genuinely good bloke who won't put up with msm shit.
I used to get him mixed up with glenn Beck for some reason.
He is also masculine as fuck and seems like a great dad and overall powerhouse.
My new idol desu
he's behind you
90% truth 10% entertainment
Alex Jones should be the next president of the United States of America
A genuine retard
He's a living meme.
Most of pol just plays along, same way we play along with the flat earthers
No one actually takes him seriously who isn't retarded.
he's a pussy like trump.
kim launches missiles all summer, blumpf does nothing.
tard throws coffee at alex, he does nothing.
why are alt right such pussies?
Wish he still looked like that
He's a bad guy IMO. Taking advantage of paranoid schizos and other mentally ill.
No, you're a living meme. You're a nothing, one big blob of centrist spineless lemming toiling away on the altar of mediocrity for whatever pathetic paycheck you cuck for so you can afford yourself to ball-out in your brand new 2005 nisan maxima , making you feel mighty and biggggg because your loser friend drives a 90s camry so you ball on his ass and you're not a "normie" like him so you somehow ended up on pol
But that doesn't fix your degenerate mindset.
Alex Jones' spit is more significant for this humanity than all of your pathetic existence combined, your entire unexamined pathetic life is nothing.
You're nothing. You're a meme. A real one. A gluttonous bag of tragedy. You won't be shit. And even if you typed your name, address, everything about you, right here and now...
You'll still be a nobody. user. You're nothing.