Full blooded Irish-American here. I've been thinking of returning to the homeland someday before I die. Would I be welcomed there as an Irishman? Any especially important places I should see?
Thanks for the help
Full blooded Irish-American here. I've been thinking of returning to the homeland someday before I die. Would I be welcomed there as an Irishman? Any especially important places I should see?
Thanks for the help
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First off you're not an "Irishman"
Ya you'd be welcomed without trouble but don't try to claim your Irish for a minute. it will only make them think of you as a typical retard yank who doesn't understand that just because his great granddaddy was Irish it doesn't mean he is.
Also, in the future lose all the percentages. I can't stand when Americans make up "ya I'm like totally 25% Scottish and like 33% Italian"
If you want an authentic travel experience try to meet up with some locals if you know any. Preferably spend most of your time in the country with those locals and pop into cities to do all the cliche tourist activities.
An American living in Dublin with dual citizenship and two Irish parents
Irishman studying in the states here, you'd be very welcome as an American but not as an Irishman I'm afraid. Not because you or those you'd meet would be doing anything wrong but the way of it seems to be that you can't fully participate in the culture properly unless you've grown up in it. Lots of natural interactions picked up when you're young I think, I mean America feels a bit like that to me. I'll stifle the west cork in me as best I can to fit in but little things always end up making you feel like you're hanging on the outskirts a bit.
I'd set your sights higher than the pic there though, fairly low bar for must see places lad.
If you get to cork at all I'd visit seven heads, it's right by my home.
Yes, you would be welcomed there. Please move
Watch "the quiet man"
Can't see why you wouldn't be welcomed, as for sites to visit, make sure you see Newgrange during the winter solstice if you can, older than both stonehenge and the pyramids.
mfw he's not Irish but abdul akmhed born in Dublin is.
I live down the road from this castle WTF...!!!
Ireland is full of these yokes.
By 2050 there won't be much Irish left so I'd say you'd fit right in
Only to their government. I know my name and blood, and it's Irish.
ireland is over like 96% white. america is 60%.
Our birthrate is one of the highest in Europe. People need to chill about the demographics. If it gets too bad the govt will introduce tax breaks. Europe is not japan its fixable
If you say you are Irish, you will be laughed at and called a plastic paddy.
If you call yourself an american, they will ask if you are here to find your relations (relatives).
Just say you are a tourist and people will respect that.
stay away from dublin man. it's fucking dreadful. and don't call yourself irish you'll just be mocked for it, just say you're american.
My grandma and grandpa were born in Belfast, my other Grandma was born in Waterford. I went to Ireland a few years back to visit some family there that I made contact with. Believe me, even with that that...you STILL aren't Irish in their eyes, and don't go around saying you are, trust me. If you were born in the US, and sound like an American...you aren't Irish.
I think people who act like that are dicks. We should be flattered people take an interest in our country. I've always found Americans to be impeccably polite and nice people
Unlike the Germans, Israelis or Chinese.
Rudest cunts you'll ever encounter. Some of the Germans or Chinese are pigs.
other people have already said it but your not an irishman if you say this you wount ever really be respected just say your american thats all and youll be fine
Its not an ethnic thing. Its just American mannerisms are so surreal to us. Even though we consume so much of your media, it doesn't prepare me to hearing those fucking inflected over friendly voices.
The comfy Antrim coast has been defiled by boomer American women. Hillary Clintons in hiking boots the lot of them.
Quality digits my Irish friend
I've had quite the experience with culture shock in the states thanks to these demographics. Not sure about the rest of ye but I've very vivid memories of the few times I saw refugees when I was small because it was so alien at the time. Few more about these days but it's nothing like an American city. To be fair I am from the middle of absolute nowhere but six months of uni later and I'm still not quite used to it.
I am currently on vacation embracing my heritage. If you were to cut open my veins whiskey and Guinness would flow freely. I was taught how to fight from an early age and my hatred for the English oppressors will never die.
And before any of you ask, my father was born and raised in Glasgow and served with the IRA in the Falklands, so I don't want any buttblasted Euroshits telling me that I'm not Irish.
You must be new here. You don't need to type in the number of the post. Just see pic related and click on the part I highlighted. It'll make your life a lot easier
the places where "irish" americans live are over 96% white
Now this is some of the finest bait I have ever seen. Truly a man of great talent. God speed user
You'd be welcome and if you have an Irish surname and are only a generation or two removed from here.
God I hate faggots who are born in one particular country or spent a vast majority of their life in a particular country, then grow up and claim their "homeland" or "back home" as some other obscure country just to pad their ego and identity as if they're some kind of mysterious foreigner just staying here temporarily.
You disrespect the country you live in to be constantly talking about other countries as "back home".
If I lived in America I would call myself AMERICAN.
thank to fine sir
Yea, like that truly ancient Gaelic surname, Varadkar
I agree, Americans might be a bit weird and annoying sometimes but most of them seem to be respectful when they come to Ireland.
you fucking dont know what you are talking about
>ummm sweetie, just because his great granddaddy was irish doesn't mean he is
>meanwhile niggers and muslims whose parents recently migrated there can call themselves the Real Irish
Since Irish Americans are among the most libtarded of all Americans, no. Fuck off we're full.
Carrer Palermo
>welcomed there as an Irishman
No, because to Europeans its a national term, not ethnic as it is for Americans.
Burger here married to a Bong living just outside Cork. Ignore fleg.
I was brought up Irish American. That's what you are. Here I am a bartender professionally, started a hurling club back in my American hometown and am a referee for the GAA. None of that shit matters. Don't do things cus 'I'm Irish' etc. Do those things cus you like to do them. Or else you'll look like a try hard.
If you're gonna move here marry a local and start a family and your assimilation will begin then. Until then you are a tourist who never left. Good luck
Agreed, Ireland is phenomenally beautiful outside of Dublin, there's some cool shit there but nothing you can't get in other places
>niggers and muslims
They can call themselves whatever they want, They'll never be accepted as Irish
no, no, don't get me wrong. we like americans. we'll just never see you as irish and you might get mocked if you bang on about your great-grandad being from wicklow.
If the #weareirish thing is anything to go by, you're considered less Irish than a Nigerian fresh off the boat.
But that's not true at all. Both "Irish" Americans and nigger brown blow ins from the third world are given hassle over calling themselves Irish.
Look up any article about a guy called Ibrahim Halawa and you'll see a proper flame war going on in the comment section about him not being Irish versus a few left wing cunts that think he is.
You'll be fine as long as you dont start going on about leprechauns and lucky charms
thats a purely american perspective and its feckin annoyong
They're not Irish either. It's about culture and genetics. The American-"Irish" lack the culture while the Nigger-"Irish" lack the genetics and a lot of the culture.
Also what is this meme about Ireland being so overrun with nigs and such. They have top 3 whitest populations in Europe and the highest fertility rate. And as Americans we can't really talk down to them when it comes to this topic anyway.
Have you seen any American inner city at all. I was in Manhattan for the first time in years the other day and I was horrified.
only states in the US that are over 90% white are vermont and new hampshire im p sure. meanwhile every province in ireland is.
He's ethnically Irish and that's all that matters and that's what Americans mean when they say their Irish. I'd consider an American of Irish ancestry but only a generation or two removed from here, to be Irish.
This place is a shithole who's government have sold out to vulture funds and tax evading corporates.
Plastic Irish aren't Irish
Paper Irish aren't Irish
You all need to fuck off and leave us alone.
Stonehenge is actually a marvel of engineering not some shitty paddy rock
The tax haven is how we attract jobs. I have endless opportunity in Dublin because of it. Also, we're getting a load of financial firms from London because of Brexit. Ireland will be booming
>make sure you see Newgrange during the winter solstice if you can
you have to win a lottery to go on the ghrianstad
A lot of Americans have this idealized view of places in Europe, but it rains an awful lot.
Move to Florida or something bro.
Go wank to anime while nogs cuck your statues faggot
that's just retard leftists in dublin. like i said, AVOID DUBLIN.
I plan on visiting Ireland before I die. I have family in county Donegal
American cities are sad places, especially on the east coast. I am very glad I got to experience them, even just as a child, pre 9/11 before they got proper shit-smeared.
It's spreading too. My family have a holiday home in Vermont and the place is overrun with Somalis compared to 5 years ago when you'd barely see a black American.
West Virgina, Idaho, Kentucky, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Iowa, Nebraska, North Dakota, Montana, Utah, Oregon, Colorado, Kansas...all near or around 90% white.
so americans should just pretend they have no ethnicity for the sake of everyone elses fee fees
for me the culture is a very important part. the slang, accents and subtle mannerisms that we take for granted are very important parts of being irish.
OP youre welcome, just dont get hung up on labels. Just be chill and be yourself. I like americans. Youre a cool people and I highly admire your work ethic and entrepreneurial spirit.
newgrange is a lot more complex than just a couple big stones in a circle, and it predates the pyramids.
Just a typical night out in Ireland.
Ya I'm living in Dublin most of the year but I came to visit my dad in new Hampshire and even there the malls and shops are full of fucking Muslims
Sure do bud.
>Born in US
>Raised in US
You're an American.
Don't give a fuck if your parents are from Mars, doesn't make you a martian and don't you dare claim Mars is your home.
>fucking Muslims
The east coast is infested with them.
>tfw an Amerimutt is more British than you
that's the total "caucasian" number, which includes mestizos and arabs. here's the non-hispanic white map:
ok so you have 4 states that are over 90% white, but none of them are as white as ireland.
No but you should stop pretending you are Irish, German, Italian or whatever when you have been properly mongrelised, at that stage you are just American. Nothing more.
It's like the Irish-Italian community here in Ireland can call themselves that because generally they breed within their own community and still retain Italian culture. Many "Irish" Americans don't do that at all beyond thinking that eating bacon and cabbage every weekend makes them Irish.
>you're an american
le feather headdress face
americans are americans you dumb fuck. why should we pretend you're irish just for the sake of your fee fees? some dixie who's never drank non-iced tea in his life, or played hurling, never curses, and has a huge southern drawl just isn't irish. you're culturally american.
you may be partially irish ethnically, but soil is part of "blood and soil" for a reason.
what are you lost, identity-seeking fags expecting? if you didn't have someone who was born and raised in ireland in your family raising you and passing down the stories and the heritage, you're not really irish. i don't care what you found on ancestry.com, you're a yank and you'll never fully assimilate, don't try because it's cringey.
calm down retard.
Good lad, the rest of the ""americans"" should follow. Those PROUD BLACK PEOPLE first. If you are SO FUCKING PROUD, why not actually DO SOMETHING for YOUR PEOPLE and YOUR LAND. Stupid fucking niggers..
I'm not a Red Man
I didn't realise Direct Provision centres had WiFi. Fuck off Mehmet, white conservative Americans will always be welcome here, your kind can fuck off.
Are we really going downhill like Sweden lads?
Was on a night out in Waterford and saw tons of niggers in the nightclub I was in.
I guess 9/11 worked for them then. Disgusting though. I went to NY a couple of years before it as a kid good memories.
no you're americn not irish.
You'd be welcome ye, but not as an irish man because great great great grandad was from kerry
Just learn the language and move to the Gaeltacht
(low tax 4 u)
but dont encourage any americanisation.
Donegal is God Tier
Stay out of LetterKenya tho, it'd break your heart.
How common is the surname ''Dalton'' in Ireland?
shush, you'll give the game away
>61 KB JPG
Full blooded Irish-American here.
Fuck my life.
>I've been thinking of returning to the homeland someday before I die.
Please go back.
>Would I be welcomed there as an Irishman?
Irishmen aren't welcome anywhere.
>Any especially important places I should see?
Six feet under the Irish soil.
This is why the irish are cursed.
We're demon spawn.
>speaks english but not gaelic
how does your culture being destroyed by English feel?
it's not called gaelic retard.
>Americans are Americans
Americans are Euromutts. Seriously, an American is someone who is of pan European admixture.
>you may be partially irish ethnically, but soil is part of "blood and soil" for a reason
I whole heartedly agree that the hyphenated American needs to die
conas ata tu, homogneasach?
we need to go back to the greek alphabet lads,im not even meming
conas ata tu, homogneasach?
γovασ αtα' τω', ηoμoγvεασαγ'?
You're not Irish
im sorry im only fluent in football
Wtf, is that real?
yes it is a child with the facial complectio of a 70 yr old its hot aint it
>facial complexion of a 70 year old
More like the facial complexion of a fucking monkey, but hey Im down with beastiality
Full blooded? Robust?
Sit down and breathe, faggot
Maybe if you learn the dialect, and complain about the British a lot. Also eat lots of potatoes.
dont know which one is more appealing to me though t b h f a m