What are the most politically saleable concepts and images of the right-wing?
We need to convince as many people as possible in every one of our countries to be on the right-wing, rather than the left-wing.
How can we do this?
What are the most politically saleable concepts and images of the right-wing?
We need to convince as many people as possible in every one of our countries to be on the right-wing, rather than the left-wing.
How can we do this?
>politically saleable concepts and images of the right-wing
Hardcore Neo-Nazi White Supremacism
No. No that's not what I mean.
We want to emphasise that our side means freedom and liberty. That our side means common sense. That our side means an adherence to factual truth and science, not social science rubbish that ignores factual reality.
Another strong symbol is national flags, I guess. Nobody can argue against their national flag. It stirs patriotism in the population.
Freedom and liberty are bunk.
>Nobody can argue against their national flag
My country is not a nation; its a multi-kulti empire.
Good goy, bow down the communist left who will kill and destroy everything that white men have ever stood for, while niggers overrun your country
Duty and honor are more important to the health of a civilization than freedom and liberty.
Paint me a strategy that will successfully stave off the left-wing threat, without trying to broaden the appeal of the right-wing.
The only alternative is a Hitler-esque rise to power. But Hitler didn't succeed - he temporarily red-pilled his country, but got millions of his people killed, and then his nation was cucked again.
We don't need a return to fascism - we need a return to imperialism. Those were the days of prosperity.
Attempted bump
Well if you have none of those you're just fucked
And you seem like just a fucking retard
at this point we have to think about killing as much communists/antifascists we can and stop wanting to conquer the hearts of normies
They're noble goals but we need to convince as many people as possible to the right-wing.
Liberty is a good tool to use. People like liberty.
But you're not actually going to do this are you. So we need to talk about realistic options.
Well if you want to convince people to be more right leaning, you need to get rid of the education system. Education is the biggest enemy of the right. The less educated people there are, the more right wingers you create.
>Even fascists can't identify anything likeable about themselves
Since we live in a post-modernist era, the winner is one who hijacks concepts, changing their semantic meaning. It's a purely psycho-linguistic game. Unfortunately, most of the "alt-right" are too dumb and incompetent to understand that.
The current word of the day is "progressivism". Traditionalism is not marketable. You can't get traction by appealing to tradition anymore. What needs to be done is replace the meaning of the word "progress" with right libertarianism. Hijack it. And declare all "normal" progressives the wrong, fake kind. Join this Orwellian game or lose (and die).
Traditional conservatism, it sells itself
Actually the exact opposite is true because the only way to come to our position, to become white nationalist is to educate yourself.
If a person never gets a formal education and simply just exists in western society they will naturally become left wing by absorbing the ideas that permeate the media.
What you class as 'education' is more indoctrination than anything else. A lot of these college courses that lefties attend are liberal arts and jewish pseudo science that reinforce a particular world view.
The alt-left are control freaks
So this guy wasn't educated? Wow, really makes me think.
>Traditionalism is not marketable
It clearly is, otherwise Trump wouldn't have won the election, Theresa May wouldn't be our Prime Minister, Brexit wouldn't have won, Marine Le Pen wouldn't have come close to winning the French Presidency, etc.
So you're wrong. There's a vast swathe of people who want traditionalism.
>What needs to be done is replace the meaning of the word "progress" with right libertarianism. Hijack it. And declare all "normal" progressives the wrong, fake kind. Join this Orwellian game or lose (and die).
That does sound like a good strategy though. Libertarian progress. Progress for the freedom of the individual. Yeah I guess that could work.
But then you get tons of people saying they don't like conservatism, that it's too stale or whatever. Fuck.
I think because the right is more individualistic by nature, it's hard to get consensus isn't it. But if we want to win the culture war then we have to organise and mobilise. We need to perform ACTIONS that will have REAL IMPACT in the REAL WORLD.
>Traditionalism is not marketable.You can't get traction by appealing to tradition anymore
I don't that's actually true. Just take a look at hipster culture that's obsessed with being 'authentic'.
>What needs to be done is replace the meaning of the word "progress" with right libertarianism.
I've actually done this online with shitlibs and it feels damn good.
They're dangerous terrorists.
adopt the label alt light
it basically means everything good about the alt right but without the racism
civic nationalism or populism are good too
stop using the term alt-right, it was invented to discredit us
also fuck nazis, so bad for public relations that the left has seeded our protests with fake nazis (who do attract some real nazis, the super dumb ones anyways, which is all of them, which isn't many)
nazis are the enemy of anyone that wants a future for white children since they basically destroy all popular support for immigration reform and white pride
God, are you guys so out of touch with reality and people that you don't even know how to sell yourselves?
Maybe stop rambling on about "day of the rope", "burn the kikes", "MSM is jew devil horse of the apocalypse", and basically moaning non stop about how shit you think the world is and that your only solution to it is violence and horror.
Most people outside this shithole agree that just killing people you don't like/disagree with generally makes you an arsehole and your opinion invalid.
Maybe start finding ways to apply your vision of a better world by meaningfully contributing to your communities and countries in ways that people can relate to, that makes them feel happy, safe, and good about themselves.
But what do I know, I'm just a faggot.
lol while "you're" country is already utterly fucked.
The key is in the root of the Identitarian cause - to rescue right wing politics from the shadows of World War 2 and fascism. That we can effectively end racial supremacy and ethnic nationalism - two things that have undone every major conservative movement since the 1950s. The left can't end that, but we as TradCons can do it. Each of us have cultures that are distinct, unique and worth preserving and in a place like North America that is not ethnically homogenous, that is the correct attitude to take in order to get the public on our side.
With the Democrats and the left (and some Republicans) taking a major step towards embracing AntiFa, they don't realize that they are making the same mistake that TradCons made getting into bed with white nationalists. They are surrendering the centre and it's up to us to make a move towards securing that centre.
Just my two cents.
It's not even that hard, that's the reason fucking Trump got elected, he focused on telling people they would be safe, have jobs, meat on the table, and wouldn't get completely screwed over by their overlords.
Now he's losing it by focusing on completely different shit that just makes everyone feel miserable, divided, and afraid for their loved ones.
I have had the most success with normies by saying the following.
> Socialism is bunk because when it comes down to it, we are all basically animals, and our instinct is to protect our own, I don't really give that much of a shit about you, neither does anybody else, no matter which way you swing it your argument for equal treatment of everyone will never work, because if it was your children living in poverty, you would be doing everything in your power to make their life better, and wouldn't waste any energy to help anyone else. Whoever is in charge of a socialist system first of all can't police every single thing that happens, and also will probably be just as corrupt as any of us.
> The reason we can't accept migrants is because western countries consume so much resources that if the whole world was doing what we are, we would need 4 or 5 more planet earths just to keep up with resource demands. There is a population of about 1 Billion in the western world. We can't let 7 Billion people migrate here, these people in poverty need to be helped in their own countries if that is your goal. But even saying that it is in our best interests if they stay in poverty, because if you like the feel of your sweat shop crafted clothes hugging your body, going back home to watch your tv and play video games with your house heated by middle eastern oil, then its in your best interests that our governments continue to dominate and coerce theirs into providing us with cheap goods for us to consume.
>If you disagree with what I'm saying then that's fair enough, but don't then tell me to support your morale outlook on what should be done, "to help those less fortunate", while you hypocritically contribute to their misery with your consumption. I would at least respect your viewpoint if you right now decided to give up all of your possessions, travel to any third world country, and help the children whose arms legs and eyes have been blown off in armed conflicts
The alt-left is more than enough reason for any intelligent man to agree with right wing politics.
This leaf gets it. The brainwashing is so intense in the general public that they will automatically reject anything nazis support.
Actually if we were smart we could use this to our advantage by having the klan and the spencerites come out in support of our enemies
>>What needs to be done is replace the meaning of the word "progress" with right libertarianism.
>I've actually done this online with shitlibs and it feels damn good.
Indeed I think that's a good tactic. Emphasise personal liberty.
I mean, I don't mind giving people the liberty to be degenerates if that's what they want to do, as long as I have the liberty to work a job without being discriminated against just because I'm a male.
I think that's a hard battle to be won, but it must. We must convince these lefties that, for instance, if an industry is 70% male, then that doesn't necessarily imply sexism, but instead is a result of FREEDOM, of the natural differences between men and women. Neither sex is more valuable than the other, in fact we complement each other.
Using the tactic of grinding it down into their admission of hedonism. As long as you can get them to admit they want a life with as much pleasure as possible with as little pain as possible, then you have them.
You then have to steer the argument in a direction where they can see without any disagreements that
1) even if we helped people like they are saying it is a drop in the ocean of the worlds problems, which has the potential to cripple our western way of life
2) directly associate the third worlds pain and suffering with our own quality of life, the worse things are for them, the more we can take advantage and prosper
3) admit that what you are saying is "evil", it is crucial they understand you don't care about that, and that is out of your control. Try and get them to agree that it is better lots of people suffer so that some people can have a good life, rather than everyone suffering
4) Get them to admit they don't want to actually take action by helping people in those countries, if they say they are an activist and they help by changing attitudes, tell them that the only way you can change attitudes is with leading by example, and throttle their argument with the hypocrite tactic
if they still hold strong with their beliefs after this they are hopeless. I have done this a few times now with mixed success, still trying to refine my normie redpill tactics.
4 out of 5 people have agreed with me by the end of the argument. 1 out of 5 has stuck with their agreement, the other 4 reverted back to their old way of thinking
I dunno, I think alt-right is actually quite good precisely because it isn't white supremacy. It's a subversive movement which can clearly influence things - just look at the amount of attention it has attracted. It has already changed Western politics.
So it shouldn't be abandoned, but just supplemented. It will probably only ever appeal to young white guys.
In addition to it, we need symbols and ideas that have broader appeal. Individual liberty, common sense values, having a prosperous and free nation that is in control of its own laws, etc. Those things have mass market appeal.
Yes I agree with that.
I agree that Trumpism had many positive qualities which appeal to a broad coalition of people, you're right.
And yes I agree with you that talking about death is stupid and only hurts our movement. I hope you realise a lot of those things though are jokes / hyperbole.
But yes you're right. We do need to focus on positive ideas, like security, prosperity, freedom, liberty, all that sort of stuff.
I didn't mean to attack America my friend. I am attacking anybody who bows to the left in any Western country.
The international right-wing should not seek to divide itself, for it only hurts us.
I noticed that economic arguments work really fucking well if you want to shill anti-immigration ideas to normies. Trying to tell a normie that niggers are a low-IQ subspecies because they ain't got Neanderthal DNA isn't going to work but if you talk with them about the impending mass-unemployment in the future and then make the connection to current immigration/refugee policies you'd be surprised how fast people are willing to agree with you.