What do you think about this picture?

What do you think about this picture?

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Why is that nigger pretending to know how to read

fucking retarded.
he should be reading David Duke or Rockwell for the shitty analogy to work

Keep a black side chick just like my great-great-great-great-grandfather.

>Lee wasn't 'radical'

>tfw no chocolate QUEEN to call me a raycis cracka for oppressing her holes with my dick

>Egyptian symbol on Nigger

Shit like this is why East Africans hate West Africans, stop stealing culture


Reminds me of me and my qt. THAS RITE!

makes me wish i had redpilled qt black gf



Egyptians may be geographically in the east but they're far closer to being middle eastern, hell its often included as a ME country already

Its hilarious seeing west africans dindus we wuzing as them


>Marcus Garvey
>Not Fred Hampton
Liberal pleb confirmed

>Marcus Garvey
Going back to Africa when?

>Has a fucking cross tattoo

Whoever made this is fucking retarded.

young healthy hormone filled adults. One learning evil darth vader tier garbage the other ALL THE KNOWLEDGES.

why the fuck this nigger has ankh sign as a tattoo?

let me tell you about your culture

I can feel it in my bones

>Not posting the superior BLEACHED version

Smh desu senpai

WTF, why the fuck this ugly nigger wearing paharos clothes?!! I wish they are courage enough to claim that they are Egyptians in Egypt not in USA

What does pol think of this

Cuz they wuz KANGZ long before your people arrived from Arabia

>implying Marcus Garvey or Robert E Lee would approve of race mixing

gtfoh. This was probably made by the same people that say antifa and the Alt Right are two sides of the same coin.


my people didnt arrive form arabia I am coptic nigger

Is it true that Coptic people are the descendants of the original Egyptians?
you literally wuz kangz

That the four years of college fly by fast.

>Coptic nigger
Still a shitskin


looks like a dumb polak uploaded some shitty pick to 4shit

I think it's retarded

shitskin white skin I dont care, I just wont let sub saharan african steal my heritage


Someone shop the niggers book upside down

Basically me with my black ex of 3 years, she legit did Gender Studies for her masters degree. We couldn't disagree more when it came to politics but we got on really well otherwise.

R34 when?

>Wasn't radical
>Came the closest out of any human being to destroying the United States as we know it.

Why is everyone in Sup Forums so retarded?


Fuck off, Copts are fine.

Person can't draw anatomy. Probably wasting money on art school and poor choice of books to represent both people.