What is the truth about tobacco, Sup Forums? Is it really the danger the media has led everyone to believe? Or was it all another leftist plot to get people, especially whites, to stop engaging in masculine behavior? Why would they push this hard to end tobacco smoking otherwise?
What is the truth about tobacco, Sup Forums? Is it really the danger the media has led everyone to believe...
For some reason pretty much all of the commercially available tobacco contains radioactive compounds. Why don't producers do anything about it?
Now home grown ORGANIC tobacco grown and processed without additives could be very different. But growing it by yourself is more difficult than growing cannabis for example, so everyone is used to cigs.
Also I remember reading studies that show that even though Japs smoke more than other people, they get less cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Probably has to do with all the fish?
Or Jap tobacco isn't radioactive?
cigarettes are for degenerate. cigars are for patrician men honestly.
Not as bad as its made out to be in Europe. Probably as bad as its made out to be in America
There's only one non degenerate way of smoking OP. Be a man.
cigars are for people who want to look like they're sucking brown cock in public
Quads pls
>calling people fags for smoking manly shit that you're to weak to handle
Found the betacuck.
Nicotine inhibits aromatase which is how your body makes estrogens, you shouldn't smoke around women.
Smoking is for high-test males. nu-male beta cucks need not apply. 965 ng/dl at 31 years old. Do you faggots even lift? Get on my level
you like 'em big and juicy huh?
Smoker here. Its literal cancer and super addictive. I wish I never started (one pack a day for approximately the latest 12 years).
The furthest I went was a full week. Went cold turkey. After the 7th day it was like I stopped the day before.
Son of a bitch! Its many times worse than alcohol.
Nicotine is an addictive stimulant. Breathing in ANY kind of particulate into the lungs damages the lungs and increases the risk for cancer.
They're not as bad as they got hyped up to be but they'll still kill you. Eventually everything will kill you, some things a little bit faster than others.
so edgy but my cigs are white. and vaping is for faggots, faggot
Tobacco raises TESTOSTERONE, that is why (((they))) want to stop Europeans from using it
>*furthest I went not smoking
If you are degenerate enough to smoke, smoke organic tobacco
I never saw a Cohiba stealing some burgers waifu and give her an orgasm followed by a colossal beating.
>But growing it by yourself is more difficult than growing cannabis for example
I admit both my ignorance and curiosity regarding this. Pls elaborate.
>Portumoors can't into farming
I just had a smoke, and I feel like shit. It always happens. Wish I could stop.
Actually its all people can do around these parts lol. That and the tertiary sector.
More than half of Russian exports are oil (primary sector) so dont you dare giving me shit.
For the record, it only happens when I smoke cigarrettes. Pipe tobacco and Cigar I feel fine.
Im really not sure. I only smoke when Im out with the boys so as a result I've had the same pack of Parliaments for over a month now with atleast half of it left. I think the biggest problem is many people's inability to control themselves from overusing them so they get lung cancer and other smoking related issues. Its a lot like eating junk food and sweets constantly.
Burning something and inhaling it is never good for your lungs. Not sure how it relates to your brain or hormone systems, but it'll fuck your lungs up good.
it tastes awful and it has no benefits for yourself
a waste of money
Russia has always been an agricultural superpower its just banter bro. My wife's daughter is Portuguese and your homeland is amazing.
I can tell you that as a smoker Jap tobacco is infinitely better than American tobacco. so probably a mix of both honestly.
I'm at 561ng/dl at 23. How the fuck do you do it? Are you bald or balding btw? Because i am.
You should visit America...
At least in Europe, smoking is still cool. In numerous states in the US, when you tell people you're a smoker they go : Eeeeeeeeeeeewwwwww
Depends entirely on HOW MUCH you smoke
If you're a pack-a-day smoker then yes, first of all you have absolutely no self control and secondly it will greatly increase your chances of cancers
If you only go through a pack ever week or other week then the risk is so small it's a fucking laugh
This is how I enjoy my tobacco. Lovely, indeed. I only smoke on weekends, though. When a bowl lasts for an hour or more, I simply can't afford the time during the week.
not sure, probably genetics.
>If you only go through a pack ever week or other week then the risk is so small it's a fucking laugh
This. I smoke 4-7 cigs a day, smoke about half a gram of weed per day as well... I train 4 times a week, exclusively strength via compound lifts.
I don't drink any alcohol at all. I've been eating at least 4 eggs a day for about 5 years. I drink a litre homogenized milk per day. Red meat 6 days a week, fish on the 7th. Lots of cruciferous veggies... I'm not some die-hard /fit/izen though I eat fast food and chocolate and chips and shit. That's about it, try not to jerk off more than once every few days. I have a wife but she is perpetually pregnant so sometimes the sex isn't regular.
I think the main components to high-test = lift, lower your stress level, sleep 7+ hours, dont jerk off too much and eat all the food the (((USDA))) tells you to avoid, but avoid grains and sugar which they actively tell you to consume more of.
You're a bunch of slack jawed faggots
^ This ^
no one cares about your list of gay shit you do to become the supreme faggot that you are
keep eating your soy burgers then, amerifat. user specifically asked me how I have high natty test levels
Whats with wannabe badasses and tobacco products? Look at this thread, a bunch of faggots trying to act manly on an anime forum because they smoke.
Well I grow weed myself and I'm basically retarded, all it requires to do is the water the plant and sometimes add a little fertilizer, some pruning here and there.
Now tobacco is a more capricious plant overall, in regard to fertilizing, weather, all together. I don't know much tbqh, just read some info from the cannabis growing forums where some folks cultivate tobacco as well. They say that the product is definitely worth it, not even comparable to cigarettes.
Manlet. Your gainz dont even count boi
People have been smoking just as long as they have been drinking alcohol.
Cigarettes are generally degenerate, but a good cigar or pipe is fine in moderation.
i started vaping, i got off of cigs for good. I feel much better, and my heart rate is no longer 75 while resting. I do have the occasionally good cigar. Smoking does cause health issues, but I think things like cancer are genetic, and science is starting to show that it is. But if your family has never had cancer before, I would not worry about it.
The tobacco industry are kikes that successfully brainwashed the public into thinking that smoking their product is masculine. No shit it's dangerous. No shit it's unhealthy. "My grandpappy smoked cigarettes until he died at the age of 85." Yeah, well he's a lucky motherfucker. Keep an eye on the thots from your high school over the next 20 years. Look at the ones hooked on smoking and look at the ones who aren't. You'll notice a difference.
Nicotine is a studied chemical that has direct links to memory performance. Fuck cigarettes though unless you roll them yourself or pay for "premium organic" packs. They are just packed full of chemicals and prevserants. Vaping is a clean way of getting nicotine if that is what your are after, it's also a he'll of a lot cheaper.
The "vaping fag" meme and other propaganda about it are pushed by the cigarette companies because vaping will put them out of buisness.
Ok, Carlin.
I smoke an arid pipe tobacco called "Dokha". One of the few good things to come out of Arabia.
smoke is harmless soo keep smoking faggot if the aids don't kill you something else will. something like pic related?
I don't work for a cigarette company but I think vapefags are cringy as fuck
I don't use it anymore. Only for about 2 months until I quit needing nic in my juice. My grandma is now using my device to help her quit smoking.
You'll soon be a no-jawed faggot.
>giving your hard earned money to the tobacco jews
What are you doing!
Chew the GUM instead and save your lungs from an early death
Would you rather have someone slowly tarring up their lungs? Or be healthy with a properly maintained vape and potentially quit within months because you can control your nicotine levels unlike with cigarettes
I vape but I'm ashamed of it so I try to keep it as low key as possible. Still not smoking.
Enjoy rotting teeth and gums
>Is it really the danger the media has led everyone to believe?
yes, wide leafed tobacco bonds with cesium in the rainwater
>Why don't producers do anything about it?
because the entire point was to save money at the VA
Don't be ashamed of it user it's way better than cigarettes.
>Pls elaborate.
curing tobacco is supposedly difficult but wild tobacco is easy as shit to process and a lot stronger and cheaper than packaged tobacco
>I vape
so you inhale mineral oils that turn frogs gay intentionally?
Is that the same argument you have against tobacco?
just smoke organic cigarettes.
DO NOT vape. The concentration of nicotine vapor vs smoke turns it into a wicked wicked substance. You'll get severe anxiety, lose your hair from the concentration of nicotine constricting your bloodflow (smoking does not affect as much and diminishes after an hour of not smoking. Most vapists are vaping constantly and the nicotine takes longer to stop affecting circulation.)
and vaping makes you look like a huge pussy.
>Brown nipples
Sure thing Paco
they fuck up your lungs and make you smell like shit. if you're ok with that ok.
i swap between cigs,vape,nothing depending
who i am around.
all this nigarettes talk...
gotta smoke a nigarette..
tobacco being unhealthy is government propaganda. it makes you live longer you fucking absolute retard
I smoke these
how fucked am I?
You are fake news, begone kike
Use in Moderation. If you get addicted, stop. Pretty simple.
Patrician-teir cigarettes, pic related
No additives. Pure organic tobacco. You really can taste the difference between these and say, Marlboro.
It doesn't taste like youre injesting carcinogens. Just a good smoke all around. I'm smoking a pack of yellows right now.
> 2017
> Not smoking the cigarettes
Have you been harassed at school, damaged or both?
> You kill me!
Yes, and so? Is it a life-style competition for someone who lives longer?
> You're so happy!
No, you do not expect if you are too old and you can not smoke.
> I'm cheap !!!
Who are you who want to buy a packet daily, do you make noise?
alright i'm smoking a nigarette.
they also produce ash debris
that smells like sulfur egg from the
gun powder rings in the commercial rolling papers.
i hate nigarettes.
been smoking 14 years.
i can get down to 1 a week.
but i idle around 10 a day.
>to stop engaging in masculine behavior?
so...all the women who smoked and/or smoke currently were engaging in "masculine" behavior?
What kind of retarded bullshit is this?
Are you retarded?
Whenever I smoke, I have to piss really badly all of a sudden
But I only smoke about 2-3 cigs a day anyway
just don't smoke an american amount and roll your own
>1/3 total weight in additives
Roll your own cigarettes
Genuinely curious about the comparison between digs with just plant to cigs with tar
The goys don't want cigarettes to be able to advertise "healthier for you than Marlboro" or some shit so any tobacco studies of the sort are prevented. I smoke American Spirits when I drink and usually end up wondering that
It's definitely not gonna make you live longer, aside from the fact that nicotine prevents you from getting some brain disease like Parkinson and Alzheimer.
Although the propaganda is real.
I live in France, and we are told all the time that smoking is bad and causes cancer BUT at the same time taxes on cigarettes bring in almost 10 Billions euro the the healthcare system.
Therefore, if people stop smoking, they can shutdown the whole healthcare system all together.
And in the mean time, because smoking is bad, they raise up the taxes almost every year, pretending to want to lower the number of smokers but really (((they))) want more money !
I am very much a huwhite male
Former tobacco store owner here.
My shop focused on rolling your own smokes with additive free tobacco, non fire-safe tubes, and tabletop machines like the topomatic. It did very well until state government change the tax laws and made it virtually unprofitable. But I digress...
Branded cigarettes are horrible for you. A typical store bought cigarette is laced with over 500 chemicals to keep you heavily addicted. Moreoever, 70% of a standard cigarette isn't even tobacco. It's additives and "filler" tobacco - which is basically stems and twigs of the tobacco plant.
I won't say that any form of smoking is healthy, but I can say this: When I started rolling my own cigs my smokers cough disappeared within a few weeks. I also had a bitching headache for the first few days, which I later realized was because my body was weening itself off all the chemical shit they put in modern cigarettes.
lol i was kidding you absolute moron hah
Cigars are fucking great man. My favorite way to pass the time is sit on the porch and watch the stars come out with a cigar in one hand and a beer in the other
I guess everyone's grandpa is lucky by your logic
I bet you were that kid on the bus who puked after the first dip
Just smoke, the pharma industry is a fucking pool of lies.
Thanks for making me feel dumb by not catching your "joke".
Whatever, what i said is still relevant.
>store bought cigarette
>filler tobacco
Do american spirits have filler in em? Every noe and then I smoke a cig or two at the end of the day but have been considering just buying a bag of tobacco and tubes.
What brand of tobacco do you recommend for cig rolling?
Nicotine is a type of Nootropic, it makes it easier to memorize stuff and makes you think a bit quicker. But cigarettes are pretty awful.
That being said, if you are fit and work out alot it probably will have a minimal effect on you. Generally it's people who are sedentary that have problems, and they would have problems anyway.
I quit smoking 2 years ago, and god damn I feel a whole lot better. I still break down and puff a cigar now and then, but I have no more smokers cough, and I don't wheeze while lying in bed.
Quit that shit Sup Forums just vape, I know it feels gay puffing on robocops dong but it's way healthier.
Bitch I live in Florida, we have a radon gas problem.
I don't care about another 0.0000000001ppm of radioactive dust.
I smoke "additive-free" reds when I buy packs, no smoker's cough but they are still worse than tobacco.
t. smoked at least two packs every day for about a year
It's highly addictive. Also it is not masculine at all.
my nigga the chief
I honestly don't know. I didn't sell branded cigarettes at all except for special orders.
My most popular brand was OHM - which also happens to be what I smoke. You should be able to find it at any prominent tobacco shop.
Note: It will be labeled as "pipe tobacco" but in reality it's an intentionally mislabeled product to skirt tax liability. Many tobacco manufacturers do this. It is cigarette tobacco through and through.
>not masculine at all.
yeah just suck on a metal dick instead that's way more manly
I quit after 4 years of smoking a pack a day. Go to the doctor, he'll give you adaptol or some other shit and in a month you won't have the craving. You'll still have to give your brain time to reenstablish tthe dopamine circuits, concentrating will be hard as fuck in the first 2 months, that's when you really have to control yourself.
tell that to mickey rourke
Cheers m8
What kind of cigarettes do you currently smoke? I can make you a recommendation on which variation of OHM to buy.