Why is it so hard to make people understand that this flag will make all the normies immediately hate you? It shuts down any sort of productive debate, you immediately brand yourself the enemy in the eyes of the eternal normie.
Larpers GTFO
even people that would be receptive to pro white ideas will immediately tune you out. This is not how to win in the court of public opinion. It's not how to win people to your side, which of course is the entire point of a pro white movement.
Everybody wants to be a Nazi secretly.
Because those showing up are LARPing, paid to make them look bad?
get gassed kike
What was meant by this?
Hitler will never die, kike.
nazis say the darndest things!
> caring what normies think
it's edgy
Eventually you are gonna need to face the truth: not everything is a false flag and you are also fucking retarded
If commies offered as kewl uniforms it Heil Stalin all the way
the reaction to C'ville should be more than enough evidence that the swastika cannot be rehabilitated. You should care what normies think because we were all normies at one point and we need to win the normies to our side if we're going to win.
I don't care what retards think. If I'm jailed or die they'll still find out the truth in the end.
and look how well that turned out for GLR. Killed by some autistic faggot who couldn't follow orders.
Literally one swastika was there you stupid faggot.
That's not what Cville showed.
Cville showed the system is afraid of uncucked right wing men.
We do not want to debate our first amendment right.
He was the most successful right wing guy besides WLP. the system was too afraid of him so they had him assassinated.
all the nazi larpers are faggots.
It is just a fucking joke, pol wasnt actually racist or nazis its all these new fags either larping too hard or actual nazi piece of shits. The nazi shit was made to keep normies off.Go to your own board you newfagg fucks
>Literally one swastika was there you stupid faggot.
that's all it took. And there were also idiots doing the roman salute.
If you're trying to save normies, you're doing it wrong.
Agreed OP., I tried to say this the other day and they called me a faggot. We are destined to failure.
serious question: how tall are you and how much do you weigh?
Fuck off you faggot shill
Go back to your shareblue HQ, you failed. No matter how many times you have this thread you won't succeed
do you even know how he died? one of his own guys killed him you idiot.
>GLR was assassinated by the state because he was getting too powerful
>You should just give up.
The system had him killed and used an ex member to do it. That's their MO.
>"one of his own guys killed him"
>And then got was amounted to a slap on the wrist for punishment
suuuuuuure anti-White. Whatever you say there.
Alt left play to much liberal crime squad fucking best game ever dwarf fortress is number 2
>Germany is winning
>Zionists go to Britain
>Promise them they will get US on WW1
>If in return Britain promises Israel after war
>Britain says YES
>USA joins war - jews used US jewish lobby
>Germany loses
Read balfour agreement
Offician UK govt letter Rothschild from Wikipedia :
How do I educate people that Jews are behind all this? I
you guys are delusional. He gave a few speeches on college campuses and did some radio interviews. He never won an election. He had no power. WTF is wrong with you?
5,9 and idk about the weight
Actually it's 5,11 I checked
I was just trying to argue for their free speech rights and then they went turbo-autismo 3000 with it
George Lincoln Rockwell was the original Nazi larper douchebag. He had some great ideas and understood the jewish question and recognized the evils of communism. He was a powerful speaker and strong military man but he was a stupid politician and an ultimately ineffectual leader. During his time the USA was not so far removed from the war and the anti German anti Nazi propaganda had already been raging for 2 decades. The American people were already programmed to dislike that symbol. Thousands of men died fighting that symbol (even though they should have been fighting with them) Imagine if George Lincoln Rockwell had ditched the swastika and brownshirts, symbols that Americans had already been programmed to hate, and branded his movement anti-comm (anti-communist) and created an original symbol. People were receptive to anti communist views. But even in the 60s the swastika made normies disregard you.
>Everybody wants to be a Nazi secretly.
Well, we put it to the test, and you have been proved wrong. The public really doesn't.
I realize that the presence of Neo-Nazis/stormfags is a fact, but they should realize that their ideas are not marketable and there's no point for them to demonstrate themselves ostentatiously on public rallies.
What we really need is marketable ideas, and preferably by people who realize what a market really is (i.e. libertarians)
>you guys are delusional.
Said the anti-White.
>He gave a few speeches on college campuses and did some radio interviews.
He told the truth. Which is more than we can say about you.
>He never won an election.
Because he was killed before he started running for office.
>WTF is wrong with you?
What the fuck is wrong with you, anti-White?
>said the cuckservative
Do tell...how will we save the White race be being respectable Republican Conservatives?
The way to save the white race at least in part lies in crafting marketable, hegemonic messages that resonate with the public psyche and can ward off the counter-trend at the same time. The current approach has been unsuccessful by far.
Sadly enough, most people in the "alt right" are too incompetent and inept to understand how to market ideas and make use of post-modernist semantics.
>He never won an election.
>Because he was killed before he started running for office.
read the last sentence of this paragraph.
You can be pro white without flying the swastika. Just because you're not flying the swastika doesn't make you a cuck. why does this need to be explained?
Those who will not hail our new dawn, do not deserve to live.
When the black tide comes to consume them, those who would not give their life for this cause will have no mercy to call upon.
The normie is inferior, he is a failure, in that he will not know the deepest truths of himself, or the natural world. Blood and soil are the laws, and those not of Germanic blood, character, and inclination, will not and should not be saved.
If they will not know the light of National Socialism, then they deserve the pitch darkness of their abyss.
cool story bro. So how was comic con this year?
>if you do what your enemy wants, you win!
>you should abandon your core beliefs for someone else's beliefs!
fuck off
whites are superior and more desirable
jew is the enemy
shitskins are uncivilized and uncivilizable, you commies help them take s.africa and rhodesia, both went to utter shit
>whites are superior and more desirable
>productive debate with braindead normies
o am laffing. let me guess youre the cringy person trying to debate with liberals in all those videos yes?
Your post; a testament to inept rebuttal.
It seems you have lost.
Please re-evaluate your world view, and try again.
there's many open pro white people that were liberals at one point in their lives. I voted for that fucking nigger in 2008. Completely disregarding an enormous portion of the white population is a terrible strategy. The only people I would completely ignore/refuse to debate is Antifa. There's plenty of liberals who dislike antifa.
._. White people who take pride in their race use a symbol from another culture to represent them. Swastika shouldn't be a thing other than used by edge lords. Choose a symbol from your own culture and background.
ummm akshully
the sad thing is I don't know if you genuinely like nazism or you're making fun of it hahahaha
Are all pirate flags posters are leafs or something?
Because their posts are always shit.
any non geo flag is a shill...wish I could anonymize flags just like namefags/trips.
should be proud of your country,not hide behind some bloody pirate/rainbow faggoty.
pirates are badass though
explain rhodesia (present day zimbabwe) and south africa
they slaughtered their white population, quality of life decreased
ill wait
they are leftist retards
they think that thousands of years of different climate during ice ages, and different evolutionary pressure, and different differences, made all humans equal
until they start to wonder why its everywhere
people are herd animals, if they think a majority agree with something, they'll agree aswell
Hang the Swazi to SPARK a debate.
The swastika is ultimately ineffective when trying to advance white identity politics. Not only is it ineffective it's counter productive. It gives the enemy (media jews) ammunition.
>choose a symbol from your own cultural background
The Swastika has been used by Germanic people for thousands of years. Google is your friend.
What if I want people to hate whites?
What if I want the whites who will not serve a National Socialist Order to mix genetically, or not have children? What if I want the only white people left in 200 years to be inclined towards National Socialism on a genetic level, and thus the current hatred towards WN among the White population is perfect for my ends, as it forces genetic selection for Whites loyal to their race? What if I want White people who will not serve the order to destroy themselves? What if I want mass-immigration so that the old cultures of Europe are destroyed permanently, allowing for a new culture to take root, a single European Folk culture?
Nah jk we're losing on every front THe IMMIGRANTS ARE rAPING ARE WIMEN and they BLOW UP THInGs m!!!
>Hang the Swazi to SPARK a debate.
or get fired from your job or physically assaulted. If you want to hang that flag you better be prepared to physically defend yourself. ESPECIALLY post C'ville.
OFC they Arghhhh but hiding your flag discredits whatevr you post because I automatically assume you are willing to hide something else.
You are lying to me before you even start typing your post with those flags and I don't take you seriously.
when are you idiots going to realize spotting fascists is not just about pointing at someone holding a swastika
you fuckers are incredibly dumb, holy shit
is there a coherent argument or any type of discernible thesis put forward in this post? or is this just general esoteric edgelord sarcasm?
you're just mad you can't make general bantz towards my country of origin. I'm a burger by the way
not mad son...just dissapointed,be proud to fly those stars and stripes.
last bump from me.
We'll take all your helpful suggestions under due consideration, kike.
but pirates are badass though
Lol it was all hyperbole just disregard what I said.
Is he wrong, Sup Forums?
yes goy, keep your economy running
>uh, rent, food etc.
if you think food comes from a shopand water comes from a tap, im not going to bother.
The swatsika is a powerful symbol because it scares faggots like you away.