Not even your TVs or phones are safe folks
Watch the fuck out
>Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors.
>The observed effects include ptosis of the eyelids, relaxation, drowziness, the feeling of pressure at a centered spot on the lower edge of the brow, seeing moving patterns of dark purple and greenish yellow with the eyes closed, a tonic smile, a tense feeling in the stomach, sudden loose stool, and sexual excitement, depending on the precise frequency used, and the skin area to which the field is applied. The sharp frequency dependence suggests involvement of a resonance mechanism
>Computer monotors and TV monitors can be made to emit weak low-frequency electromagnetic fields merely by pulsing the intensity of displayed images. Experiments have shown that the ½ Hz sensory resonance can be excited in this manner in a subject near the monitor. The 2.4 Hz sensory resonance can also be excited in this fashion. Hence, a TV monitor or computer monitor can be used to manipulate the nervous system of nearby people.
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Comfy af
Do you actually think they might be controlling people and that some people might not be effected?
I'm serious - there are many dumb and smart people I know who are incredibly susceptible to clear, blatant propaganda these days I've always felt in my heart that something wasn't right about it.
I'm not just talking about lefties, but some people on the right too and some people who just block out what is happening. It's almost like a sort of mind control or something. I've had some family - even my brother who used to love discussing current events - stop talking to me because I don't believe (((the narrative))).
I've felt like dude in They Live for the last decade, but even more so since 2014. I feel like I have a very solid read on what is real and fake.
But this is freaky as fuck user. Good find.
Did you abandon your thread op?
What a fag. Bump.
I switched Id
Bump again
Last bump for now
Bumpu desu
>quantum computards Cr@cked your precious encryption
Replace 'aliens' with 'trannies' and you have an accurate view of how things are. Television is evil.
Not just television - it's every screen. Our phones could be doing it.
>Monitors are turning the freaking neckbeards into low-energy shitlibs.
Can we also talk about how this tech along with simple propaganda could be brainwashing a large amount of people causing Mass Hysteria?
Why not all people? Maybe some are uneffected. That's my thought.
I just discovered this and it's semi related.
If you have an iPhone, take a picture and zoom in. There aren't any pixels. They automatically filter it with a paint like effect so it looks clear from a distance but fuzzy zoomed in. Even pictures you take of places and family are fake.
>having a TV in 2000+17
>having a smartphone
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA get raped normies.
We can't just ignore this info people!
I have given up on media, like tv and music (though I still like enjoy classical but anything pop is cancerous as fuck).
And people think I'm crazy because I don't follow or even care about Game of Thrones, while I'd rather discuss other things.
TV especially feels like such a drain of both time and brainpower but don't bother defending your opinions on it like that, people will think you're crazy because they don't consider the possibility of any serious harm in these devices.
In the meantime, I try to focus on other things that give more satisfaction, recently I've been learning to draw (and avoiding digital tools) and even though I suck balls, an hour of drawing feels more gratifying than an hour of television, gardening too gives me way more happiness and at the same time allows me to think deeper thoughts.
I do have a small am/fm radio that's always tuned in to a local classical station and of course I can't part with my computer and Sup Forums, but the internet is the only tool which gives me access to news sources that aren't totally biased.
>Inventor name Hendricus G. Loos
google emf protection. there are ways to defend yourself from this
Looks like glorified tinfoil hats desu