White people do not have the right to exist. There is no man-made law saying so, nor is there any laws made by god.
White people do not have the right to exist. There is no man-made law saying so, nor is there any laws made by god
Correct. No one gives us the right to exist but ourselves.
nor there is a law saying that i should not wip you right now so you go back to work in my cotton fields,nigger.
Barneyfags should not exist.
Nobody has the right to exist, you have to fight for your existence and if you are not willing to do that then you will be eliminated from the gene pool just as nature intended.
Which is why some people need to be gassed
>Still thinking man-made laws are legitimate.
gay faggot leftists are also not given a right to exist by any natural law. in the end, it's might makes right. the side that wins out is likely to be the side with the stronger and more consistent ideology.
I'm glad u understand. I hope tht knowledge helps u understand that no race has any right to anything. Now let the white man dominate u die to their objective superiority.
I say let, but in the end whether u let them or not won't matter.
I hate them
"White people do not have the right to exist."
I disagree.
and you are fucking failing at it lol
Brown people do not have the right to exist. There is no man-made law saying so, nor is there any laws made by god.
See how that works?
Yes, this is why we have to fight for it.
The neoliberals and Marxists obviously don't give a shit, and some even actively try to exterminate us.
Wait so you mean...we gonna melt some chocolate?
I really wish they died
itt op learns GR15 applies to everyone
Yes there is. The United Nations Declaration of Universal Human Rights says we, and all people of the Earth, have the right to exist and not to be subjected to efforts to ethnically cleanse us.
Nobody has any rights - rights are a construction of people.
same for you
Hey it's masked pony. Ghost true capitalist blogtalk radio must be really mad he got doxxed by a retard
wtf I hate white people now
sure, we have a divine right to conquer your backward, mudslime ass, and rule over you. Look how bad you fucked up South Africa, Congo, and Zimbabwe after we left. Indians can't even have good hygeine.
Divine Right bitzhe.
He brought bad optics to the Trump administration with his nazi larper type shit. I'm glad he's gone, just a huge distraction like Flynn.
Not gonna lie, former Banon supporter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Bannon bringing bad optics to the Trump administration with his nazi larper type shit. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy be huge distraction like Flynn.
Neither do niggers.
I hate these fags
its the only thing im into. segways into my medical fetish.
White people were a mistake.
I really do
but aren't anti-Bronies just as bad as the Bronies themselves?
Sewing my new Teletubby fursuit.
We meet again Yakub
There are international laws against Genocide.
As long as white people identify as white people, they have ethnic identity and therefore the intentional right to defend against genocide.
Genocide can even be conditions of life calculated to bring about the physical destruction, in whole or in part, any religious, cultural, racial, or ethnic group.
>in whole or in part
You're a dumbass OP
Wait... is that?... It can't be....
Yeah Trump should THINK™ before he speaks!
Oн пpинёc плoхyю oптикy в aдминиcтpaцию Tpaмпa c eгo типa нaциcтcким дepьмoм. Я дoвoлeн, чтo eгo бoльшe нeт, пpocтo бoльшoe oтвлeчeниe, кaк Флинн.
You're exactly right. Which is why it's their responsibility to protect and preserve themselves.
I hate them
Everyone has the right to exist.
By living in a law with a constitution that says it, you accept it.
Plus rationally everyone should have the right to exist.
So both man made and natural laws mean that everyone should exist.
How diaper fetishism and bronies relate to this i don't know. Is this some laughable attempt at "stop liking what i don't like" ?
I really do
kill them all
Do you have some sort of problem dude?
neck 'em