How is this even real?
WTF Mexican Confederates?
I am not sure what to think.
I fucking HATE mexicans but I suppose an ally or two might exist.
I live in Texas. We all know what's up. Well, except niggers, and most blacks here are niggers, but there's not many of them here. Just ate a steak from my mexican neighbors' grill two days ago. Good people.
I've been telling you. Some Mexicans are capable of being allies, some are capable of being integrated.
Don't get confused: An old Tejano has nothing to do with a recent immigrant peasent from Guerrero or Oaxaca.
Mexico is diverse. (Not much, but still...)
Up to the 80s or so, Burgers could really have invaded the North of Mexico and make a full independent state (let's call it El Norte) that would be way more stable and prosperous and yes, civilised (and white) than today's Mexico.
He brought bad optics to the Trump administration with his nazi-larper type shit. I'm glad he's gone, just a huge distraction like Flynn
That state could really had functioned as a buffer. Those 10M Mexicans would fight off the other 100M Mexican invaders...
Malos optickos
Texas mexicans are a different breed. They're like white rednecks with mexican roots. In fact a lot of our military, especially our marines, are mexican-americans from west texas.
obviously, mexicans didnt want to be the next niggers
Irish immigrants moved to mexico and brazil after/before civil war
Almost all the Mexicans i know hate illegal immigration, and they don't play well with blacks
Mexicans who's family have been in America for generations are basically just whites. It's only the border hoppers that are bad.
This, my great-great-great-great grandfather was from ireland but moved to san antonio and he and all his sons and grandsons and great grandsons had mexican wives
>This, my great-great-great-great grandfather was from ireland but moved to san antonio and he and all his sons and grandsons and great grandsons had mexican wives
That's unsurprising. Papists always work together
Confederate Col. Santos Benavides
There was also multiple American Indian units and a small smattering of black Confederates.
tejanos are NOT mexican
a lot of spics lived in Texas and the Arizona territories it's not unlikely to assume they fought for the CSA too
Some mexicans are our allies.
Mexicans are the most racist people in America next to like Koreans.
Irish people mix with mexicans, i met like 5 mexicans with irish last names, in the northern states of Mexico
This i'm surprised this larping faggot didn't know about them. Any real CSA supporter knows about them
Yeah, and legal hispanics hate illegql beaners and call them mojados which means wetback in spanish
Mexicans that went through the expensive and long legal process of becoming American citizens hate illegal Mexicans more than the KKK.
Why are you surprised that Sup Forumsacks don't know their own country's history? Pretty much beans have fought for he US (and CSA) since the US showed up to the Southwestern Territories
>larping as white people
Is this supposed to be news?
>Why are you surprised that Sup Forumsacks don't know their own country's history?
I honestly just expect too much from you guys at times.
I hear them call illegals mayates. I believe it means nigger.
You're right, I personally prefer what my mom calls niggers "manchados", it means "stained"
Legal Mexicans don’t believe in the KKK-NeoNazi-WhiteSupremacy army that MSM is pushing...they know about fake news, they are experts, because in Mexico the concept of “fake news” is more common
This. They're trash.
When did he larped as white people?
There obviously were hispanic confederates.
old tejanos are usually indio white admix
the vast majority of old tejanos hate illegals
t. texan burger
The south was populated by mexican, blacks and whites, (and chineses), all of them fougth in the war, this racial segregation it's just identity politics historic revisionism.
Deal with your roots, or lose them, the choice it's yours.
hes not mexican
its always stupid fucking chicanos who do this bullshit
texans everywhere itt
the Proud Boys have a ton of Hispanic members who hate niggers and jews.
Not surprising.
tejano means Texan. mexico remained neutral. I have no evidence that says otherwise.
Even Mexicans don't like niggers.
Because Tejano mexicans fought with confederates. There's more to it than racism ya know. Maybe his ancestor was a confederate soldier.
The Mexicans are far more likely to side with whites than blacks.
>Besides serving in the "Benavides Regiment", many Hispanics who were from Texas served in other units of the Confederate Army. Known as Tejanos, they fought in the Battles of Gaines' Mill, Second Bull Run, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Gettysburg, the Wilderness, and Appomattox Court House as members of the Sixth and Eighth Texas Infantry and of Hood's Texas Brigade under the command of Col. John Bell Hood. Some Tejanos marched across the deserts of West Texas to secure the Mesilla Valley as members of Charles L. Pyron's company which were later incorporated into Gen. Henry Hopkins Sibley's Confederate Army of New Mexico and fought at the battle of Valverde.[48]
B-but user muh racism, how could that be???
It's true. They even had Asians in the Confederate Army.
>Muh Golden Circle