Dear Sup Forums the end is nigh. You control nothing your nothing but genetic garbage, from a lineage of garbage. What you call the left the elite (them) or whatever else obliges your tiny brain. Is in fact the rise of medernaty and disciplined intelligence. Here I'll give you this racial strife and anti white sentimate is real it's a tool and it works. Witness its evolution from enabling en equalization of small minority and foreign groups over the past 50 years to its present incarnation, perfected now resulting in whiteness being a defect mentally, spiritually, physically. Don't worry about me I'm not a self hating white, I'm not one of you. I do however fuck you when I can you see I am a ****** and I do increase the cost for my enemy and my siblings do the same. Healthcare we are their to I hope whites don' expect equal treatment. I'm sorry but you always bring up nature well now it's going to take place.
Dear Sup Forums the end is nigh. You control nothing your nothing but genetic garbage, from a lineage of garbage...
English motherfucker do you speak it?
He brought bad optics to the Trump administration with his nazi larper type shit. I'm glad he's gone, just a huge distraction like Flynn.
>disgruntled manchild, the post
lol you wasted your time this morning while I got my dick sucked LOL
I came and it felt good. nice thread retard hahahahaha ignored
>Dear Sup Forums the end is nigh.
Life is pretty good when your biggest fear is what somebody might be saying here.
Triple Nigger
>haha I'm so much better than you and not at all threatened by you
>which is why I'm going to go out of my way to come to your forum and post a huge run-on paragraph of vitriol
Lots of bullshit signifying nothing,
Either be specific or fuck off.
ok retard
Keep pushing.
Push harder.
Push until it breaks.
Push until the Saxon remembers how to hate.
weak b8 m8
i've been keenly remembering for a decade now.
modernity? Lol and you preach to us about intelligence.
12 year old or adult retard detected
No the Saxons will just sell more of their children to rape gangs.
Weak and treacherous the Saxon did not hate but listened to the big-snout snake on his shoulder and stabbed his siblings until he realized that his dirty neighbors had taken his house and he had nothing left.
Sibling last words: "Et tu Saxon... et tu..."
Now the Saxon sits and waits, he does not hate.
His children yell and scream as their new master gets to know them. Still, the Saxon does not hate.
is this the disciplinded intelligence you talk about ?
Can you retype this in coherent English? Please think about what you're trying to say and redo, Mmkay?
*disciplined, i know
As a black intellectual, I happen to agree with this post. I run a cash only cannabis delivery business, but still get medicaid because of my intelligence.
And prefer the whit boi to pay my and my family's healthcare.
Look at the whites squirm
White created the civilization you now claim to own... your desert dwelling ancestors never got beyond mud huts and camel fucking.. you are inbred sub-humans .. a bastard race rejected by God.
Die nigger ,it's coming can you feel it?
It's okay, I still voted for Gary Johnson and want a small government.
so you are a nigger drug dealer on welfare and food stamps.
That discriminates against whit bois who get welfare too.
No food stamps though, I live in the city and prefer soup restaurants that I review about on yelp. People enjoy reading my well educated opinion.
Jungle, you albino chimp. Whites have developed nothing they simply sailed places and took what they found. Think, the future who will write the history. Here l'll start the whit man relegated to the shittiest part of the globe Europe after being recognized as a non human had a period of invasion that the peacefulraces of the world were not ready for after a while we true humans fucked them up, the end.