We ran tests on you and figured you all out.
We ran tests on you and figured you all out.
Other urls found in this thread:
What if we archive it
kek based
You didn't do shit
He brought bad optics to the Trump administration with his nazi larper type shit. I'm glad he's gone, just a huge distraction
Trump brings bad optics too.
>the results have yet to be peer-reviewed or published in an academic journal
Into the trash it goes
Direct link to study:
Wow, that study is absolute garbage. Paying people through mechanical turk? No self respecting psychologist would consider this a valid sample method.
In all likelihood, people could have taken the test and put what they thought an alt right person would say. No control whatsoever.
You should read it too, they didn't get a real read on shit.
Also wrong pasta for the wrong thread shill
At least cite something that isn't worthless
I completely trust Vox with psychology studies.
>And when they look at other groups — like black Americans, Muslims, feminists, and journalists — they’re willing to admit they see these people as “less evolved.”
>and journalists
>He brought bad optics to the Trump administration with his nazi larper type shit. I'm glad he's gone, just a huge distraction like Flynn.
He brought bad optics to the Trump administration with his nazi larper type shit. I'm glad he's gone, just a huge distraction like Flynn.
>He brought bad optics to the Trump administration with his nazi larper type shit. I'm glad he's gone, just a huge distraction like Flynn.
He brought bad optics to the Trump administration with his nazi larper type shit. I'm glad he's gone, just a huge distraction like Flynn.
>He brought bad optics to the Trump administration with his nazi larper type shit. I'm glad he's gone, just a huge distraction like Flynn.
He brought bad optics to the Trump administration with his nazi larper type shit. I'm glad he's gone, just a huge distraction like Flynn.
>He brought bad optics to the Trump administration with his nazi larper type shit. I'm glad he's gone, just a huge distraction like Flynn.
He brought bad optics to the Trump administration with his nazi larper type shit. I'm glad he's gone, just a huge distraction like Flynn.
>He brought bad optics to the Trump administration with his nazi larper type shit. I'm glad he's gone, just a huge distraction like Flynn.
He brought bad optics to the Trump administration with his nazi larper type shit. I'm glad he's gone, just a huge distraction like Flynn.
>He brought bad optics to the Trump administration with his nazi larper type shit. I'm glad he's gone, just a huge distraction like Flynn.
He brought bad optics to the Trump administration with his nazi larper type shit. I'm glad he's gone, just a huge distraction like Flynn.
What they can never admit is that young white males have grown up in a time where they are demonized for the same natural feeling that other races are praised for. They have seen their own families demonize all pro white movements while never going near the diversity they claim is so necessary to society.
The only people who say anything kind at all about whites as a group are the pro white and white power types. No mainstream media article will ever dare to point that out. Spread the word on that why we still have a place to talk on the internet.
The Jewish Masters and the Left can only ban free speech in response to such truths.
I'm certain these alt right research subjects turned the Trolling up to 11 for a fucking (((study))). You can bet your bottom dollar
But I'm not alt-right
Fuck your Jewish psychology
"we," like your retarded ass was involved at all.
>look at this study from (((mechanical turk))) that confirms our beliefs
>figuring anything out
He brought bad optics to the Trump administration with his nazi larper type shit. I'm glad he's gone, just a huge distraction
here goys is a study we pulled our of our asses
Good thing psychology is pseudoscience, had they interloped a magician they would've got the same result but faster.
Checked. If the strawman "alt-right" is psychologically sick, why don't they have the intellectual honesty to start addressing WHY?
I read into it a bit and it only took me about two seconds to figure out that everything they're saying can be applied to groups like Black lives matter as well.
For example, they talk about how alt right people like organizations that work for the benefit of white people. This is similar to Black Lives matter, a prime example of an organization that black people are supportive of would be the welfare office.
They also talk about how alt right people view their race as the most important, not something that is particularly unfounded in other races, what the fuck is the black power movement?
>To sum it all up it's something a child might of wrote.
They put this article out into a culture that only reads headlines, knowing what conclusions people would draw.
I'd love to see an article like this:
Psychologists surveyed hundreds of MtF Transexuals, the results are unsettling.
But they won't, maybe some plucky intern at Breitbart will, but don't hold your breath.
>nazi larper
it's so humerous to see you misuse words, your an embarrasment, we're laughing at you
>This is the quixotic hope behind a lot of social science research: The first step to solving a problem is defining the nature of that problem.
This is it, we're officially at 1984 levels of fucked. Now having opinions that people don't like are "problem" that needs to be "solved". Next up re-education centers. And if they don't work? Gulag.
Just by reading what they call a "study" you can tell that their methodology is shit, their sample isn't representative of anything, no wonder it hasn't been published in a journal, none will ever want to publish this.
Into the trash it goes.
Why are you so defensive? This represents all of you.
>Mechanical turk
/Ourguys/ poo in loo
'Tests' on 'subjects' chosen at 'random,' I presume.
Now someone needs to do a test on the left, for how human the left sees whites who dare stand up for their rights, history and speech.
Ibet the results of that test would be even more illuminating.
Luckily for everyone I already did the test. They scored whites and Christians at a zero, and everyone who hates whites/Christians at 100.
(This is another of those instances where everything is about us, more double standards, pretend there are not blacks and whites running around screaming for white genocide)
PS: Even the whites who hated whites, cored a handy ZERO on the human scale. This is truly the level of cuckery we have reached.
My man
In April, Forscher and Kteily got a sample of 447 self-identified alt-righters in an online survey on Amazon’s Mechanical Turk (an online marketplace for gathering study participants and people for quick paid tasks) and led them through a barrage of psychological survey questions. They then compared the alt-righters to an online sample of 382 non-alt-righters. (See the demographic breakdown of the samples here[4].)
>(((Self-Identified Alt-Righters))) through Amazon Turk
sounds legit
The whole world will go crazy and despise the ones who arent.
this is end times revelations
if they were talking to people who actually said 'I am a member of the alt-right' I am assuming the results were autism all round?
True. No one cared when Ripley was the hero of Aliens or Cisco was captain of DS9. Why? Because we as white men hadn't been bombarded with decades of, "you are the devil and what your forefathers built belongs to us now."
If every one white wants to look out for his fellow whites he is a nazi, well fuck it then, might as well be.
So it was people who believe whatever label Hillary puts on them? So normies? Larping normies? This is who they survey? OMG.
>The alt-right has high support for groups that support and work for the benefit of white people
Shock. How dare they?
This comment is pasta. See in another thread.
Watch for bots, gentlemen. These shillstorms can last for weeks.
Participants are asked to rate where certain groups fall on this scale from 0 to 100. Zero is not human at all; 100 is fully human.
On average, alt-righters saw other groups as hunched-over proto-humans.
On average, they rated Muslims at a 55.4 (again, out of 100), Democrats at 60.4, black people at 64.7, Mexicans at 67.7, journalists at 58.6, Jews at 73, and feminists at 57. These groups appear as subhumans to those taking the survey. And what about white people? They were scored at a noble 91.8. (You can look through all the data here.)
> Getting paid to shitpost online
I had a good chuckle
> Hmm these people that troll on the internet to get a rise out of people seem like a good group to pay to take a test
didn't even notice that.
>Forscher and Kteily got a sample of 447 self-identified alt-righters in an online survey on Amazon’s Mechanical Turk (an online marketplace for gathering study participants and people for quick paid tasks) and led them through a barrage of psychological survey questions. They then compared the alt-righters to an online sample of 382 non-alt-righters.
>A note on some limitations: This survey was not designed to be representative of the entire “alt-right” movement or to generalize to other right-wing-leaning groups.
>Even so, it’s instructive.
>Knowing the psychology of the alt-right may be the key to stop white supremacist views from spreading
These fucking lefties think they can socially engineer society again. Yay even their scientists don't know most social engineering fails.
Looking from the data though they would have to stop immigration to make that happen, fat fucking chance.
That shit is on several threads as the OP right now. Not even GOOD pasta. Spaghetti-O's and shit.
Psychology is (((freud))) trash
>this article is a load of inconclusive one-sided shit
>but it's right
Good thing I'm not an Alt-Right faggot.
>Kteily, the co-author on this paper, pioneered this new and disturbing[5] way to measure dehumanization — the tendency to see others as being less than human. He simply shows study participants the following (scientifically inaccurate[6]) image of a human ancestor slowly learning how to stand on two legs and become fully human.
>Participants are asked to rate where certain groups fall on this scale from 0 to 100. Zero is not human at all; 100 is fully human.
>On average, they rated Muslims at a 55.4 (again, out of 100), Democrats at 60.4, black people at 64.7, Mexicans at 67.7, journalists at 58.6, Jews at 73, and feminists at 57.
>And what about white people? They were scored at a noble 91.8.
>Journalists, Nigerians feminists, muslims, and Hillary Clinton fall to the bottom
>The alt-right scores high on dehumanization measures
>The alt-right has high support for groups that support and work for the benefit of white people
>The alt-right is more willing to express prejudice toward black people
>Alt-righters are willing to report their own aggressive behavior
>Personality traits that frequently show up among alt-righters: authoritarianism and Machiavellianism
>Alt-righters aren’t particularly socially isolated or worried about the economy
Wow I couldn't figure this out just by reading Sup Forums.
People plz troll this nigger via Twitter. He can't block us all. He needs to be put in his place. Kek kek
>figured you all out.
You seem to be implying that we attend rallies.
>THIS is considered a valid psychological survey
>posting link to your blog
>Self Identified as Alt Right
>Mechanical Turk
OK, which one of you larping NEETs did this?
Pick one.
The fact their "control" group is undefined, and no comparison was made to leftist groups, the entire study is worthless.
The kike media has spent the last 18 months dehumanizing white people to the point where the average libshit thinks it's OK to brutally murder anyone that is white because "they be a nazi yo." But that doesn't count.
I think we're the only ones not entirely nihilistic and misanthropic.
>benefit of white people
Yep, just like BLM, Antifags and every other group on the planet.
>prejudiced toward blacks
"Kill all white people," you hear it constantly from these fucks.
No more so than BLM/Antifags looting cities and murdering people.
>authoritarianism and machiavellianism
Maybe the former, but the latter is a Jewish realm. Only psychologyfags here could argue that one.
All in all, this article is complete shit.
TYB Eric Sperglink
Just in: Jewish psychologists and clickbait propaganda journalists don't like us, more at 10.
>He brought bad optics to the Trump administration with his nazi larper type shit. I'm glad he's gone, just a huge distraction
Yes goy
The kike part dosnt help your argument nazi
Just because Jews ruined Psych too, does not mean it is ALL BS, just means it has been subverted too.
Speaking of Freud, I read a letter he sent to a Jew woman he was 'helping' and remember him saying not to have any blonde kids.
Something like, no more tow-heads please.
This anti-white shit is not new, and you have put your finger on one of those who helped start this BS.
A Jew who thinks that everyone wants to fuck their mothers. Projection of one of the oldest stereotypes known to man.
Just because Jews want to fuck their mothers, and are racist assholes...wow, kinda explains why they see all whites as racist.
It was ALWAYS projection.
>Figured us out.
>Implying we ever hid our goals. That's not our job, it's theirs. MORE projection. At this point, I am unsure they are CAPABLE of anything else.
The article it's perfectly fine, it just doesn't says nothing that we can't figure out by ourselves or any other person walking by, just like you saw all those traits in BLM/antifa posters.
I bit the bullet and read that piece of tosh, and its actually somewhat accurate, as far as it goes, at least in its depiction of us. Of course, they ascribe every evil imaginable solely to us, while being completely incapable of admitting any wrongdoing or malice on their own side, which, of course, means that they are in fact dehumanising us just as much as we do them. Its nothing surprising or new, of course, its how great conflicts always start. The nebulous whining about "understanding" and "interventions" is the real bullshit here, though. They know, deep down, that it'll all boil down to iron and blood in the end.
> 447 self-identified alt-righters in an online survey on Amazon’s Mechanical Turk
>on amazon's mechanical turk
We ran test on Jews. We figured them all out.
top kek
I am a human with an asshole, I have read through this and I'm sorry to say this resembles something that came out of one.
is this a bot?
*smacks lips*
*snaps tongue*
sheeit that's gangsta
>When he runs these questions on samples of college students, he usually sees average scores around 2 (out of 9, meaning people largely don’t agree with these questions.) “In the alt-right samples, I’m seeing numbers around 3 or 4, relatively close to the midpoint
so college students average 2
Alt-Right average 3 or 4
>In other words, members of the alt-right are unabashed in declaring their prejudices.
Thanks for not having to
Psychology : Science based on the premise people never lie in online surveys.
>>The alt-right scores high on dehumanization measures
I've tried being humanitarian and civil. It led me here.
>>The alt-right has high support for groups that support and work for the benefit of white people
I hate everyone equally. Humans are filth
>>The alt-right is more willing to express prejudice toward black people
See above
>>Alt-righters are willing to report their own aggressive behavior
See above
>>Personality traits that frequently show up among alt-righters: authoritarianism and Machiavellianism
Authoritarianism gets shit done; Machiavellianism is not a theory, it's how the world operates. Big M wasn't writing fiction. He was writing anthropology.
>>Alt-righters aren’t particularly socially isolated or worried about the economy
No friends. No family. Misogynist. Misanthropist. On disability for life so my money is guaranteed until the gov falls.
>The results, which were released on August 9, are just in working paper form[2], and have yet to be peer-reviewed or published in an academic journal.
The article literally isn't worth reading beyond this sentence, even though the following sentence says that the methods are well established, until you have passed peer review any "scientific" article is absolutely meaningless.
I can't fucking believe the continuous stream of intellectual dishonesty on the left, this is even worse than "consensus science", its literally hearsay until reviewed.
Not gonna lie, it's hillarious to see Trump crash and burn.
Fucking top kek
which one of you MGTOWs scored women under 84% Human ?
We missed you NorBot
>T*rks better than anyone
What I still wanna know, is what white supremacist scored whites as non-human? I smell a (((rat))).
The study is stupid. I'd wager my entire life savings that it was done by someone who's a Democrat.
The question is stupid. All it shows is that the libcucks answers are based on their virtual signalling, to look better to their pears in an attempt to increase their social standing. Conservatives, on the other hand are more open because they are simply indifferent or don't give a fuck.
Would like to see a similar study on BLM, antifa and communists with the subject being conservatives instead of blacks. But they wouldn't because it is against their anti-white agenda.
Samuel Goldblatt here. Please refrain from archiving news. It really hurts us. Sup Forums should support the free media. So please no archiving more, okay? Good, as long as you understand.
Unless they are like me, and feel whites are superior in many areas, but I am MORE superior than most whites. I guess that maybe makes sense, but not even my conceited ass would ever say that, even in a survey.
God bless Norway
...But then you are not rally a white supremacist, but a supremacist for your OWN DNA only. I have been saying that's me for years.
I'm sick of this fucking liberal headline syntax
jews at 73?
these faggots were pretending to be alt right
that's the funniest thing, they think they can "cure" it with "interventions"
kek, you have sowed the wind, and now you will reap the whilrwind