Torn between mgtow and preserving the white race. what do I do?

torn between mgtow and preserving the white race. what do I do?

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He brought bad optics to the Trump administration with his nazi larper type shit. I'm glad he's gone, just a huge distraction like Flynn.

Preserve our way of life. Preserve the real humanity.

MGTOW and sex robots!!

Go black

So basically you can't get a date and are trying to make yourself feel better about it.

mgtow is a meme. there's good women out there. improve yourself and better women will almost naturally come

haha this never gets old

Go ahead. Make all those glorious White babies. The glorious White mother might allow you to see them as long as your child support is current and she's not dating replacement fathers.

Take the blackpill, become a misanthrope, and push for WW3.

Let me smell dat pussyhole gurl! Let me smell dat shit!

>muh poosey

try marriage at first, if she fucks you over, buy a foreign built rifle (the AR-15 allready has enough bad PR) and go on a racist rampage until dead.


become serial killer

Pussies are gross tbqh... I like to larp that I'm a pussy lover, just like sam hyde.... but I'm not. I find it easier to jack off to dicks... Shit's fucked up.

You need God, faggot.

Your kid will eventually be "raised" by the nigger your wife will cuck you with
The court will give her full custody
She will end up getting beaten and the kid will be fucked up for the rest of its life

>implying any of you have an actual choice in the matter...

This. I suggest tavor kike rifle since they wont stop jews from making sheckles.

I think it's getting harder and harder to find a wife who 1. Isn't liberal 2. Will be a good and equal partner and not insist you do woman's work because she was brainwashed and instead she says she has anxiety and can't do anything 3. Will be a good mother 4. Won't cheat on you and/or divorce you, take your money and your kids, and ruin your life

Until you find this, continue improving yourself. Get smarter, richer, and in better shape. Do what you can to help Western Civilization. Keep your priorities straight, fucking random girls has a strong appeal, but doesn't amount to much. Don't settle for a hottie who will ruin your life.


Jack off into a jar, just in case "Miss Right" doesn't show up till you're ninety.

A black girls pussy looks like pussy of worlds most sexy animal, the horse. So powerful. So graceful. How can white women even compete?

If God is real. Making gay people was his biggest joke. Still a large amount of population that hates people and some gay people grow up hating themselves like me.

Cant prove to anyone that sometimes faggots are born, just like ugly fuckers, dykes, evil jews etc.

Ive started to hate myself less but ill probs never come out as gay irl due to the stigma and the way the left portrays it.

Lgbt groups made being gay, 1 big rainbow dildo joke. No normal gay person attends that shit, yet we're grouped into it like we wanna touch kids and wear rainbow strap-ons.

I hate trannys with a passion. There's 100% no normal trannys, while ive met a good amount of normal gay people.

when youre not horny I agree its gross


she brought bad optics to the train with her nazi larper type shit. I'm glad hes brown just a huge distraction like Flynn.

MGTOW because it's the only realistic option, what with my being an ugly unlovable piece of shit.

Get a girlfriend way younger than you, don't even think about girls your age. Get her to fall in love with you before dropping any redpills, don't talk politics at all, never go in depth, just get her attached to you.

you'll have 3 days to think about that one

YOU? you better not breed.

Well, since MGTOW is a mental illness that justifies your weaknesses, and preserving the white race is a biological imperative, I would suggest stopping the pussy shit and rising to the challenge all men need to rise to and become capable of attracting a woman and maintaining a lifelong relationship with a family.

"Preserving the white race."

Go MGTOW. You'll most likely be dead in 50 years, so who gives a shit about preserving your ego.

Mgtows are retards, almost as if it's feminist controlled opposition. They exclusively get bitter about anecdotes and things men do worse.

On the other hand in 40 years, a fat Haitian nurse will be beating him up while she changes his catheter, if he doesn't have children to vouch for him.

If whites don't have children, *you*, will be surrounded by nothing but niggers and spics in 50 years.

that's a deep wound, i hope she'll be alright

Date asian or slav girl
Rapebreed white bitches.

Do what I did mate have your children then become a single father it's easier than you think.

Mgtow is male feminism. Op is a lazy fag

no roasties

t. kissless virgins who watch anime
grow up or kys

Now THAT is cucked

Live the "no hymen no diamond" dream. You'll never find one.
Also just knock as many as you can on vacation. 2 birds 1cup.

You dont need to put your "dick" inside fucking original sinning bagooners just to make a fucking babby


mgtow and sperm donation
though a white raised by a single mom, intentional single mom at that, is basically a nigger anyways.

Agreed. MGTOW is autist cancer.
Saving the white race doesn't need to mean being your wife's bitch.

It's his punishment, senpai

And you take regular feminism. You are a man who maligns men who dont want your fucking feminism and women. Start making sense you cowardly nonsensical piece of shit hypocrite

Serpent seed. You stupid fucks. Truvada. Trichomoniasis. Vaginas ARE fucking gross and that's all you ever make cover for. Xq28 gene. Don't be jewish freud's bitch. Isis is a fertility cult. Jews worship females and say God is a woman with a gf

This has been my life plan

Swallow your pride and stop thinking of yourself for a change?

Donate sperm then take the 2D pill


at least he does not literally get carpet burns just to suck AIDS infested dick.

Sperm Donor

no i will not stop thinking of myself only.

you need to be 18 to post here

Just from your wirey pubes. No aids. Read my other posts. You eat cancer fungus and OD on estrogen daily. You literally cant function without it. Adam chose to kill himself for his help meet. God asked him why he listened to her. So I don't do any of that shit. Enjoy the divorce and alimony and shoe shopping. Gender mixer. Species mixer. Fucker of the devil's sloppy seconds we have nothing in common. You just need more fiat money slaves. Woe unto them bearing children when Christ returns

A retraction of the white population will unite the white population.

What we need more than birthrates is unity and only the necessity of uniting for protection will cause it. Once Unity occurs, the birthrate problem will take care of itself.

what does mgtow mean ?

Ctr shills pushing the mgtow thing. Meanwhile I have 2 kids and it is the GREATEST thing ever. Of course my wife and I have our fights, but marriage is about family. To have a family is the pinnacle of a mans achievements. Do you really want to be a loser dropout? Let the left be the degenerates, let the right enjoy the trueest most beautiful moments which are to look at your kids and smile.

traditionalism doesn't work in a non-trad society

Wow americuck calling any one a cuck what's your bulls name. Why would any one leave their children to be raised by a single mother or someone else. That's not being a man mate,that's running from your responsibility you should be ashamed of yourself and forget about calling yourself a man.

I thought the point of MGTOW wasn't to ignore all women, but to not let them change you, essentially not being a modern day pussy

Yes it does. Raising a family has never been easier and you can even red pill your kids using sound arguments and not just "cause I say so".

Holy shit. I guess kek wants us to mgtow

Bestiality is a sin. Do not touch.

no pubes, filter water, lift daily, take super male vitality, and fuck hyper-sexual milfs on an almost daily basis.
beta cum dumpsters like you will not be spared on the day of the rope

Preserve with a woman who deserves it.

>get with a woman that bags a few niggers every other day
>ok bye honey! take care of the kids!

How can I touch if there are no niggers in Poland? I can only watch.

MGTOW = Men Going Their Own Way

Men Going Their Own Way is a statement of self-ownership, where the modern man preserves and protects his own sovereignty above all else. It isn't a movement. It is a lifestyle. It is a total rejection of marriage. It is a commitment to remaining a single man. To never put yourself in a situation where a woman can use the state against you.

MGTOW are the Viet Cong of the gender war. The men’s rights activists don’t like us because, while we agree with them on some things, we won’t be their cannon fodder in a war we know they can’t win. Pickup artists hate us because they can’t make money off us. Feminists hate us because we won’t fight them. Nazis hate us because "white birth rates" and women hate us because we won’t give them what they want.

Most men are MGTOW and don't even realize it. It is the way of the future. 70% of all men under the age of 35 are not married.

Why is this significant? It is significant because that means the vast majority of the men in our generation are MGTOW and they don't even realize it. They became MGTOW naturally, without having to be encouraged to do so.

In female parlance, the word commitment has come to mean "up until I'm no longer 100% satisfied with my partner", at which point a woman can generally end a marriage to her husband's detriment with very little negative consequence to herself and usually with some form of financial gain and increased agency.

It isn't that we are afraid of commitment, it's that the institution of marriage has become commitment incompatible.


sounds reasonable


smells jewish


If you can't see the value in reproducing then you don't deserve to reproduce.
Public Service Announcement: MGTOW is exclusively Low Status Males pretending like they are staying single by choice. Plenty of men are still able to find loving loyal women to start families with that never get divorced, never have to deal with infidelity, and have happy marriages. This is an opportunity for every man willing to take the necessary steps to improve himself.
>but muh roasties!!
There are fresh batches of virgins becoming eligible every year. No ever girl has not taken 20 cocks by the time they turn 18. Half of 18 year olds are virgins. There is nothing wrong with a man dating a younger woman.

why? its his seed, the cuck is raising it

Go to fucking church you stupid nigger.

Imagine yourself on a cruise and the ship you are on is sinking. As lifeboats are put into the water, it is discovered that half of them are not seaworthy due to lax maintenance. One out of two sink as they are put into the water and its occupants swim back to the sinking cruise ship, desperately climbing back on board as everyone still on the cruise ship is panicking. You find yourself sitting on one of the lifeboats that actually works. However, a man wearing the uniform of a crew member points at you and yells at you. He is demanding that you get up out of your seat.

He says, "There aren't enough seats for everyone. Women and children first!"

You look over his shoulder and see a woman waiting for you to get up. You tell him to go fuck himself, and refuse to give up your seat. You assert that your life is just as valuable as hers and since you got to the seat first, the seat is rightfully yours. The man waves some of his fellow crew mates over to you and they forcefully remove you from the lifeboat. As soon as your seat becomes available, the women sits in it without hesitation.

The notion that she has priority to that seat has been ingrained into her since childhood. She feels entitled to that seat and whether or not your life is more valuable never even crosses her mind. The fact that you are a professor at an Ivy League university and one of the most renowned physicists currently living and she is just a house wife is irrelevant. She is a woman.

Where feminism is primarily focused on female supremacy, traditionalism is focused on female superiority. Traditionalism is the other feminism. It's the gynocentric, white knight voice on the conservative side of politics and it’s the reason the ship's crew pulled you from the lifeboat. Traditionalism is the assertion that your life is less valuable than a woman and that it is your duty to consider yourself disposable. It is the pedestalization of women.

Women have wirey pubes you idiot. Mens' are soft. So much for your rug munching carpet burns. Smoke cigarettes. Kill your period juice

You realise you ruined the beginning and the end yes? Take a fucking look around you the two timelines are exactly the same. Caused falls of both by the same dynamics of yours

fucked a woman with long soft pubes, my life was never the same, when they cut it it gets sharp

1. Women don't actually have political ideologies. Literally the only thing that makes them liberal is the fact that the Left wants to allow abortions and promises women a life of zero accountability. If you can provide them a nicer lifestyle than the government, they'll adopt your politics.
2. Once again, if you show yourself to be a worthy mate(not a NEET video game addicted loser) she will do what makes you happy and get off doing it.
3. Girls with good mothers tend to make good mothers. Look at her family.
4. If you don't want a woman to cheat make sure she hasn't had other dicks. Once a woman gets her heart broken the first or second time by a lover she will lose the ability to pair bond and will feel like she constantly needs other mating options in case you bail on her like the last guy.

If you are simply a pathetic loser, then yes go MGTOW. But MGTOW lasts a lifetime while a bullet is almost instant.

women are necessary to procreate though

the woman in that example will be able to bear up to 3 kids at least

even in ancient times after winning battles the victors would kidnap the losers' women to insure their annihilation

Yeah ok. Theyre straight and cover their gross triangle forest completely. Just like their leg hair. It's not the same texture at all and when men cut them they arent sharp like that. I gotta continue on with my day enjoy the gender treachery at the benefit and behest of crappy females

Artificial eggs. Adoption. Surrogacy. Artificial wombs. Made for and by men

Same here. I've been MGTOW since before it was a thing but have been thinking of preserving white race lately.

You dont read anything. You dont need them for that

Theres nothing to preserve when in a few years biologicalp engineering will be possible and we can create pure white people out of artificial wounds; become MGTOW and the time you saved of dating, meeting people etc use it in reaserch for it to happen sooner

You did not refute my claim

>almost instant

Fuck the leftists pregnant and go your way. Marry a right-wing one and love and care for your children.

>artificial wombs
Nowhere near as realistic as a world where women impregnate each other through modified eggs. That is just not gonna happen. Nor should it.
Men and women are meant to be two parts of a whole. Both have value. Both have a purpose. Just because degenerate society has alienated the sexes doesn't mean you have to give up.

I've seen quite a few dudes proclaim they are 100% MGTOW and a month later a girl gives them attention and bam they are no longer MGTOW.

thats just pride, fucking with you.

Don't have kids with a fucking degenerate monkey fucker and you won't have to worry about that. My kids are better with me than any one else mate stop acting like a nigger wanting to shirk your responsibility you are better not reproducing go mgtow do our race a favour what a fucking imbecile.

Nope. Theyre completely different and you sound like you believe in platonic complementarity or the shekinah hoax. Both bullshit. Both popular beliefs (lies) explain most of our degeneracy. Along with my other posts. No time left. Vaginas will save you

>Make children that will grow up with leftist single mothers
fuck off, scum