>Bannon calls Ethnonationalists losers
>gets fired
Really makes you think doesnt it
>Bannon calls Ethnonationalists losers
>gets fired
Really makes you think doesnt it
Other urls found in this thread:
>Media says "Trump fired Bannon for saying that ethnonationalism is bad"
>"Bannon wuz a good boy after all"
>Bannon can now fight the culture war to help Trump freed of the labels that scared the normies.
4D Chess
if Trump is such a nationalist why does he surround himself with globalist scum?
He got fired two weeks ago.
More like Bannon going after supremicists was too little too late.
Bullshit, because Trump said the same shit about the "alt-right" and "white nationalists" many times.
Yet the media still say he supports them. Haven't you been paying attention the past few days?
He brought bad optics to the Trump administration with his nazi larper type shit. I'm glad he's gone, just a huge distraction like Flynn.
>media spends months calling Bannon a Nazi
>media spends months calling Trump a supporter of white supremacists
>Trump gets Bannon to denounce ethnonationalists
>Trump fires Bannon for denouncing ethnonationalists
>Bannon gets his name cleared by the media suddenly calling him a good boy
>media can't resist the urge to run a few days of "Trump's WH is crumbling!" stories, burning out the short shelf-life of what's-her-name's death
>Trump can tell normies that he kicked out a Nazi while telling Nazis he kicked out someone that was stabbing them in the back
Masterful, as always.
>he then ends he term, achieving nothing proving the president has no real power
>telling Nazis
kike detected. kys shareblue shill
Honestly OP, if Trump somehow really is /ourguy/ through all this, I'm fucking scared shitless. He is literally as crazy as the worst people on the internet.
>1 post by this ID
Jew detected. Activating anti-shill defense protocol.
>thread has barely started
>new person post
>proceed to call him a shill
Do you have any idea how retarded you are nufag?
no, he said "white supremacists"
More like 0D chess.
His removal was inevitable after Bannon went off the rails this week.
fired two weeks ago bitch
No, like fucking months ago when he was first elected he gave a speech where he denounced the "alt-right." You must be a newfag or you just have a bad memory.
muh 4d chess meme is just a way for you faggots to delude yourself into believing that everything bad for Trump is actually good for Trump.
>he doesn't realize it's called newfag
Nice try, newfaggot. :^)
kek are you trolling or just a N U F A G
>you faggots to delude yourself into believing that everything bad for Trump is actually good for Trump.
>Trump feared a rigged election
>allegedly gets his election rigged in his favour
Now what ?
whats with all the nufags on Sup Forums today
4d parallel worlds chess
Zionists are 'ethnonationalists' and antifa/communist/Talmud maggots are (((their))) footsoldiers. the groundwork is being laid for (((their))) annihilation...
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities--Voltaire
wow it's like craigslist doesn't allow anyone post whatever the fuck they want
>Muh 8d Tic-Tac-Toe
Trump fired Bannon because he got butthurt. Time said that Bannon was the real power in the White House.
>Bannon was the link with the far right
>Bannon says shit about ethnonationalism
>Far right get mixed feelings on Bannon
>Now Trump can fire Bannon without damaging so much his far right base
Not complicated really.
The fact that Bannon agreed with getting some flak for Trump probably means Bannon was somewhat ok being fired.
>"Ethnonationalists are losers haha right Trump?"
You're fired.