>Fascist march in barcelona against muslims
>Antifa banners suddenly appears
>People on the streets suddenly Yelling "Fuera Fascistas" (Out Fascists, Go away fascists) supporting the antifa scums
Top kek spain
>Fascist march in barcelona against muslims
>Antifa banners suddenly appears
>People on the streets suddenly Yelling "Fuera Fascistas" (Out Fascists, Go away fascists) supporting the antifa scums
Top kek spain
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Bad optixs
No one in Spain works so they have all day for this nonsense.
lol barcelona is the most leftist city in the world, obviously the native barceloneses are very elitist but they are outnumbered
Good, nazis can suck a dick.
If true, Barcelona needs more attacks.
It's no coincidence that leftism, is the strongest in med countries with the highest unemployment.
You have this problem too except your underclass members are not technically NEETs because they study shit like women studies.
Tourist are the real terrorist
refugees welcome
ikr, they were honoring the memory of the lost the same moment that happened, but at the same time are against anti-muslim ideology? just fuck them..
This is the same people who are literally kicking tourists out. Meanwhile half under 25 have no job. I guess they next want to crush their tourism.
Catalonia is just as cucked as France.
But there is some hope for other spanish regions.
>I guess they next want to crush their tourism.
I wouldn't be surprised if this was the case. The leftist retards actually believe that turning their country to shit will trigger commie revolution.
He brought bad optics to the Trump administration with his nazi larper type shit. I'm glad he's gone, just a huge distraction like Flynn.
May the attacks continue until they get their heads out of their asses
>tourists leave
>entire Catalonian economy collapses
Top lel
There is no stream i know of sadly, i saw it on my country's news channel
>antifa literally defending jihadists
Thank you boludo!!, There is the livestream for everyone
nazis win again yeah
Makes sense. Soros is renowed for paying for this sort of shit!
Very low-energy. Someone should throw a firecracker to get them riled up.
I would absolutely love it if some islamists decided to strike the antifa protest with explosives. I would rip my fucking dick off in ecstasy!
Apparently they didn't get their afternoon nap :o(
we can only dream but Soros would fund an attack on his own
Can't tell if it's a bot or if the meme has developed. Either way, sprooky shit.
Arabs are savages but they aren't so stupid to kill people that are helping them
go back to -20 in this stream and watch some marxist feminazis pushing """nazis"""
that was fun
So basically commies love terrorists because they're terrorists themselves? Oh boy isn't that a shocking revelation.
It's fake news nothing is happening
Communist kikes love kike funded terrorists. Dont forget you are the true enemy here Shlomo
you literally cannot be any more of a cuck than this
"no to islamophobia" antifa banner (with faggot flags on the back) just 1 day after they killed 13 people and planned to bomb you out of existence
truly dark times we live in
I want to put a glock in my mouth and shoot.
There is no hope for this country. No hope at all.
Something just happened!!!
Memes aside, what has happened in the last decade that has made your country worse? I know unemployment is out of control, but what drives that?
And in the next decade, what do you think Spain will be like?
Do it.
>50% unemployment
I guess bringing in young males from Africa will solve that problem.
>what happened
(2nd)best fash - our has better - gave the country back to cuck monarch
commies ensued
Yeh, but on the right it says Solidarity amongst the people neither Daeesh nor Fascism.
I wonder what all this youth does all day? I mean when they aren't screaming at tourists to stop spending money there.
No entiendo.
Wow I thought the antifa/nazi bullshit was just a burger thing. I'm still really baffled as to why the left defends muslims so much though.
I was hoping normies would finally wake up after shit happened right in their faces, but everything is as always
I have officially lost all hope now
Aznar opened the borders to fullfil the dream of low-cost workers for the building industry.
When the bubble bursted, there were no more projects to employ these people so those who were still here resorted to sucking off the SS and started to pick up other low-skill jobs.
Spaniards during the last 15 years have become more and more stupid due to education being at it worst while remaining pretty expensive to the average joe of the country.
Fast forward to today and we have cities overcrowded with new inmigrants or people that were already here, specially chinese and muslims who monopolize the grocery business. I tell you, there are 0 grocery stores regented by spanish people in my city, well except for one that I usually go but it's because the owners have had the store for 30 years now.
So, in sort we have people becoming more and more stupid so they can't aim for higher paying jobs, we have corporate-like business that give people the chance to have a 8 hour job for 700 euros a month which is ludacris and you have to add the amount of help muslim families get out of the state while it's really unlikely that a spanish family achieve those.
In a decade the economy will finally collapse and we will be facing a 30% unemployment rate (this last year was at 23%) forcing people to take 2 jobs (if they find them) due to the low salaries and expensive lifestyle over here. Our economy will tank only by tourism and industry, mostly international exports.
So yeah, gonna buy a gun and a hero soon I guess.
Viva españa, Muerte a los comunistas!!
sums it up, people stare at their phone in a plaza
Wtf is an antifa? You mean alt-left?
Riddle me this Spain
How cucked is Barcelona?
Is it true Barcelona is the commiefornia of your country?
thanks antifa, what would we do without you.
so whats their angle here, people who are mad about their children getting killed are fascists?
They are demons, who themselves wish to live in hell. Every demoncrat and leftist stronghold is hell on earth.
I'm rooting for the "fascists" but I hope both sides kill each other since they're the same xarnego trash.
I always wondered how it was possible to really be all that competitive in the eurozone when you start so late, shut down in the middle of the day, and then stay open later? Why don't they end that? It's archaic. I guess it's fine for a restaurant, but, for a business that exports it seems retarded. And then you end up with people that keep that schedule and therefore businesses don't want to operate there because they don't want to have baby nap time at 2pm. They can't afford to.
What do you do? Are you in school or working? Are you planning on leaving?
>interview dutch politician about antifa with one of their marches going on in the background
>basically just comparing antifa to fascists in a civil manner
>ask one of the antifaggots what the definition of fascism is
>ask another antifag
>doesn't even manage to get the question out, he immediately assaults the interviewer
This """movement""" is a fucking joke.
En vez de matarte con ella, usa tu Glock para matar a esos zurditos hijos de puta.
>Islamic terrorist attack
>People still worried about nazis
Damn son, Joseph was right. They really slammed the door hardcore.
It's alright, when China rules the world you will likely become a very popular tourist destination (much like your former colinies) for your rich Asian masters aka creditors.
Start learning Mandarin now if you wanna stay ahead of the curve!
Im currently searching for a low skill job because my family is poor.
We are 3, my mother, my gf and me. She moved in 3 years ago and we have been working for a short period of time in some places since.
My mother is a 49yo woman who has been working since she was 18 and she is now earning 560€ because no one would employ her because they would have to pay a "experience fee" so they employ muslims/latins and pay them half that so she has to stay in a shitty job.
Every low skill job is taken, every job opportunity has vanished since people are poor aswell so they don't employ more workers, they have even started firing some.
The average job lenght of a low skill job is 1-2 months here for a miserable 700-900€ a month.
Now take into account the most humble flat in a shitty neighborhood is 400€ a month.
There's no way people can live like this, they are forcing poverty on our cities and their citizens.
I really want to stay in my city, I love Guadalajara but it's now crowded with shitskins and chinks and there are 0 job opportunities so if this doesn't get better in 4 years I will be forced to move and be a spanish/english teacher in the USA at best and in a shitty asian country at worst.
>No passaran
This kinda reminds me of the " ¡Viva Russia!" tags during the Spanish Civil War.
On a second thought, this may be catalan...
miss me yet?
It is a tag from the civil war as well, from the battle for Madrid in fact
BLM in Netherlands...really?
Nope. He delegitimazed the Granada's edict, letting jews and moors back into our country.
Must be hard to be such a failure. Should've studied more, huh?!
It's not only no coincidence, it's part of the leftist program. They strangle the economy with the arbitrary whims of the commissars, and then enjoy RISING support as economic desperation sets in. It's a horrific scam. Capitalism would free people - but they refuse to trust their own initiative!
Better than staring at your computer screen at home.
>be student
>only good at english
>drop off of school
>most of my friends are in uni
>5 years worth of careers
Are you spainbros alright? You shouldn't worry to much about the future though. Just heard in the news he's coming over to your country.
You and your friends made bad decisions. Not all University courses are worth taking. If you went for instance for a computer science i guarantee that you would be employed by now, do you know why? Because that's what companies are looking for, if you and your friends made a better decision in which course to take maybe you wouldn't be this miserable.
I'd rather be commie last century so now we'd be free of shitskins and degeneracy and everyone would hate communism and be right wing.
And the Republic wasn't even commie, Franco fucked up big league.
There are actually many jobs available but they're shit tier. Try to do anything and think of it as a temporary situation.
It depends on the city.
In here there is only opportunities in logistic factories in the outskirts of nearby villages.
But there are many nationalists there mostly because of Barcelona FC hooligans
Those are spanish nationalists, can't be considered catalans
Yes. They even have a SJW squatter as mayor.
But how its possible?
Aren't most of Boixos N/S catalans?
How does this make you feel, Sup Forums?
Will translate if needed.
Very good Idea. The only thing effectively working in Spain and other med countries is the fucking tourism. You sever that, the country is one step closer to a civil war. Not even joking.
Was in Croatia during the summer.
Seen busses full with Chinese tourists there, Croatia is already cheap enough to get flooded, Spain will soon follow.
all the papers I read showed things slowly
getting better in Spain.
They're not ? or is it just you..
and any news on the protests ?
Burgers "culture" has a lot of influence on Noord-Hollanders. I hate them for it.
I had to watch some of Losantos older anti-Islam rants yesterday. Can't wait for him to come back. He's the hero we need.
>Will translate if needed.
quick summary please
Boixos have no ideology as a group, but lots of them are spanish nationalists. They're mostly born in Catalonia, but a spanish nationalist wants Catalonia to cease to exist, that's why I say they can't be considered catalans.
> just as cucked as France
Kek no it's way worse
I don't even need to read it to know it is completely retarded.
We got cucked hard by Franco and never recovered. Catalonia is less catalan than Tower Hamlets is british, Barcelona even less. I wish I was kidding but I'm not.
They're calling mudslimes fascist and blaming it on capitalism, and of course, calling everyone who doesn't agree racist.
>Ada Colau, Mayor of Barcelona stated that the attacks recently perpetrated in the city were the fruit of international capitalist logics.
>She continued, saying that "we refuse head on any clasistic and racist remarks towards the attacks."
This is the state of Barcelona.
Pretty relevant given Spain was Fascist and outlived WW2 through neutrality.
Francisco franco is a hero
Well done Spain how does it feel to be bona fide EUROPEANS?? Peaceful islamic mass murder, chaotically atomized society where everyone hates each other, massive disparity between hourly wages and rents... welcome to the EUROPEAN club. You may never leave
This is exactly why I pop open some champagne every time there's an attack in Europe. Those idiots just do the same thing after every attack. They have their little candle light vigils, scream "not all muslims", attack anyone who speaks out against Islam, then wait to get attacked again.
They deserve to die for being so fucking stupid. They are just asking for it.
Yes, I live 45 mins away from BCN, it's a beautiful city but I hate it because of the youth's ideas there. I'm 19 myself and get along well with everyone usually but some of that shit angers me bad.