What kind of leftist propaganda did you have during your education?
What kind of leftist propaganda did you have during your education?
All of them, obligatory resumes why multiculturalism is good and whites are evil, every 2 months or less, goys that did it better got trophies and best grades.
Also local catalan nationalistic invented history and massive hate campaign against the rest of spain that borderlines supremacism (we are good and superior and they are bad and the root of all problems),
Of course I live in barcelona
That war is a bad thing
I'm a teacher. I teach world literature.
I teach your children how to assess the validity of facts, critically think about the world around them, listen to a variety of viewpoints before coming to a conclusion, and most importantly: I teach them empathy.
It's not propaganda, it's just teaching them how to be good people.
I took a sociology class last semester.
Holocaust: we are the perpetrators
Multiculturalism: whoever is against is a rasist
Racemixing: whoever is against is a homophobic
Islam: who is against it is an islamophob
>only self-sacrificing is just and correct
And how was it?
Science class where they scared the shit out of everyone with the impending ice age.
Have you also explained to them that hatred is also an element of the humannature as love?
Have you told them that not all people are so peaceful?
Have you explained to them that values must be defended, and intolerance must not be tolerated?
Then you did everything right
Is that Poland?
It ain't the US, that's for sure
>Salazar kept the country poor (our GDP grew by almost double digits after he got our debt to zero and started the 2nd phase of our economic plan)
>Salazar kept people uneducated (literacy rates improved during his rule)
>The April revolutionaries were good people (communists ransacked houses and terrorized civilians who did not wish to participate in the revolution)
And then they have the audacity to say schools indoctrinated children when Salazar was alive.
I have the feeling it really got bad once I got out of high school, but here's what was on the menu
>lot of attention for islam during religion class (I was in a catholic school btw)
>lot of shilling for world peace and globalism/EU
>each year there was a 'solidarity meal' for the turd world, where you payed 8 euros but ate almost nothing. In the end the whole classroom refused to participate because most pupils hated those niggers
>we had an exchange project with a francophone school in Brussels. They visited us and we visited them. This expierence only red pilled us because none of them spoke Dutch, whereas we all spoke their language
Holocaust: Muh 6 gorillion. Hitler wanted to eliminate jews but somehow a few survived and write best selling books.
For some reason we watched the movie "Crash" in psychology class. That opening scene was supposed to be an eye opener I think but all it did was make me hate niggers even more. I really dont understand what that movie was meant to be.
globalism is the future in Business Admin classes.
What education?
Richards Leftist Indoctrination:
University of Virginia studying English Literature and Music
University of Chicago recieved a M.A. in Humanities
Vienna International Summer University
University of Chicago to study Modern European Intellectual History
>lot of attention for islam during religion class
>each year there was a 'solidarity meal' for the turd world, where you payed 8 euros but ate almost nothing. In the end the whole classroom refused to participate because most pupils hated those niggers
We had a jar for some change to feed a kiddo in Africa and at the end of a year it turned out that someone stole all of it, it was in primary school btw
I graduated high school in 1996. I'm sure there was leftist bullshit but I can't remember any of it due to the extreme it has morphed into 20 years later. The early 90s were like the 1950s compared to now.
"teach them how to be good people"
that presumes you have an objective basis of morality, which of course, you don't. what you have is communist indoctrination, which denies reality in favour of cultish subservience. admit it: you cannot allow the truth narrative in your class as it would discredit all this other marxist nonsense you have hitched your whole identity to! you should be ashamed!!!
picture related
Why do all polish look the same
>Manly men
>Feminine women
it is all good, mate
All of it.
We do not have gopniks, we have bydło. These are similar, but not the same
Mostly just sex with actual girls.
Poland seems dank.
I just wonder how long they can hold out. It'd be better for them to go out with a bang then to succumb over time.
>self-defence genocide is wrong
fucking kike propaganda
I wish I was in Poland rather than Degenerate States
It is
No one enjoys risking life for some shit
We will not accept fugees, that's for sure. Our youth is also doing well, but the biggest problem is legal immigration and as long as we are in the EU this will backstab as a little bit, year after year..
I've lived my entire life in Warsaw (I am 23 yo) and the first time when I saw an actual nigger here I was like 16 yo? Now I see 4-5 a week.
Small war from time to time is a good thing, it helps you to keep men manly - just look at Sweden. But not a fucking world war.
Enjoy your mexicans and fat niggers
>risking life to bring democracy to impoverished nations such as Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria etc. is a bad thing
do you have no compassion?
>upper-class white public school
>AP english class
>wtf is this bullshit
>movie comes on
>feign being distraught
>tell teacher relatives died
>get out of class free
Works every time.
polish women and their nice legs fuck.
Too bad their cities are dirty as shit, buses are unsafe as fuck and smelly, school lunches is basicly a piece of lettuce and bread.
That slavery was white people's idea, that the only slavery there ever was, was black people on cotton plantations.
In primary school, nothing. Our PE teacher made us play "who is afraid of the black man" even though none of us had seen a nigger before.
You really need to exit the EU and shut your borders. Do not end up like us. The US is fucked and there is no saving it. Our white population's only hope is balkanization. You guys still have a chance of preserving your homeland.
Need me a Slav qt
Or a hapa
Either is cool
Went to a roman catholic grade school so I was saved from most of the bullshit until I understood it was all bullshit in highschool.
>Also local catalan nationalistic invented history and massive hate campaign
>that butthurt still prevails
>Too bad their cities are dirty as shit, buses are unsafe as fuck and smelly, school lunches is basicly a piece of lettuce and bread.
Thanks, keep up a good work that you're doing
oh, they didn't mention that arabs had MUCH MORE black slaves (and white as well) and they just cut their dicks off so they couldn't breed?
((How convenient))
What's a hapa?
>it helps you to keep men manly
Yeah man masculinity is all about drinking problems and nightmares.
feels fucking good to be a filthy polack
i dont give a fuck that I wont ever buy a car from a dealer
>survival of the fittest
Have you ever heard of it?
Do you know the actual meaning of that phrase?
Your great great grandfathers were lazy men who whipped slaves, and went to war against the north because they were all white supremacists.
Global warming. The polar bears are a drowning as they fall off of their melting ice chunks.
THE EARTH IS DYING. Cars put out so much CO2 that the poor little animated cartoon earth is crying and chocking. We need to ride bicycles.
Dissapointed at the lack of:
>women are equal to men
posting here. Especially if you bounced schools and bounced being Chad and being omega-tier loser (yes, actually possible) you fucking get over that lie really quick.
My teacher told the whole class that the immigrant-crime connection was a myth/ lie. That turned to be a lie, basically.
Also, she and another woman told all the kids in my grade (11-12 year olds) that because we didn't stop two boys who were playfully fighting with text books or something, we were complicit - and they then went on to say that women are raped on subway trains and perpetrators are never caught because people (like us) don't interfere.
I didn't even know that anyone were fighting, the hallway was huge :/
>In high school, during philosophy classes we always talked about Marx
>English : it was either muh feminism, muh minorities or mug guns kill people, or muh diversity
>Oh, and muh slavery is whitey's legacy
Can't remember much else, I only know that my History teacher during my high school years was pretty based, bashing commies and socialists, redpilling the normies everytime.
It is nothing more than a natural selection.
Same. Actually, I think I'm moving soon. USA is jew-nigger-spic land now. Nigs and spics everywhere and Jews on top telling everyone that's a good thing... and half the retarded white americans here eat that shit up.
>What kind of leftist propaganda did you have during your education?
That the American Civil War was solely fought over slavery. The tax rates on South Carolina were left out, Robert E. Lee's siding with the Confederacy over defending the Commonwealth of Virginia while being anti-slavery was left out, the 1/5 Confederate soldiers dying defending their property was left out, the March to the Sea was severely re-worded, our history teacher lied to our faces and said the Emancipation Proclamation freed all slaves, the West Virginians who were anti-union and anti-slavery fighting over the defense of their state's integrity were left out, I could go on and on. They went full damage control to attempt preventing anyone from realizing that the Confederacy wasn't justified.
Im being reasonable here, MLK and the civil rights were historically significant, but they act like it was bigger than the civil war of the revolution
1970's to 1980's Comprehensive. Whole class gets told off for laughing at lefty female teacher. So out of control deputy headmaster has to intervene. Ruins the effect by looking at whats on the board and laughing. Mutters 'what a lot of bollocks' as he leaves the room.
Tell the skinhead lads she's a commie and she quits after months of them yelling threats at her.
History teacher tells us Richard 1st was a terrible king because he was a queer.
Geography teacher refers to the lessons about muh Africa as coon worship.
Oh lads it was heaven.
Assuming any country in Europe manages to uncuck itself in any fashion would you be willing to accept willing US immigrants? I will learn whatever language you need me to and assimilate fully, just so long as I don't have to live in an Orwellian dystopia.
I would like to point out, that Poland is currently full and I don't think that this is going to change anytime soon
Our teacher skipped MLK completely, said it was irrelevant. Based old man
Through procreation and passing on genes, not fighting.
People misunderstood that as killing your competition from day one.
I went to a christian school so i was saved from stupid.
I know of a better place than Poland, faggot.
Are you fucking retarded? We just imported a million of fucking Ukrainians. Any based Western European is welcome in Poland.
>The Supreme Court corrects bad legislature
>Constitution has survived because it's vague and open to interpretation
>Diversity is strength
>People's History of the United States as textbook
>American immigrants in Poland
good, go to Canada
Education is the biggest enemy of the right. They know this, and that is why the right is against the Deparment of Education. They constantly call for it to be dismantled. They want to keep the public stupid
lol Polish girls are not that hot.
Here in Nova Scotia, Leafland.
Instead of taking English 11, you can take African Canadian Studies 11, which is a full years worth of white guilt indoctrination.
And it seemed forced on us that the U.N was the answer to all problems.
Also muh poor natives.
Pmt none
My history teacher was very, very anti - soviet union (which was still a thing) but other than that I don't remember being propagandised
Polish girls are pretty ugly and suddenly, at the age 15 they turn into sex bombs and after 35 they change to babushka.
Don't worry though, we'll be somewhat geographical neighbors. I'm trying to move somewhere in east Europe. I don't want to say where because mum's the word, but if I move there, I'll probably vacation in Poland n sheeit.
America is donzo though, that is for sure.
Well we are only designed to recognize facial structure of our race so it's no wonder all whites look the same for you
I played that game too when I was a kid, only it was called zombie tag. I guess they're comparing being a nigger to having a highly contagious, cannibalistic disease.
Just avoid Ukraine, it is a fucking shithole even for Poles
I was taught to hate fags, niggers, muslims, Jews (my grandmother was very local about this one), liberals, basically anyone non Slav.
Even when it comes down to Slavs only the eastern/northern type, no Balkans. Then my dad always talked shit about Latvians, so I guess them too.
Ukraine is gonna die for the latest ZOG cause to start the proxy war against Russia. Another reason I wouldn't pick Poland personally. Iceland maybe? What places are safe anymore? Balkanization is NOT going to happen in America.
And your definition of "Good" is?
There's the whole problem.
I was studying to be an kindergarten/elementary school teacher at university.
Legitimate things we were taught
>give non-white students more attention while teaching
(because when a student comes into class, they have an 'invisible backpack' filled with what they can/have learnt at home, white students can learn at home, non-white kids haven't got that ability, so focus on them more)
>the quality of books you read to children doesn't matter so long as the characters are 'diverse' and you can structure every conversation around how good and diverse it is
I remember there was a book some girl brought in to learn about how to structure conversations/questions with students after reading to them. It was the worst: super boring, uninteresting, terrible art, wouldn't hold the kids interest for a minute. But because it had a black gay couple in it she was the highest marked. Even though another girl brought in a far better book about like, reading people and their emotions, it wasn't 'diverse' enough.
>take girly things (like books on princesses etc) away from girls
Several of the other girls were confused and said shit like "I was brought up on princess books, what's wrong with them?" and were told that the children's PARENTS would get mad at them for pushing 'gender normal and gender subjugation" to their children, and we're just being taught this to avoid a lawsuit.
And probably a hundred more but those stick out in my memory.
>work all day in a field under the august' sun
>come back home to your family
>suck that tit
>impregnate that white aryan woman
>let her bear your white son who will inherit your land
a dream for every single man
Wait what? Why would he shit on Latvians? I know that you were ruled by Lithuanians, but what Latvians?
I can agree that your women look better than ours, but fucking hell, just take a look at your roads
full of cucks, they are all "refugees welcome"
Hungary? But still, a lot of gypsies
Belarus? no
There is no white heaven, mate. Russia won't attack us, though, it is pointless.
Fuck America. Nuke it from orbit.
Apart from Crimea
It... wasn't American
The whole world is fucked senpai.
You get all the women of all the other men are dead I suppose.
Diversity is strength.
America needs to die if we are to save the white race. The US is trying to spread its multicultural degeneracy to the whole world. Please God, please nuke it to a smoldering crater before it's too late.
Honestly though, America is the one at the forefront of multiculturalism spreading this poison everywhere. It needs to end for the good of the world.
>tfw biology teacher taught us that people on the northern hemisphere had ice age glaciations, which made them more intelligent because ice age glaciations killed off those not intelligent enough to figure out better clothing, better tools, better shelters, snares etc
>and that males have higher lung capacity, bone density and muscle mass, therefore girls who want to be firefighters need to check themselves before they rekt themselves
>history teacher taught us that the only shitskins that ever did anything in history were ottomans, but that was because constantinople was world trade center, and they took it because venetian 4th crusade destroyed europe, and portugese sailed the whole fucking world just to figure out a way to avoid subhuman ottomans
>literature teacher taught us that we have to respect traditional values, that modern values will leave us childless and depressed and in awful health, that being a peasant in the 21st century is still far superior to being a trendy fashionable childless drug addicted modern person and that gender roles ensure stable relationships
>local priest told us that diplomacy with muslims is fundamentally impossible and that drowning them in buckets of pig blood is understandable in the eyes of God, for he works in mysterious ways
We played that in hockey and in PE aswell.
Real Ukrainians don't give a fuck about Crimea and would gladly let Russia have it (it's was their clay from the start). It's the Jew-controlled proxy government in Ukraine that's pushing 'muh Crimea.'
It's just a shame because of the Orwellian system you aren't even allowed to opt-out of the insanity. Any attempts to even create a non-aggressive nation-state or power structure that doesn't fall-in lockstep with the ZOG plan will be thwarted.
Hitler had brown eyes.
Malcolm Shabazz High School.
A class called Manwom in a Wom's world 15 years ago.
A lot of losers gloryfying.
Nuke Germany and Sweden first.
A lot shit lessons we had were like 'the Swedish researcher on early childhood said and did this'. I should go through my old books, I swear 90% of the references we were given we ((German)) or Swedish.
Yeah they give a fuck about Crimea, I'm in Ukraine now (been travelling a lot recently) and the average Ukrainian feels very strongly about Crimea.
Before uni? None, surprisingly. I got out right as the propaganda began settling in.
All of it