Is this legit?
Is this legit?
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One of the best red pilled book out there. It exposes the Jews and the atheist movement.
It's like Based Yuri. Whatever you want to believe about his motives or who he is, the methodology he explains is legit.
Yes, it is. Always be careful of the introductions,
they can be politically motivated. Best to just
skip the introduction all together.
It was "exposed" as fraudulent by the "New York Times" in 1921, so that must mean (((they))) felt threatened by it. Therefore, it must be absolutely legit.
and read the kolbrin bible for a prequel
(the old, old testament, enoch nd shiet)
It doesn't matter if it is legit or not. What matters is that the state of the world is such that the text was written, it has value because of the attitudes that surrounded both its writers, actual and supposed.
The Protocols is worth reading because despite it most likely being a complete forgery it still distills precisely what the Jew is about into the document. It is genuine despite being a fakery.
>It was "exposed" as fraudulent by the "New York Times" in 1921, so that must mean (((they))) felt threatened by it. Therefore, it must be absolutely legit.
Stunning logic.
I prefer this document on the subject, along with Professor Kevin MacDonald's great work:
But agree with this man: and thus believe it holds some value.
>Is this legit?
No, but alot of people think so & some think it looks like a good idea, prob someone or another trying to implement this on some scale.....
It is fake, plagiarized from an 1865 book by Maurice Joly.
>oy vey this document claiming that 2+2=4 is a literary forgery, thus we can now rest assured that 2+2 does not equal four!
fucking kikes.
Anything the Jew tries to censor or ban is legitimate.
You should listen to Dr. William Pierce's analysis, pretty much a solid and spot on description. I'm always disappointed by the lack of followers he seems to have here when he tells so much truth.
Literary forgery as in literally copying passages word for word.
>Is this legit?
It's legit, but very outdated. Obviously, white genocide is now a major part of the (((plan))). I'm also not sure whether Kikeshields, Kikefellers and the rest of those fucks are actually crazy enough to believe they will have a Jewish king openly ruling the world of slaves, at least until the whites are destroyed.
They can call it anti semetic forgery but it clearly described the last 100 years
No, it isn't. Just like there's no slippery slope, love is love, diversity makes us stronger and minorities only want live their lives in peace.
it's a meme produced by Tsarist Russian secret police (Okhrana) back in the days of civil war. They planted those books on dead Bolshevik soldiers. Like leaders of Zion would just hand out their plans to common grunts who could barely read. Use your brains peole.
Read it and judge for yourself you sheep
It's always called a forgery / propaganda / whatever, as if that somehow invalidates it. It explains everything we're seeing today.