He is right, you know
>following a kike on a stick
you deserve this
Sure is a sage priest.
Yes Im.not Christian, Christianity must be cganged or it will not survive.
A Savior who spent his time berating the Jew and ultimately abrogated the First Covenant by proving beyond all doubt that the Jews had turned their back on God, when they had him literally tortured to death.
He subsequently forever destroyed Jewish exceptionalism by founding a Second Covenant with all of humanity, clarifying that salvation is only through him and that Jews can not be saved by keeping their old faith.
Yes such a pro-Jew message kek.
Yes that must be changed, the Aryan can not follow him.
>Jesus was a dark skinned middle eastern jew! not white!
>w-what do you mean jews are a different race? we are white! us white people suck, right?!?
People are stupid and require superstition to manipulate them. They will kill you if you openly attack their Jewgawd.
Fortunately, Trump is Christ risen. We should promote that meme. Suspension of disbelief sufficient to accomodate Sky Fairies leaves many thing wide open.
He was half nip half white. He wasn't Jewish. He was a psyop by China when the roman's found the silkroad.
Why would I listen to people who lick nigger feet, agree with atheists, support abortion, homosexuality, pederastry, bring rapefugee to Europe, get bribes from politicians and sell off their church as nothing but a tourist attraction?
Catholics should kill themselves.
That region wasn't brown at the time of Christ. What a fucking Mong. The mudslime invasions ruined it all. Jews held their ground for years until then.
No, He was God.
>that narcissistic smirk
He's a jesuit just like his filthy pope, no surprise
he was a Gaul.
Jesus was Caesarion
aka Little Caesar (grey eyes like his mother, Cleopatra)
That's the answer to Cicada3301
B- blood like the Pharaoh mentioned in the ark of the covenant.
It doesn't matter, nigger, what matters are the values that Christianity promote
Keep. The. Jesuits. In. The. Library.
Marxists. ALL.
I know that's fake but goddamn it would be so fucking great if it were.
Fr Martin isn't taken seriously by any faithful Catholics, he is as pro-faggotry as a Catholic can possibly be without being a full blown heretic. He has to choose his words very carefully or he will be defrocked.
Fucking kek.
>expecting American protestants to listen to a Jesuit heathen
Jesus was Japanese you fucking moron.
>literally the Jews of Catholicism
Not even once.
Little Caesar is the answer to Pizzagate
It's The Line Of David, hybrid line.
Notice The Shining One wore Apollo in 2001 Space Odyssey
Homer wrote the odyssey...
Homer's Achilles is David..
It's The Tree Of Knowledge...
>agree with atheists
Pls don't lump me in with those cucks.
>Americucks will defend this
>that post
>that flag
doc says it's terminal
This meme again
Jesus was not a jew
"Verboten, pdf, Christian identity"
Look it up
The Jesuits control both the black and white societies.
The atomic code is 666
It's the Seal Of Solomon
The Original Red Shield (Rothschild)
Jesus was an Aryan Jew, part Annunaki and covered up by The Vatican.
Indeed, he had B- Asiatic Blood.
It's the Platonic Line, of Philosopher Kings.
Got anything disproving it motherfucker?
Why do the libatards always equate white with Christian?
isn't this a stereotype?
Stop worshiping a magical sandnigger in space, a god and culture that does not belong to you.
This isn't the fucking 70s anymore fag
But Jesus said gentiles are dogs and that he was only sent to the lost sheep of Israel?
Ashkenazim are a race of rats
I do.
I'm so glad i don't worship the stick-kike
(I'd still be supportive of a crusade though)
U.S. Counselor to President Barack Obama - John Podesta - Jesuit Trained Adam Weishaupt of the Bavarian Illuminati was a Jesuit trained Law Professor. He opposed Kantian Idealism. Which asserts there is morality in aesthetics.
This FULLY EXPLAINS the remarkably disgusting forms of "art" promoted and appreciated within the "cult". It is literally the Satanic capacity of atheism at work, which denies the harmony of form our creator provided us with.
The Renaissance is a good example of how discipline and adherence to The Architect, replicates the beautiful form of God.
You may think Freemasons are evil but have they not built the splendorous cities we dwell within?
Those who use power for evil... Have failed to be truly initiated into The Light Of Lucifer which is the innocent heart of Prometheus stealing fire from Zeus to illuminate mankind.
We know The Vatican has been responsible for countless instances of child trafficking and harm... Yet what is the one figure they hold over the rest of humanity as a beacon of their worthiness? That would be Jesus
>Said the fine example of a secular country.
Would you stop posting your fat mug in every thread? Thanks.
Jesus then tried to redeem and save the Jewish people with a message of peace and universalism, fulfilling their covenant and replacing their tribal supremacist worldview with a new one which would save the world.
So they had him brutally tortured, executed, desecrated his message and personage, and continue to reject him to this day.
Christians who cuck for Jews might as well just be Satanists. Fuck, to a believing Christian, Satanists are actually more honorable than Jews.
Mary was born without original sin, therefore she's not jew. and Jesus is literally god.
>dark skinned
there's only one man the Jews hate more than Christ
That looks surgical, you nitwit.
The Prophet Jesaja announced the coming of Jesus. There is solid evidence that the story was written down at the very least before 150 BC. Jesaja is part of the Jewish canon as well.
The Jews disregarded the words of the Prophet Jesaja, like they disregarded the words of the LORD that had been spoken unto them through other mouths. The LORD said time and time again that he would punish them.
How can you possibly be a Jew?
Mary was NOT a Jew. She might have been born as one, but she died a Christian.
Jesus was galilean, not jewish. These kikes don't even know their story. Jesus revolted against these despicable creatures for perfectly good reasons.
Hitler wasnt from middle east
The arcane piece of pizza knowledge refers to Little Caesar Pizza and the true identity of The Toga Wearing Figure, who eats pizza with a fork, like Donald Trump did in the original pizzagate of 2011
Once you have the answer to that and are able to disseminate the information... The very foundations of the world are shaken.
God is SOPHIA and the only true religion is Loving This God.... Philosophy.
This is why Philosophy is preparation for death. Did you know at the point of death, the largest amount of DMT is released by the brain? What do you think happens to those individuals who have calcified their pineal glands? How do you suppose they will garner spiritual momentum to cross the bridge?
Did it ever cross the mind of anyone, that certain elite groups are secretly trying to illuminate and free mankind from the Matrix which means womb... A mathematical womb.
Why are you all being pushed towards atheism, when the most profound and elite minds of the world so truly believe in God?
These are questions we must ask ourselves.
Do you suppose these politicians have been taken for a ride in an apocalyptical game conducted by creative beings?
I suppose we'll just have to wait and see!
ALSO: In the song of songs, the song of King Salomo, the two lovers described (allegories for Jesus and the faithful) are both described as having BLUE EYES.
lol still believing in religion topkek
Muslim conquests did contribute some mixture but not enough to change phenotype of these populations. The original Arabs were a small minority. The idea of some "mass browning" is for the most part overplayed. If you go to these countries,they all look as light as they ever have been. You also have religious minoroties like Christians who don't look too differerent from the Muslim population.
Calling Jesus a jew is like calling Martin Luther a catholic -- completely retarded. And this is coming from an atheist.
Meaning he was a follower of PLATO
Christianity is Platoism for the masses Nietzsche
Judaism is Homerism for the masses.
please mr, lecture me on my faith
I do not follow anything any pastor says while the current pope is still allowed to live
maybe christianity needs a reboot
>there's only one man the Jews hate more than Christ
protip Christ is Hitler
>Judaism is Homerism
FALSE. Read the old testament, it contains plenty of slave morality.
This is why Israel's courts are based on the Annunaki Bloodline aka
Ahkenhaten (Moses)
Ramasses (Solomon)
>durr jesus wuz arab
Do these faglords not know anything? The middle east was owned by greeks, Phoenicians, persians and romans all who weren't brown goatfuckers but whitish.
Jesus was the son of Caesar and relative of Plato.
They gained hyperdimensional illumination by way of the pyramids.
David's tree house, is in the tree of Knowledge.
At least he was never here illegally.
>and this is coming from an atheist
*tips fedora*
>american generic proddie lecturing on christianity
leave theology and go fuck your wife, apostate
Aaaaand Jesus also spoke out against those same jews and in fact is going to curse the lying thieving false jews in a bottomless pit for all eternity, soooo im not sure what hes trying to say here.
Why do you keep posting this. More, importantly, why does it keep getting 300 replies.
> >russian
> >my faith
This cuck is not even protestant.
The state of Roman Catholicism after 1945.
Jesus is clearly stated to be from the Galilee, which is in Israel. Israel was never white in any sense.
he spoke out against sin. his followers were still quite ethnically jewish at that point, except that they followed him.
also, hell is apocrypha and wrath is sin.
No Bartholomew tells us, Abaddon was with Jesus when he left Plato's cave.
shit, you're right
we have to do something about this bullshit McCatholicism
we should've never compromised with the liberals
Jesus was either the Sun or didnt exist at all
Jesus aka
Little Caesar (answer to Cicada3301)
Little Caesar known as
"Chosen of Ptah" (God of Architects and Craftsmen)
Carpenter is a mistranslation of the hebrew word tekton, which actually means Architect.
The Sun is The Light of Wisdom
Philo (to love)
Sophia (wisdom)
B-but they aren't Christian. Race is their religion.
Old Catholic Church is the true Church
And Jews killed him.
Christians get criticized for the old testament, which is literally is filled with the evils of the Jews that Christmas sought to quell.
Almost all of the population centers of Islam, we're majority Christian before the birth of Mohammed.
They were all converted by force, whereas they had once become Christian mostly by choice.
Islam is a death cult.
I'm an athiest, but I'd support the Christfags, or just about any other religion, over subversive jews and death cultist muslims.
ROME attempted to persecute him but he escaped to India.
As Mark Anthony's had taken over...
Et tu brute
>dark skinned
We are not Christian White Supremacists Nazi's
A whole new power level has been Achieved on Sup Forums
We have become Gnostic Anarchists.
This is written by Thomas Aquinas, as he draws parallels between Christ and The Peacock Angel, which we find as The Pheonix in China.
The Pheonix is "The Devil"
Little Nero fiddled while Rome burned
in Home Alone, the pizza delivery car says "no fiddlin" with a snake and a pillar
It's "Little Nero's"
Little Caesar, eats pizza with a fork...
So did Donald Trump in 2011 to much ado in the media...
That was no mistake.
It's all part of a script by the Illuminati...
Jesus was a prominent member of The Illuminati... The Annunaki Grail..
No the technology which built the pyramids and will end all wars has been created.
The United Nations has the Caesarion Seal...
A Laurel Crown.
666 is the number of man (carbon) before illumination.
It is the number of the pyramids which are represented by The Seal Of Solomon/Star Of David...
The aliens were always here.
Where's the argument?
Top Kek
Good. So that means all these light skinned hook nose jews we have running around today spreading degeneracy everywhere have nothing to do with God's real chosen people and it's perfectly okay to wipe them the fuck off the face of the planet.
Describe Mohammad's features for us too, please.
They always gotta have a problem with Jesus, don't they?
2,000 years later, and they're still butthurt. That is true power.
I'm a pagan, fuck Christianty
Dear white protestants,enjoy burning in hell for owing slaves.
Yours sincerely every Pope ever.
Life is a vapour, the flesh is as grass. He who does the Will of God lives forever.
There's a dump over at 8 ch .pl for lefistfurs. Showing them plotting.
That's funny, James Martin,SJW Pedo-Faggot, all of your depictions of YOUR savior are white.
Jesus was a blue eyed, blonde haired, white man from Texas. Jesus went into the original Shlomo Goldsteins office and flipped the jews tables over. Then, he went into the Jewish high priests synogogues and told them they were fags.