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OP put so much work and thought into this
Have a bump you little stupid bitch faggot
Kll wh*itey
Kek. Nice one OP
This gave me a hearty guffaw.
I love these fucking memes
I can count the number of times I've laughed at this meme on one land. This was one of them. Thank you, OP.
Also it's 14 not 13
The sad thing? Its entirely true.
post examples
Damn I swear you guys pump out memes before the bodies are even cold.
The absolute state of butthurt
best part of Sup Forums
Wtf you mean? Go send some positive feelings to Barcelona. Remember #notallmuslims.
someone should post this on reddit. i want to see their reaction
>never takes eye off the Niger
Every damn time
Well the virgin incident caused more hysteria than terror attack des u
>inb4 white supremacist does another van attack at a libtard rally and kills a nigger thus making this shitty meme obsolete
>Someone using this meme correctly
Better than the retards who use chad to mean thing I like and virgin thing I dislike.
captchs: eyre seafood
>Being scared into running over one person is a Chad thing to do
Ha ha fucking what?
this one is hilarious
I love these memes.
It doesn't work when the chad did/does worse than the virgin.
fucking gold
Now this is next level autism
The left vilifies white supremacists for the actions of a white supremacist terrorist. The other side vilifies ALL muslims for the actions of a muslim terrorist. See the difference?
>vilify x for actions of x terrorist
You trying to pull a fast one here?
The stg44 was way better than the ppsh
If you vilified islamic state for the actions of an islamic state terrorist, no one would give a fuck because it's well deserved. But when you start blaming people who had nothing to do with, well we all saw how that felt last weekend when all you fucks got grouped in with the nazi larpers.
Actually yeah, a rogue White Supremacist can kill 1 or 2 people, a rogue Muslim can kill 50.
Everyone hates Islam, for they have earned it well indeed. Grow up and get over it. Stop felching the media. They're all pedophiles, cuckolds, and pegees anyways. They live in gated communities because they hate Islam, too. They know it would kill them if it caught them.
Trump is a Virgin LARPing as a Chad.
These are getting avant-garde
>reddit flag
swede, cuckman, leaf, poo, or UKuck?
>can't even beat some dirty muzzies
So much for MUH SUPERIOR RACE huh
Killing one person with your car is an accident
Going full muzzie and stabbing a few dozen people = terrorism
My fucking sides, we've reached peak memery
that´s an mp40 tho
Chad can only be white. Their is no such thing as a black guy with blonde hair. The guy in your pick looks disgusting.
Whoa this is brilliant
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities--Voltaire
OP literally stole a meme, switched the titles and made the rest worse, a total faggot. Sad!
The Virgin Voltaire
The Chad Twain
it really looks like a fucking face
Vigin accident and Chad terrorism
Never thought I'd see S2J on Sup Forums
oh no what would niggers do without their culture? oh...
Most Americans whites are WASP or Germans, they are related both genetically and culturally, also other whites have integrated in WASP American society without much problems mostly
i agree. we should send the niggers back to apefrica so they can celebrate their culture there. with no white people.
holy shit pol btfo
This is amazing.
>federal reserve printing bitcoin
what is funny is that China actually kind of does that
fucking hell
that chad shit is the shittiest meme of the year
It's disturbing how accurate this meme is
>white male car """ attack"""/1dead
Worldwide coverage
>Muslim coordinated mass vehicular attack/10+dead
News for about 24hs tops
actually that makes a lot of sense
>40 year old boomer
I don't think you understand the term "baby boomer"
Buttmad virgin detected
Oh lawd
>First paragraph: I learned that Africans never keep a promise...
All credibility has been lost, as if a meme has any credibility at all.
Go jerk off in your bowl of Lucky Spunk and lap it up with your shit tier memes.
>facts and statistics are raysiss
Go ask an Irishman
>nigger culture isn't garbage
But 5'11 children, in 10 years fucking 6'7 Chad
>the virgin reply
Chad use big vehicles over fancy cars.
If humanity survives, future historians will have no chance at understanding our age.
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